Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

New puzzles every time i enter the game?
Hey, can anyone tell me how it works? I played it two days in row. First day i made it to the first island after tutorial and quit in some place after completing few puzzles. Then another day i joined the game and the puzzles i solved were no there, but there were many new puzzles. Still count of finished puzzles on map is ok and it tells me i finished few. So how it works? I thougth i can finish all puzzles on given location, but it looks more like "finish given amount of puzzles in given location to finish quest, but they will still be generated anew every day". Can anyone explain me the system?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
󠀡 Jul 5 @ 3:49am 
Normally I format, but I just woke up, hope this helps

Every Region resets are different, as well as the puzzles reset on a 24 hour basis, but they reset separately by type of puzzles, ex. Matchboxes may reset in 12 hours, while logic puzzles may reset in 16 hours, so each type of puzzle in every region are on a different reset cycle

I'm unsure if it's randomly generated each day or if it's on a predetermined cycle over a week/month period

You can check the map screen, at the top, clicking one of the sub-category of puzzles, then hovering over a puzzle type at the bottom of the sub-category, it will show you when the puzzle of that type will reset as well as the amount of puzzles already solved, then the total amount solved of all time, you can ignore the "solved today" already solved, I'll explain that

The number that is already ticked up as "solved today", it just means you have completed some of the puzzles prior on a different day, but there is no easy way to track puzzles, so people get confused as to why it's tracked this way

But the total number in "solved today" is the total number of puzzles on a given reset/day are available for you to solve, even if you had completed them before, you can still do them again & you'll get the sparks & mastery xp for them, just you won't know if you completed it before or not

If you already complete a puzzle you completed prior, the total amount "solved today" won't go up, it will remain the same number, but if you completed a new puzzle of the type, that's when the tracker will go up where it says "total solved", that's when you know you did a puzzle you haven't completed yet

The developers have yet to implement a feature to help with tracking new puzzles you have yet to complete, which would help completionists but for now, it's just a mess

My Favorite Person on Steam, Just Don't Tell Anyone

Good Luck & Have Fun :smiling:
Nico Jul 6 @ 1:57am 
Regions are meant to be replayable, check enclaves if you want something to complete
Yeah it doesn't make sense. There's this user spamming around some sort of explanation on how it makes sense for a game with a tracker to be so hard to be tracked, but reality is: dev just ♥♥♥♥** up the design big time. Just go around and solve puzzles, don't try to make a sense out of this mess.
Last edited by The A.W.G.; Jul 6 @ 6:02am
Originally posted by 󠀡:
Normally I format, but I just woke up, hope this helps

Every Region resets are different, as well as the puzzles reset on a 24 hour basis, but they reset separately by type of puzzles, ex. Matchboxes may reset in 12 hours, while logic puzzles may reset in 16 hours, so each type of puzzle in every region are on a different reset cycle

I'm unsure if it's randomly generated each day or if it's on a predetermined cycle over a week/month period

You can check the map screen, at the top, clicking one of the sub-category of puzzles, then hovering over a puzzle type at the bottom of the sub-category, it will show you when the puzzle of that type will reset as well as the amount of puzzles already solved, then the total amount solved of all time, you can ignore the "solved today" already solved, I'll explain that

The number that is already ticked up as "solved today", it just means you have completed some of the puzzles prior on a different day, but there is no easy way to track puzzles, so people get confused as to why it's tracked this way

But the total number in "solved today" is the total number of puzzles on a given reset/day are available for you to solve, even if you had completed them before, you can still do them again & you'll get the sparks & mastery xp for them, just you won't know if you completed it before or not

If you already complete a puzzle you completed prior, the total amount "solved today" won't go up, it will remain the same number, but if you completed a new puzzle of the type, that's when the tracker will go up where it says "total solved", that's when you know you did a puzzle you haven't completed yet

The developers have yet to implement a feature to help with tracking new puzzles you have yet to complete, which would help completionists but for now, it's just a mess

My Favorite Person on Steam, Just Don't Tell Anyone

Good Luck & Have Fun :smiling:
thank you for this long explanation! <3
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