Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

"You may experience some system instability when altering these settings. Consider selecting the LOW graphics preset." and Other Fun Times
The message appears at the start of the game before I've altered any settings. Switching to the LOW preset has done nothing since I get the same errors.
The game often and suddenly reverts back to the main menu after solving a puzzle, forcing me to load back into the game.
Any thoughts?
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Rushin Jul 5 @ 3:11am 
Regarding your second question - unless you were kicked for being afk, which I assume wasn't the case, then it was a server crash. You didn't get booted out after solving a puzzle - the whole server actually crashed several minutes ago and your game finally gave up on re-establishing the connection. Everybody was booted out. This happens from time to time and we can only hope they improve things in the upcoming patch in a couple days.

As for the first question - not much clue. I'd try backuping and deleting the config file and see if it keeps happening anyway. Please look up the config file location, I'm on my phone atm, it's a standard UE4 path however.
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