Hela wording broken
She says, resurrect all cards YOU discarded to random locations.

I milled discarded the enemy player's hand by 4 cards and Hela brought them all back.

It needs to say, resurrect all your discarded cards or actually have it so she CANNOT bring back cards that were mill discarded.
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it's very obvious how it works ngl
Discard is discard, no matter the reason. I'm not sure what you mean by mill discard, can you explain this a bit?
If I force you to discard and you use Hela, her wording says that she can only bring back the cards YOU discard not cards that I made you discard. Also she shouldn't be allowed to bring back a card from locations like Sokovia either. Her wording does not match up with what she does. She brings back anything discarded when she says YOU discarded.
This isn't Hela's problem, it's Moon Knight and Black Bolt's lack of wording. There is the wording "discard your opponent's card." Which is a little illogical because how can you discard something you don’t have. And the newer card, Silver Samurai, already has the correct wording “each player discards a card.”
Then I guess a wording update is needed for discard like they have been updating their other wording recently. I guess if they did it the other way I have been saying it would be a nerf on her, I guess it would nerf apoc too. I do rather like that as a nerf, just 2 discard decks going at each other, duking it out.
Originally posted by Vysencorothos:
If I force you to discard and you use Hela, her wording says that she can only bring back the cards YOU discard not cards that I made you discard. Also she shouldn't be allowed to bring back a card from locations like Sokovia either. Her wording does not match up with what she does. She brings back anything discarded when she says YOU discarded.

If you make me discard a card, then Hela should bring it back, since I discarded it. Sokovia wording is unclear, it should be the same as on Silver Samurai. As unlimitedskyuran said, I should be the only one able to discard a card from my hand. Maybe they should also add the word random to make it completely clear.
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