Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

Sudden FPS Drop on the Island "Dyads in the Mist"
My FPS drops greatly when I stand in the pavilion (in the pool besides the "Enclave" on the island "Dyads in the Mist") or look at it from a nearby location.
(This pavilion is in front of you when you land straight after you traveled to this island using the "Enclave".)

The nearer I am to the pavilion, the lower my FPS is, and it can drop to a totally unplayable FPS (around 5 FPS. my normal FPS is around 45). When I'm far away from the pavilion or look away from it, my FPS is then back to normal.

Setting graphics to low just increases FPS, but doesn't prevent the huge FPS drop.
I think this may be caused by rendering some object or textures in or near the pavilion. So when moving away from it, the resolution of the textures are decreased and rendering them take less resource.
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My game just crashed and I restarted it. Now my FPS is not that low when I look at the pavilion, but it still drops around 20 FPS.
Then I used AUTO-DETECT to adjust my graphics setting, now the FPS is much stabler. So I guess the FPS drop is indeed caused by some textures and other game defect that a restart solves.:steamfacepalm:
It seems like this issue appears occasionally, so restart game regularly is recommended.
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