The Last Alchemist

The Last Alchemist

z_uz Jun 25, 2023 @ 6:32am
demo feedback
I really liked the demo. The game looks very pretty. It takes a moment to understand all the alchemy mechanics/recipes, but I think with time it would get easier as you learn and remember them better. It's an interesting alternative to the "farming" games.

I have however some issues with it. Some are maybe just "me problems" but here we go ;)

- The story text after interacting with the world disappears too quickly. I didn't get some of the story because I'm not a native english speaker and reading comprehension takes me a bit longer.

- It would be good to be able to move camera up and down, not just sideways. This semi from the top view is tiring. Especially when you approach terrain that is higher than you and you dont't see clearly where you're going. And you can't freely look around and appreciate the beautiful surroundings.

- The camera and movement when holding the tools is really annoying. Why even change it from the normal mode?

- There are some "holes" in the game "floor". I fell through the garden floor and ended up it the "white world" uder the map and after a moment just dropped into the Observatory, where I should not have been able to get to yet. So I was trapped with no way out. I had to wait for the game day to end so I'd faint and appear in the bedroom.

- The inventory fills up extremely quickly. It's really annoying. Maybe resources should be stackable? And it would be nice to have an auto sort option by type of resource, because they get thrown in without order and it's hard to see how much of the thing you actually have.

- Moving items would be better to just hold and drag, not by click to hold and than click to drop. It feels like the items get stuck to your hand and then you remember that you have to click again to drop it. It's not very fluid.

- I'm not really a fan of the essence mechanic. It seems very grindy. It takes time to gather resources for the constructions. It should be enough. I made more than one grinder and workshop to speead up the production and didn't even realize that it uses up the essence until the game told me I didn't have enough. So I had to gather, make and sell A LOT to make the microscope and finish the demo.

- It would be nice to be able to plan more production from the constructions, instead of having to put a resource one at a time. Plan for the things to get done and then you can go explore instead waiting for it to finish making ONE thing.

- Jumping would be helpfull because you get stuck on small terrain elements and it's frustrating to move around them. I lost count of how many times I got stuck on the edges of the wooden platforms in the courtyard because I couldn't aim properly for the stairs. It might be out of character fot the guy with the wooden leg to jump, but he does run sooo... And I get that jumping is a whole new movement and probably too late to implement at this point, but one can dream... ;)
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
mateusz.gob  [developer] Jun 26, 2023 @ 5:24am 

Thank you for your feedback, that's super useful!

In terms of "holes in the world", could you please send us some screenshots of these specific places to ?

Thank you very much!
z_uz Jul 4, 2023 @ 7:47am 
I just saw your message today. As requested I sent the email with the screenshots. It was just one place in the garden, I haven't encountered any more.
MEUR_Dani  [developer] Aug 3, 2023 @ 5:26am 
Hi again, thank you so much for your feedback - just a little note that a new demo is available to play now and we'd love it if you checked out this new version! (Please note that old demo save data will not be compatible with this version.)
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