Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

What does "new puzzles in" and "solved today" mean?
So I'm trying to understand how everything works. For example, in Verdant Glen there is a grand total of 452 puzzles (274 matchbox, 76 light motif, 50 sightseer, 52 sentinel stones).

Now, the game keep tracks of what I already solved, eg 13 matchbox out of 274. OK.

But then it says I solved 11 matchbox out 42 today. What does it mean?

Also, it says "new puzzles in 4 hours". Are new puzzles added everyday??
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󠀡 Jul 2 @ 2:23am 
Tracking Confusion?
It only keeps track of what Unique Puzzles of said type you have solved, yet there is NO TRACKING for locating Unique Puzzles you have NOT Completed yet, while the total number available for said region still remains as the high number, the number that's already ticked are the puzzle of said type that you've completed of that type in the region before

For example, Matchboxes it won't be by it's symbol, it'll be by it's location to solve it, if you remember the exact two Matchboxes you have solved, that will automatically be ticked if it appears again on any given day as completed in your tracker, you can still do it again, but the tracker won't tick up because it's already ticked prior to having completed it

Many have suggested such tracking for completionists, but they have yet to implement such a feature

Puzzle Reset
Puzzles do reset every 24 hours but for Puzzle Resets, it's per region & per type, they all don't reset at the same time, each category is on a set interval to reset rather than all at once, if you hover over the tracker portion, it tells you the hourly timer when it will reset

Another Old Relevant Topic Here

Originally posted by 󠀡:
It's not a bug, it's a misconception, as I was using it as a puzzle tracker to see how many puzzles I had access to on a given day/session, but not what it's showing

Unfortunately, the counter only represents the unique puzzle that you have solved before, if you had previously solved it, the number won't go up, there currently isn't a puzzle tracker of any kind to keep track of how many puzzles of said type are in a given region on a specific day, it's only vague, because some puzzle types linger even after new ones have arrived, which don't help using it as a puzzle count either, so if the number doesn't go up, it means you've solved it before, but you still get the mastery & sparks for completing it, just you'll need to find the ones you didn't before it ticks up on the counter, so when the daily timer resets for new puzzles to spawn, it can spawn puzzles you have already completed as well

I had also added as a suggestion that they add such a feature to show how many puzzles are available in each given region of said types, stating it'd be aimless wandering looking for possible puzzles that may or may not exist for any given puzzle type if one would want to focus on a specific puzzle type, the feature would then help said user

Good Luck & Have Fun :smiling:

My Favorite Person on Steam, Just Don't Tell Anyone

Good Luck & Have Fun :smiling:
Flint Jul 2 @ 6:35am 
A baffling decision, really. They've added trackers and progress counters as if you can work towards 100% of an area, but the ground shifts beneath your feet every day and confuses you about what you've completed.
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