Red breaker room door doesn't open
I'm only missing the red breaker to open the "Paradise" door, but when I try to enter the room it says that the door "seems open but it doesn't open".
I'm pretty sure I already entered that room before turning the auxiliary power on (and I put the red cable in place), so why the door doesn't open now?
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dexdrakon  [developer] May 17 @ 3:28pm 
Originally posted by Caelus:
I'm only missing the red breaker to open the "Paradise" door, but when I try to enter the room it says that the door "seems open but it doesn't open".
I'm pretty sure I already entered that room before turning the auxiliary power on (and I put the red cable in place), so why the door doesn't open now?

Have you read already the fantasy book about the three guardians dragons? Maybe there you can find some clue.
BATTY MATE May 17 @ 11:44pm 
Originally posted by Caelus:
I'm only missing the red breaker to open the "Paradise" door, but when I try to enter the room it says that the door "seems open but it doesn't open".
I'm pretty sure I already entered that room before turning the auxiliary power on (and I put the red cable in place), so why the door doesn't open now?

because the mobs are attacking you. try to get rid of them first.
I'm also having trouble opening this door as well as finding the red and blue breakers. I've red the book, but can't fiqure out how to proceed. Any help would be great! :)
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