

Yogi Jun 26 @ 10:53pm
is there much combat?
im looking for a new colony sim game this one looks pretty in depth
but theres no combat or im missing something?
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Finjachan Jun 26 @ 11:06pm 
No Combat (won't be added unless with mods)

You do have a brawl Option in the Events, but No weapons and No death. ("Fist Fight until unconcious")

Also for more information on that...there are enough Post about the absence of Combat already Here please try to Look those Up next time
Last edited by Finjachan; Jun 26 @ 11:06pm
Yogi Jun 27 @ 1:13am 
nah il make a post
Originally posted by Yogi:
nah il make a post
So, looks like it is good that this game, without combat, is not for you.
With this level of finding things out yourself, my guess is that you would not read tutorial either.
Nor read any of the questions AND answers that have already been done several times.

So thank you for saving us the need to read numerous false bug reports that would all be due just player not bothering to learn the game :)
Originally posted by miauukisu:
Originally posted by Yogi:
nah il make a post
So, looks like it is good that this game, without combat, is not for you.
With this level of finding things out yourself, my guess is that you would not read tutorial either.
Nor read any of the questions AND answers that have already been done several times.

So thank you for saving us the need to read numerous false bug reports that would all be due just player not bothering to learn the game :)

Dont really get why always People on the Steam Forums act so toxic.
He asked a question, if you dont like to answer, don't. I dont get the schooling in every second Answer provided.
Really this gets me way more annoyed with the community than the questions.
Originally posted by . -.-. .-.. .. .--. ... .:
Originally posted by miauukisu:
So, looks like it is good that this game, without combat, is not for you.
With this level of finding things out yourself, my guess is that you would not read tutorial either.
Nor read any of the questions AND answers that have already been done several times.

So thank you for saving us the need to read numerous false bug reports that would all be due just player not bothering to learn the game :)

Dont really get why always People on the Steam Forums act so toxic.
He asked a question, if you dont like to answer, don't. I dont get the schooling in every second Answer provided.
Really this gets me way more annoyed with the community than the questions.

I don't think it's toxic. People are just exasperated that the same thing comes up over and over again - sometimes even on the same day - that scrolling down a few posts would have answered their question.

The real irony is the people asking the question somehow think 'mah combat' (ie, making a killbox to recruit the cream of the crop and makes increasing your pawn count as easy as pie) somehow equates to 'challenge'. It's ridiculous and tiresome.
Originally posted by Sneaky_Koala:
Originally posted by . -.-. .-.. .. .--. ... .:

Dont really get why always People on the Steam Forums act so toxic.
He asked a question, if you dont like to answer, don't. I dont get the schooling in every second Answer provided.
Really this gets me way more annoyed with the community than the questions.

I don't think it's toxic. People are just exasperated that the same thing comes up over and over again - sometimes even on the same day - that scrolling down a few posts would have answered their question.

The real irony is the people asking the question somehow think 'mah combat' (ie, making a killbox to recruit the cream of the crop and makes increasing your pawn count as easy as pie) somehow equates to 'challenge'. It's ridiculous and tiresome.

Yeah, so i dont get why acting so snobby instead of not reacting at all? What is your benefit for beeing a J*rk to someone who asked a Question?
Answer the Question or don't. No need to be like "With this level of finding things out yourself, my guess is that you would not read tutorial either." or "So thank you for saving us the need to read numerous false bug reports that would all be due just player not bothering to learn the game", that is so passive aggressive, that in my book that is toxic.

Yes people can search for a topic, but what harm is it to ask? Ever watched Sesame Street? Really i think, for real, guys that act like asking a simple question is the Problem, are the real problem. Nobody forces you to read the same topics over and over. You are free to just simply not.
miauukisu Jun 30 @ 9:29am 
Originally posted by . -.-. .-.. .. .--. ... .:
Yeah, so i dont get why acting so snobby instead of not reacting at all? What is your benefit for beeing a J*rk to someone who asked a Question?
Answer the Question or don't. No need to be like "With this level of finding things out yourself, my guess is that you would not read tutorial either." or "So thank you for saving us the need to read numerous false bug reports that would all be due just player not bothering to learn the game", that is so passive aggressive, that in my book that is toxic.

Yes people can search for a topic, but what harm is it to ask? Ever watched Sesame Street? Really i think, for real, guys that act like asking a simple question is the Problem, are the real problem. Nobody forces you to read the same topics over and over. You are free to just simply not.

Let's start at the end...
Sesame Street, program that is meant for small children. Steam, minimum allowable age 13. So two completely different target audiences.
Educating children, and raising their self esteem is a good idea.
BUT, when children grow up they should also learn to read, to have some initiative, and manners.
So when someone whom it could be assumed to not be a brat behaves like entitled spoiled brat, that at least to me is at least as toxic as slapping such behaviour down.
Enabling someone to stay a pampered individual who will not learn to take care of themselves is toxic behaviour too.

Asking the question was not the main problem with OP. When he was gently tried to be guided to more information on the issue, giving self entitled answer was.

And... if not reacting to a post is the correct behaviour, why this second posts about toxicity?
And should we also award spammers and trolls with positive comments or even praise, to be "non-toxic"?

I tend to read the questions here in forums to find out if there are actual, honest questions that actually are worth answering. And even answer those, if someone else has not given the advice first.
And if entitled brats, spammers and trolls are allowed to make their toxic comments and make the forums uncomfortable, why are their rights of offending more important than someone else's rights to be offended by bac behaviour and to reply to it as negatively?
MamaMOB Jul 11 @ 9:09am 
Originally posted by . -.-. .-.. .. .--. ... .:
Yes people can search for a topic, but what harm is it to ask?

The harm is that person thinking they control other people. What's the harm in typing the exact same sentence in a search box instead of a new post? That way you get your answer without trying to control other people. And if the question isn't answered this type of person will blame the dev team or the game and not their own willful ignorance. Why is your education my job and not your own???
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