Call of Duty®

Call of Duty®

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Just don't even try to play this game in MnK, I have been playing this PTSD ensuring game for a while now, the devs don't care about MnK input.
Controller POS are everywhere with their RAA and also the SBMM BS, if you are even slightly good you're done for.
And the ones that play on PC with controllers, TRAITORS.
"Can't aim, need assistance to aim"
Y'all need landholding that much huh.
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Showing 1-15 of 58 comments
This game is a autoguided hardlock aimbot babysit simulator:

-Beamed through smoke and visual clutter
-Beamed tac-sliding through doorways or jumping from height
-Beamed through awkward and tight angles
-Dropshotting/Jumping Beans,
-Sprint Jumping around corners so their rotational hardlock aimbot will engage you
before you can even react
-TTK increase makes controller aimbot even more powerful with how long you need to stay on target
-Snipers now also have aim assist, you will die 99.9% of the time walking out of an angle that a sniper player is watching because they now also have rotational aimbot with scopes
-The absolute horrible weapon balance, not a single usable MW2 weapon, and get decimated by the new season weapon every time
-Consoles, now in 4K 120hz on a 50" screen with an open mic
-People plugging in a controller on their 240hz monitor, on a PC... a platform where you are supposed to find your own niche with access to thousands of different peripherals

It is physically and mentally exhausting to try and play against these built in, 0ms rotational aimbot robots that play this game, they dont need any warmup, there is ZERO room for error, if you do not break line their aimbot of sight in time you will get demolished

I am 12+ years on mnk and can hold my own in shooters, but I find myself scratching my head after every warzone game how I am getting rocked by a dude that looks like he has the gamesense of a peanut

These guys have had this new age aimbot since mw19, and its only going to get stronger
Last edited by Dizzyfatpigeon; Jul 2 @ 2:24am
nrod125 Jun 30 @ 3:22pm 
Yea - kinda sad to be a MNK player nowadays.
Pure & Rustic Jun 30 @ 3:26pm 
Skilll issue...

Never had any issue against controller players since I first met them in MW 2019...

Crybabies have I met since muy first cod... cod2 for me...
I have said for years now that controllers are far superior despite all the console noobs crying about silly ♥♥♥♥ like FPS or FOV sliders.
They now have high framerates, fov sliders and good graphics and all the ♥♥♥♥ they cried about not having.
Even before that aim assist was an actual cheat code and now more than ever Activision proves they actively work against PC players. You cannot even disable cross play if you play on PC. The amount of BS deaths I receive because some incompetent noob made an impossible shot to kill me is staggering. I die despite not being visible, moving quickly, no matter how I move or aim if the game wants me to die I will die. The killcam then proceeds to show some kid that shoots the wall, until the aim assist sticks to my head for 3-4 shots and then he proceeds to shoot the floor after I die. If that is not video evidence of how strong aim assist is, then gravity is a lie.
nrod125 Jun 30 @ 3:43pm 
Originally posted by Pure & Rustic:
Skilll issue...

Never had any issue against controller players since I first met them in MW 2019...

Crybabies have I met since muy first cod... cod2 for me...

Oh looky - its the first troll. Thats a surprise.

So anyway - couple this problem w/ the packet bursts, fps drops, and server disconnecting the past few weeks has really made this game unplayable. Just sad because up to about a month ago - game was pretty fun to play.
I play on M&K just fine.
Rhila Jun 30 @ 8:15pm 
Activision is terrible company and they don't care about their player base, do you know why? because every time they release a game they sell millions copies to the same people who are complaining for years but still buying their games.

they can add an option for input based matchmaking just like many other games and end all this complaining but they don't care.
Last edited by Rhila; Jun 30 @ 8:17pm
123 Jun 30 @ 10:45pm 
I'm diamond on MnK it just takes some extreme sweating. One thing is for sure, my FPS skill has dramatically increased dealing with this bs on a daily. And I feel bad for everyone that switched to a controller because your aim skill did the opposite. It will be very obvious on the next game that doesnt cater to terminator levels of aim assist, as these players will struggle to hit anything
123 Jun 30 @ 10:49pm 
Originally posted by nrod125:
Originally posted by Pure & Rustic:
Skilll issue...

Never had any issue against controller players since I first met them in MW 2019...

Crybabies have I met since muy first cod... cod2 for me...

Oh looky - its the first troll. Thats a surprise.

So anyway - couple this problem w/ the packet bursts, fps drops, and server disconnecting the past few weeks has really made this game unplayable. Just sad because up to about a month ago - game was pretty fun to play.
Lol hes either lying his ass off or hes in the bottom of the barrel matchmaking tier.
It only takes one look at competitive play to see which input is dominating, this guy is full of crap if I'm not mistaken
It hits more when a controller player of level 30 something kills a MnK player that has been playing 1000+ hrs.
And I don't think BO6 is gonna change anything, its really sad for us that COD is not fair to MnK, pre MW2019 if you were good with MnK it at least meant that you are good at the game but now cant even compete with these aim assist babys.
Pitty Jul 1 @ 6:26am 
Originally posted by Pure & Rustic:
Skilll issue...

Never had any issue against controller players since I first met them in MW 2019...

Crybabies have I met since muy first cod... cod2 for me...
Skill issue the typical argument when you have no valid counter arguments.
Jez Jul 1 @ 6:39am 
steering wheel is the best way no ? !
Kaiser Jul 1 @ 10:13am 
Why do accessories exist if everything is the same with the control?
To be fair: A lot of these encounters are script kiddies who cheat with no recoil, walls and softaim. People like to pretend it can't work on console, but just 2 weeks ago PS5 and XBOX cheats were exposed all over youtube.

You can also hook your console up to a PC.

I use MNK and what bothers me more is the EOMM or whatever the hell happens to throw my aim off. I can shoot for 30 mins in any other game or shooting range and hit all my shots and control the recoil while moving. As soon as I go online, after 2-3 good rounds my aim just becomes aggressively bouncy. I tend to notice it more because I play with 21 sensitivity and fairly high DP. My movement is minimal.

Also the game often doesn't recognize slide inputs in critical moments, or I simply knife through people. I'm not talking about an equal exchange, but I stand behind someone and knife them twice without them noticing or dying. No packet loss either, just straight up manipulation.

If that bs was gone and most of the cheaters dealt with, then it would be the best COD in a looong time.
Last edited by LetM3WorK; Jul 1 @ 11:39am
nrod125 Jul 1 @ 12:07pm 
Originally posted by Pitty:
Originally posted by Pure & Rustic:
Skilll issue...

Never had any issue against controller players since I first met them in MW 2019...

Crybabies have I met since muy first cod... cod2 for me...
Skill issue the typical argument when you have no valid counter arguments.

^^^^ This.
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