Garden Witch Life

Garden Witch Life

I loved this game. The graphics and characters were adorable, the music was very relaxing. I found it easy to pick up and play. I'm definitely buying this game when it comes out.

Areas for improvement:
- The map is a bit confusing. Instead of question marks, the names should just be written and maybe even a head-picture of the character associated with the location after you've met them?
- Again with the map, please add an arrow to indicate where our character is exactly on the map instead of a generic pointer to say we're in town.
- While I figured it out, the energy and hunger bars are not obvious in how to deal with them. A tooltip for the first night that tells you to sleep once your energy is really low and to eat when you are starving would help.
- Sometimes I could pin more than one quest but other times I couldn't and I didn't know why.
- When doing Aurel's quest Flower Deliver, I had no idea who Gemmi was or how to find them so I was aimlessly running around. Perhaps add a glowing trail to follow for quests that can be turned off? Or highlight the quest targets on the map?