Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

4 orb underclued grid has wrong solution
I was doing a 4 orb puzzle in the area just before entering the shattered library. The puzzle was a 9x7, with a gray letter "A" on 1,1; a white "7" on 5,3; and a gray letter "B" on 6,5. Rules: Underclued, Connect all light cells, Exactly one symbol per dark area, Exactly one symbol per light area. Area Numbers, and Letters sorted. The solution involves highlighting the top right, bottom left, and bottom right in black, and making the letter A black, which makes sense, except that the puzzle is exactly 7 in height, and could instead be bisected by the 7 cells that the number 7 makes up, meaning the middle should be unknown as well.
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Rushin Jul 7 @ 2:23am 
...just take a screenshot next time :) such text description is a nightmare to follow.

Thankfully I know exactly which puzzle you mean. It's this one[]. And yeah, it's one of (very few) known puzzles that are botched.
Ceveno Jul 7 @ 4:17am 
Oh, I should have thought of that, thank you!
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