As July is here. The first card up in this wild theme is Hydra Bob. Didn't even know who he was as Deadpool's loonie Sidekick even takes center stage. I always thought it was the hysterical Dopinder from the films but I digress. I guess sidekicks for Deadpool don't end up well. Short Job, anyway....

JUL 9th-16th as this month blazes in.

Again I warn not to go beyond 1-KEY as I always advice you should be stacking you keys to a minimum of 3-4 or higher. It is wise to let things settle before rushing in. This tread is to have a civil discussion on the cards. Stay on point please.

HYDRA BOB-Weird mechanic that a game may only have two snaps, so this won't be moving much and outside of a force move no real substantial benefit in that it will be a two power deficit over most 1-costs that simply won't hold up. I could have seen the benefit if this had a purpose outside of adding 4 power to a lane. However, with some power increase themes and power increase deck structure. This could be higher than four with Gwen and company entering the game. Cards like Chavez, Okoye, Phastos, Gwen, Marvel Boy others now this could become a 1/7-//9, that you will have to pay attention to late, but two issues. So can other 1-costs and this really has no benefit to move. It does not have the drawbacks that Maw, Martyr, and Titania, but very bland.
Base card by E. Mello.

Always subject to change, but if it stays as is.

NEBULA-One of my favorite on curve dangerous 1-costs which I will put up against most 1-costs including Hydra Bob in any solid deck construct. The Force card that you cannot ignore is dangerous. Ranked 23rd, high usage, outside of Sunspot, one of the most used cards in snap. She is that good and a great catch for new players to grab.
Good win/rate avg at 55.7% and solid cube share. You can do a lot worse than grabbing Nebula. She is flexible, can hurt you in a lane and can twist your game plan in a second. She is not without drawbacks, for one, the base is use to her and as all these new cards enter the game, she will be challenged to compete. Meta decks simply are disregarding that 1-cost to their builds, but a great catch. A new variant by Sweeny Boo if you have her.

GALACTUS- I always say players adjust to changes. Galactus was never a win/rate drawn card. He is a win/rate play card. Huge difference. You must always be aware of his potential killer ability, always. He has moved up to 125th rank from the depths they keep altering to kill off and a very volatile card when his effect takes place. When he is played. He is a solid 57.9% win rate, not as strong as other big bads, but dangerous if you are unprepared. He is a one trick killer in conquest. He will work once before you opposing player stymies his effect, but meta players can set him up to deadly results. As more new cards come that not only can work with him but buff up that power to insure his deadly effect. A fine card to get if you don't have him to try. He may even get stronger as these new archetypes come in like "activate" and others come in the game. He used to be much worse with simply an On Reveal destroy everything mechanic, now more situational, that may change with things to come. One of the more divisive cards created. A new variant by Ron Garney.

Like Makkari, a skip for me, but I usually make a 1-key try only because have plenty of keys to do that, but one you may have to think carefully on attempting. This spotlight is solid for those who don't have any of these cards. Nebula and Galactus are not bad gets for sure. You do you gang.

Have a great week my comrades. Enjoy your Snapping. Happy Discussion. Cheers :dwarven:
Last edited by kingts; Jul 4 @ 8:30am
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Taweret Jul 4 @ 3:22am 
hydra bob mechanic is interesting, since its first activate ability card to have, as you can activate it with snap. but not gonna lie im here more for nebula and galactus.
galactus looks like one of most satisfying cards to play if it works.
Last edited by Taweret; Jul 4 @ 3:23am
I assume he moves randomly, which SUCKS. Worse than Miek on release, and he could grow. 1/4 is not good enough and dies to KM. None of the cards this month interest me. Cassandra Nova was the only good one, but they removed her from Spotlight. Skipping all month.
Last edited by Dr.Gloom; Jul 4 @ 4:00am
A really weak card. Probably unplayable even if we ever get a good Kraven deck.

Nebula is a very good card to have, but there surely must be better caches coming.
Gilmore Jul 5 @ 8:11am 
Originally posted by Taweret:
galactus looks like one of most satisfying cards to play if it works.

Galactus was fun before they nerfed him to the ground.

Now good luck pulling him off in 1 in 5 matches. The current meta decks are too oppressive.
Yeah I am skipping this one, do not like this card
killmonger laughing hard
seems just kinda boring tbh. a low cost, high power card that moves sometimes? seen that one before.
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