Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

Bug with the counting of puzzles by region
I have a bug with the counting of puzzles by region.
Let me explain when I solve a puzzle for example a pair of boxes I receive the mastery points and my level increases but the number associated with this type of puzzle per region remains blocked and therefore I cannot unlock for example the echoes of time, the mirabilis....
I have had this bug since last night and I reported it to the devs (no response yet)
Last edited by lapinkiller45 <<AD>>; Mar 16 @ 6:34am
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󠀡 Mar 16 @ 6:54am 
It's not a bug, it's a misconception, as I was using it as a puzzle tracker to see how many puzzles I had access to on a given day/session, but not what it's showing

Unfortunately, the counter only represents the unique puzzle that you have solved before, if you had previously solved it, the number won't go up, there currently isn't a puzzle tracker of any kind to keep track of how many puzzles of said type are in a given region on a specific day, it's only vague, because some puzzle types linger even after new ones have arrived, which don't help using it as a puzzle count either, so if the number doesn't go up, it means you've solved it before, but you still get the mastery & sparks for completing it, just you'll need to find the ones you didn't before it ticks up on the counter, so when the daily timer resets for new puzzles to spawn, it can spawn puzzles you have already completed as well

I had also added as a suggestion that they add such a feature to show how many puzzles are available in each given region of said types, stating it'd be aimless wandering looking for possible puzzles that may or may not exist for any given puzzle type if one would want to focus on a specific puzzle type, the feature would then help said user

Good Luck & Have Fun :smiling:
I'm not sure we speek about the same thing.
On this picture (that is not mine) : , where there is 230/294 313/434 .... that are the puzzle counters that remains stuck. But that not happens all the time.
󠀡 Mar 16 @ 10:28am 
They change dependent on the same just total overall puzzles of each type, I was more speaking individually, but remains the same issue, just as you stated as a whole total amount per puzzle group, it only tracks what puzzles you have completed uniquely, if you've done them on a previous day, it remains tracked if it comes up as the daily timer resets to add new puzzles, some of those puzzles may be ones you have completed, so ones you have yet to do, completing those will tick up, but ones you have completed but do again, don't tick it up
Originally posted by 󠀡󠀡:
They change dependent on the same just total overall puzzles of each type, I was more speaking individually, but remains the same issue, just as you stated as a whole total amount per puzzle group, it only tracks what puzzles you have completed uniquely, if you've done them on a previous day, it remains tracked if it comes up as the daily timer resets to add new puzzles, some of those puzzles may be ones you have completed, so ones you have yet to do, completing those will tick up, but ones you have completed but do again, don't tick it up

ok, thank you! But how I know I have already done a puzzle, like an hidden archway ? I supposed that when I discovered an invisible archway that means I haven't solved yet, but if I understand well what you said, I can have already solved an archway even if it is invisible (sorry for my bad english)
Last edited by lapinkiller45 <<AD>>; Mar 16 @ 10:34am
󠀡 Mar 16 @ 11:15am 
That's the confusion currently, people have suggested other features regarding it, as I have recently, so hopefully in the future, we'll get a solution to it

What I suggested is 3 parts, we can see what we see now, but only for an Encyclopedia Page, in which I feel that's the best place for what we see currently, then we can see the total number of puzzles available in the current region & per puzzle type without it overlapping with the unique puzzles we have completed, 3rd part being able to be directed towards a puzzle within a certain range, for those that want to complete all puzzles in a region, but can't find them
Originally posted by 󠀡󠀡:
That's the confusion currently, people have suggested other features regarding it, as I have recently, so hopefully in the future, we'll get a solution to it

What I suggested is 3 parts, we can see what we see now, but only for an Encyclopedia Page, in which I feel that's the best place for what we see currently, then we can see the total number of puzzles available in the current region & per puzzle type without it overlapping with the unique puzzles we have completed, 3rd part being able to be directed towards a puzzle within a certain range, for those that want to complete all puzzles in a region, but can't find them

Thank you so much for your answer, and your time !
We need definitively more communication of dev about known bugs even if they don't work on it yet, issue but not bug ...
"we can see the total number of puzzles available in the current region & per puzzle type without it overlapping with the unique puzzles we have completed"

isnt that already in the game? Like, if in a world, you see "today" have 40 / 60 logic grids solved, that mean among the currently spawned logic grids, you already solved 40 (without telling you which ones, or their random location), and there is 20 new puzzles for you to solve. "All time" keep track of the world's own puzzle data, like all logic grids that might eventually spawn. Depending if this puzzle rotation is completely random (meaning you might spend weeks without getting a new puzzle), or have a puzzl cycle (that allows seeing new puzzles frequently), getting near 100% can be very tedious (and hard for certain puzzle types, like hidden objects)

"3rd part being able to be directed towards a puzzle within a certain range, for those that want to complete all puzzles in a region, but can't find them"

i think i will precise the suggestion. The general idea is to give players a hint to the location of the nearest unsolved puzzle in the current world.
- when you open the map, you can select a puzzle type you are looking for (ex; logic grids)
- by spending a foresight charge, the game will search for the nearest new puzzle in your current world (or enclave), then show you a circle on the map, where you can find a new puzzle. Note that it's not necessarely at the center of the circle
- this hint will ignore all puzzles from different worlds (ex: you are in world 1, close to world 2's border. The hint might show you a puzzle at the bottom of world 1, but not those in world 2), and the other puzzle types
- the circle is permanent (no time limit). The circle only vanish if you solve the puzzle, use a new map hint (that may hint to the same puzzle or not), or close the game)
- the map hint only give a general location. However, it can be on the ground, or far in the air (especially hidden rings, or areas with tall structures)

puzzle specifics:
- matchboxes: the hint will cover the location of both boxes. However, it doesnt mean the location you have to be to link the box is inside the circle (but will very often be, or very close to the circle)
- light motif: the hint will have the whole motif itself inside the circle, but not necessarely where you must be standing to complete the motif (although at worse, it will be very close to the circle)
- flow orbs: the hint will hightlight a group of flow orb. If the flow orb course have 10 orbs, all 10 orbs will be inside the circle. It is still up to you to plan a path
- sightseer: the hint only show the location of the starting len, not what is the len's target.
- glide ring: the hint only show the starting point, but not the rings locations.
- in enclaves: have the option to search for skydrops or the gold rings.
- skydrop in enclaves: the hint will show you a general location of where you should be standing, not the position of the floating orbs (which might stretch very far, resulting in a giant and useless hint if the hint circle focused on the orbs)
- likely a bug: some worlds doesnt show all the availible puzzle types in the map (ex: crystal labyrinth in world 4)
Syndic May 6 @ 5:20pm 
I have been also posting a bit on trying to get some "tracking" of puzzles.

I would like to see some permanence myself around puzzles. If it is a logic puzzle that just spawned and I have done it before have the dots/stars appear filled. Arches are revealed etc.
This could be toggled on/off for those days where you just want to wander and solve, or focus on new.

I hadn't thought to use the foresight to show hints in world, but that sounds like an awesome idea. I think it could even be press "h" and an arrow appears in the world pointing in the direction of the closest unsolved puzzle.

For those who like doing puzzles over and over I still believe this should still be optional.
A great way to do this is make them upgrades to buy, they can even be really expensive as you want need them for sometime.
Originally posted by 󠀡:
It's not a bug, it's a misconception
Well it's easy to misconceive something when it's designed in an absurdly confusing way.
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