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(SPOILER) Secret Ending?
After the nuke 106 awakes in (seemingly) another cloning facility, im pretty sure that i heard anton's voice as well, how the hell did he survive?

106's memories and consciousness were probably secured by the flying drones, right? that would make sense, but how did anton """survive""" through all of this?
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well actually... doesnt really surprise me, a man like that probably has plenty of failsafes
and how did 106 get captured in the first place? doesnt really seem like part of the plan
at the break the cycle cutscene (the one where you get betrayed and director tells you about the cycle) you can see anton throw his coin off a building before that though you see on his phone "break the cycle" in a similar font to the drones so my guess is his memories were being recorded by the drones aswell and that's how he came back but that's only a theory
Originally posted by dredhedlurker:
at the break the cycle cutscene (the one where you get betrayed and director tells you about the cycle) you can see anton throw his coin off a building before that though you see on his phone "break the cycle" in a similar font to the drones so my guess is his memories were being recorded by the drones aswell and that's how he came back but that's only a theory

Might just be a theory, but I can’t come up with anything else, seems like that may be the case?
and what does anton mean by "you were never meant to be a weapon"
how would he know? syndicate made 106, with just one mission in mind, to kill anton

and why does he call us 105?

question after question
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:
and what does anton mean by "you were never meant to be a weapon"
how would he know? syndicate made 106, with just one mission in mind, to kill anton

and why does he call us 105?

question after question

You were never meant to be a weapon - keep in mind Horizon CEO says Syndicate betrayed him, so my thought is that Syndicate wanted to weaponize his experiments against him to destroy Horizon. Remember that each time you hear Vox or someone from Horizon talk, it's all about health and stuff, so all experiments they could possibly be done to enhance human life or whatever.

Syndicate probably didn't like the barbarism and teared off from Horizon to try and take it down. All the subjects were probably some kind of stolen tech that Syndicate weaponized.
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:
and what does anton mean by "you were never meant to be a weapon"
how would he know? syndicate made 106, with just one mission in mind, to kill anton

and why does he call us 105?

question after question
he's remembering things he's not talking to you during that moment
Originally posted by BananaChumpus:
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:
and what does anton mean by "you were never meant to be a weapon"
how would he know? syndicate made 106, with just one mission in mind, to kill anton

and why does he call us 105?

question after question

You were never meant to be a weapon - keep in mind Horizon CEO says Syndicate betrayed him, so my thought is that Syndicate wanted to weaponize his experiments against him to destroy Horizon. Remember that each time you hear Vox or someone from Horizon talk, it's all about health and stuff, so all experiments they could possibly be done to enhance human life or whatever.

Syndicate probably didn't like the barbarism and teared off from Horizon to try and take it down. All the subjects were probably some kind of stolen tech that Syndicate weaponized.
i'm pretty sure it's the other way around horizon teared off from syndicate most likely after antons task was completed and he was to be terminated from there he either went rogue and created horizon or horizon already existed and he simply left syndicate to do whatever he plans on doing
Originally posted by dredhedlurker:
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:
and what does anton mean by "you were never meant to be a weapon"
how would he know? syndicate made 106, with just one mission in mind, to kill anton

and why does he call us 105?

question after question
he's remembering things he's not talking to you during that moment
Mhh I see…
Originally posted by BananaChumpus:
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:
and what does anton mean by "you were never meant to be a weapon"
how would he know? syndicate made 106, with just one mission in mind, to kill anton

and why does he call us 105?

question after question

You were never meant to be a weapon - keep in mind Horizon CEO says Syndicate betrayed him, so my thought is that Syndicate wanted to weaponize his experiments against him to destroy Horizon. Remember that each time you hear Vox or someone from Horizon talk, it's all about health and stuff, so all experiments they could possibly be done to enhance human life or whatever.

Syndicate probably didn't like the barbarism and teared off from Horizon to try and take it down. All the subjects were probably some kind of stolen tech that Syndicate weaponized.

That does make sense and would clear things up a bit… other guy here didn’t necessarily agree with the first part, so I’m still not 100% certain

But syndicate weaponizing his experiments seems to be the case 100%
Last edited by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat; Jan 31 @ 6:29pm
and another question pops up, raven says we remind him of another guy he flew around...

must be talking about another cycle, but why would he say that if he knew what the syndicate was doing? he is flying around super killer clones, so why does it surprise him that we are like someone else?...

normally he shouldnt bring it up -if he knows what the syndicate is doing-, but i doubt the syndicate hires some 3rd party pilots..... whatever
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:
and another question pops up, raven says we remind him of another guy he flew around...

must be talking about another cycle, but why would he say that if he knew what the syndicate was doing? he is flying around super killer clones, so why does it surprise him that we are like someone else?...

normally he shouldnt bring it up -if he knows what the syndicate is doing-, but i doubt the syndicate hires some 3rd party pilots..... whatever
raven doesn't know he says when you a finish the oil rig mission "the director says don't question anything so i don't" or something like that he just noticed that you are similar to 105 (similar looking, both don't speak) and then realized he probably shouldn't be saying that
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:
Originally posted by BananaChumpus:

You were never meant to be a weapon - keep in mind Horizon CEO says Syndicate betrayed him, so my thought is that Syndicate wanted to weaponize his experiments against him to destroy Horizon. Remember that each time you hear Vox or someone from Horizon talk, it's all about health and stuff, so all experiments they could possibly be done to enhance human life or whatever.

Syndicate probably didn't like the barbarism and teared off from Horizon to try and take it down. All the subjects were probably some kind of stolen tech that Syndicate weaponized.

That does make sense and would clear things up a bit… other guy here didn’t necessarily agree with the first part, so I’m still not 100% certain

But syndicate weaponizing his experiments seems to be the case 100%
not sure what experiments you guys are talking about syndicate created the cycles to do specific missions and all the other anomalies were captured or contained by horizon to be used in experiments syndicate hasn't used anything horizon made against them (unless you count them brainwashing 106 as making)
Originally posted by dredhedlurker:
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:

That does make sense and would clear things up a bit… other guy here didn’t necessarily agree with the first part, so I’m still not 100% certain

But syndicate weaponizing his experiments seems to be the case 100%
not sure what experiments you guys are talking about syndicate created the cycles to do specific missions and all the other anomalies were captured or contained by horizon to be used in experiments syndicate hasn't used anything horizon made against them (unless you count them brainwashing 106 as making)
mh I see

Well, we think that the clones are experiments made by horizon that syndicate weaponized, cuz why else would Anton say that 106 never meant to be a weapon? dunno, just theorizing
Originally posted by Yiffy the furry LGBT Cat:
Originally posted by dredhedlurker:
not sure what experiments you guys are talking about syndicate created the cycles to do specific missions and all the other anomalies were captured or contained by horizon to be used in experiments syndicate hasn't used anything horizon made against them (unless you count them brainwashing 106 as making)
mh I see

Well, we think that the clones are experiments made by horizon that syndicate weaponized, cuz why else would Anton say that 106 never meant to be a weapon? dunno, just theorizing
i think a more likely answer is that 106 was going to be a cycle similar to anton or dr emerson a non combat cycle of some kind but i guess cultist and horizon were too much of a issue at the time so they switched gears and made 106 a full combat cycle also the clones can't be antons experiments as anton is cycle 78 so there would be 77 cycles before him so i doubt that is the case.
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