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FEAR wanna-be
This is a straight up FEAR without the horror.. the demo seems OK.. there is an option to aim using the right mouse button and it does NOTHING. You may want to get close to a wall and lean out or even use the sights for a more calibrated aiming, but unfortunately this is absent in the demo and I can't imagine playing this without those FEAR game controls being removed since this has taken obviously so much from that game..
The AI is dumb as ♥♥♥♥ when you cloak; they stand in lines waiting to be shot yet are bullet sponges with superb accuracy. I'm not sure this is present in the retail version and it's more finely tuned to have better environmental adaptation for tactics vs the obvious kill house gameplay.
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No it's not. This game plays nothing like F.E.A.R. F.E.A.R. is a slow paced tactical shooter, while in Trepang2 you're a super soldier flying around the arena like Usain Bolt
Jorsska May 26 @ 11:33am 
yeah in fear you can akimbo guns, you can slide faster than sonic, you fight dozens of enemies in the same time, you are a super soldier that can do basically everything, before saying ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ like this can you actually see that the game is very different? Do you have a brain?
First of all, yes there is horror aspects. Second of all, who cares? The last Fear game was in 2011. Get over it.
Drny May 26 @ 12:48pm 
Trepang is fear inspired no doubt, but its not really trying to be like fear. Its aimed rather for doom-like power fantasy with immersive action.
Check out some action video montages on youtube To get hit how to play game and revisit Not having correct taste for music might also ruin experience for you...
Enemies also react to your cloak like if you are not completely invisible - so it takes little bit of learning in long run.
-mine opinion
there is horror, but this game is nowhere close to fear and anyone that tells you otherwise is delusional.
djcarey May 26 @ 6:54pm 
Fear 1 & 3 was bad. Fear 2 on the other hand was a masterpiece & Trepang2 is up there slightly behind F.E.A.R 2.. It's a good game, maybe you should purchase it when it's on sale or somethin.
No mouse next to name? No valid point.
Originally posted by NotSure:
This is a straight up FEAR without the horror.. the demo seems OK.. there is an option to aim using the right mouse button and it does NOTHING. You may want to get close to a wall and lean out or even use the sights for a more calibrated aiming, but unfortunately this is absent in the demo and I can't imagine playing this without those FEAR game controls being removed since this has taken obviously so much from that game..
The AI is dumb as ♥♥♥♥ when you cloak; they stand in lines waiting to be shot yet are bullet sponges with superb accuracy. I'm not sure this is present in the retail version and it's more finely tuned to have better environmental adaptation for tactics vs the obvious kill house gameplay.

Beat the game on rage mode then talk to me about how dumb the AI is. Go ahead :)
Nexus0 May 28 @ 8:34am 
Complains game has a couple mechanics from FEAR making it a 'wanna-be', then complains when the game doesn't have the rest of FEAR's mechanics
Maximum usage of the brain right here
All_Mighty May 28 @ 10:48am 
Originally posted by Dwonk The Ronk Jonkson:
Originally posted by NotSure:
This is a straight up FEAR without the horror.. the demo seems OK.. there is an option to aim using the right mouse button and it does NOTHING. You may want to get close to a wall and lean out or even use the sights for a more calibrated aiming, but unfortunately this is absent in the demo and I can't imagine playing this without those FEAR game controls being removed since this has taken obviously so much from that game..
The AI is dumb as ♥♥♥♥ when you cloak; they stand in lines waiting to be shot yet are bullet sponges with superb accuracy. I'm not sure this is present in the retail version and it's more finely tuned to have better environmental adaptation for tactics vs the obvious kill house gameplay.

Beat the game on rage mode then talk to me about how dumb the AI is. Go ahead :)
Well in that case the AI is just broken. I've done it deathless, so it's not me complaining about it. Extreme is where the 'smart' AI is at.
Godsdoomer May 29 @ 10:59am 
So tired of people speaking needless harsh words. Some people spent a lot of time on this and you can tell that they really put themselves into it.
Splingy May 30 @ 5:46pm 
Originally posted by ThunderStruck115:
No it's not. This game plays nothing like F.E.A.R. F.E.A.R. is a slow paced tactical shooter, while in Trepang2 you're a super soldier flying around the arena like Usain Bolt
fear is ONLY slow paced on console. on pc it plays like this
Dingo May 30 @ 8:53pm 
I was going to say, I definitely don't find F.E.A.R. to be a slow paced game. At least not in combat, combat is intense and chaotic.

Just picked this up as the trailer was giving me F.E.A.R. vibes in a good way. Looking forward to playing.
rane Jun 2 @ 11:33pm 
Originally posted by Splingy:
Originally posted by ThunderStruck115:
No it's not. This game plays nothing like F.E.A.R. F.E.A.R. is a slow paced tactical shooter, while in Trepang2 you're a super soldier flying around the arena like Usain Bolt
fear is ONLY slow paced on console. on pc it plays like this
No it doesn't, what are you smoking
Splingy Jun 3 @ 12:45am 
Originally posted by rane:
Originally posted by Splingy:
fear is ONLY slow paced on console. on pc it plays like this
No it doesn't, what are you smoking

you sure we played the same game?
Last edited by Splingy; Jun 3 @ 12:48am
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