Final Stardust: Cosmic Nexus

Final Stardust: Cosmic Nexus

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Error when playing Dark Fusion Hakkaryo
When i played Dark Fusion Hakkaryo, i got the following error:

Error: InvalidOperationException: Stack empty.
System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1[T].Peek () (at <75633565436c42f0a6426b33f0132ade>:0)
FS.Utilities.StateMachine`1[T].PopState () (at <fd73f5a7aab74b7d8bcadd392142052c>:0)
FS.Battle.States.PlanoEffectState+<TriggerZodiacSignEffect>d__23.MoveNext () (at <fd73f5a7aab74b7d8bcadd392142052c>:0)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <684fd32169ff40798327c75e99cfb4f0>:0)

I fusioned him onto a Ryostyx, triggering his ability to use the rival's ability for itself. The rival at this point was a Hakkapriro.
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NourSaiFR  [developer] Jul 3 @ 10:10am 
Originally posted by Voidmaster:
When i played Dark Fusion Hakkaryo, i got the following error:

Error: InvalidOperationException: Stack empty.
System.Collections.Generic.Stack`1[T].Peek () (at <75633565436c42f0a6426b33f0132ade>:0)
FS.Utilities.StateMachine`1[T].PopState () (at <fd73f5a7aab74b7d8bcadd392142052c>:0)
FS.Battle.States.PlanoEffectState+<TriggerZodiacSignEffect>d__23.MoveNext () (at <fd73f5a7aab74b7d8bcadd392142052c>:0)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <684fd32169ff40798327c75e99cfb4f0>:0)

I fusioned him onto a Ryostyx, triggering his ability to use the rival's ability for itself. The rival at this point was a Hakkapriro.

Thanks for sharing. I will take a look and try to push a fix in the next patch.
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