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G_Medlin  [developer] Jun 23, 2023 @ 5:40am
Player Support & Feedback
Hi everyone,

We hope you're having a blast with Trepang2! Thank you for the continued support, and the vital feedback we've received so far. It's very useful, we're reading and collating your impressions.

If you can please keep the insults to minimum when engaging in discourse, we'd thoroughly appreciate it. Thank you! We don't want to have to remove or close anything, so please refrain from anything derogatory.

Player Support

If you have any in-game issues, bugs, crashes etc - please reach out to our support team. They're on hand to help you and can quickly work to resolve any problems.
Last edited by G_Medlin; Jun 23, 2023 @ 5:41am
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Showing 1-15 of 125 comments
doctor.sad Jun 23, 2023 @ 7:02am 
hey William great job on the getting overwhelmingly positive, for a volley ball with a bloody smile impressive that a ball manage to survive on an ocean after tom hank left u. I have yet to finish the game so what i say may be just what i think.

technical issue: cross hair became big when lowering resolution

moth man: I had difficulty finding the weak spot of the moth man as the health bar was a bit skinny, couldn't see if i was doing damage as i was panicking. A fix that you can use is that every time i do damage the health bar becomes orange.

The big dude in the castle: I play on normal difficulty, he is kinda hard. idk if he staggers because everytime i look behind he is up in the air ready to molest, touch me, and turn me into his next victim.

story: i'll update u guys on the story soon once i finish:)

music: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣤⣴⣶⣿⣾⣿⣷⣶⣶⣴⣦⣼⣐⠢⣑⠢⣑⠢⣅⢒⡐⢆⡒⣐⢂⡒⡰⢂⡜⣐⢢⡘⡰⢌⡒⣌⠒⡌⢦⠱

other: the unlockables are behind difficulty walls ( ・ั﹏・ั), but i think unlocking skins should be behind difficulty walls instead of cheats. at least this is my view as a casual gamer🥹.
PreshFrince Jun 23, 2023 @ 8:41am 

Hello Devs. Loving the game already!
But could u please let us customize the 'crosshair'. Because as of right now I have to play with it off.(which is kinda ok, as it's pretty CQC atm) As it's just TOO BIG for me and some of my friends I asked.

But a slider or something like in Doom/CSGO for changing shape, size and color maybe would be greatly appreciated!

And now that we're on the topic of UI changes. A setting for 'subtitles' size, color and speaker names, would also be a welcome addition :eaglegrin:

Love the game, and can't wait to see what else is in store for me! :piewpiew::lunar2019deadpanpig:
Last edited by PreshFrince; Jun 23, 2023 @ 8:43am
googleton Jun 23, 2023 @ 4:03pm 
as PreshFrince said a crosshair customizer would be great because the crosshair is pretty big
Greb Jun 23, 2023 @ 5:50pm 
I'm really enjoying this game so far. I especially like the fact you can shoot bullets out of the air with your own bullets, lol. Was not expecting that, you've done a great job!

Only "negative" feedback I can offer thus far is that when I changed "interact" from F to E, it still shows up as wanting me to press F in the UI prompts when interacting with stuff. Good chance you already know about that, though.

Only other thing I wish for is maybe more feedback when toggling focus mode or not, as I don't seem to notice much difference when I initially toggle to "on" - would be cool for there to be a bit more blurriness, a narrowing of the FOV, maybe some ghosting on enemies, and a brief sound effect like you're passing through a thin sheet of water, I dunno.

Also I second some crosshair customisation options too, actually. I'd be happy with just a dot, myself. Actually, though this might sound odd, an option to "invert" the stealth system where the dot gets bright when you're hard to see and fades / vanishes when you're more visible, would be good - for me at least. In my brain I can't get my head around something being bright and visible indicating you are actually hidden.

Oh and, little arrows in the UI menu for adjusting things like gamma, sensitivity, audio, that sort of thing - dragging the bar back and forth can be frustrating when you're going between like 99 and 101, unable to hit 100, lol. Adding some little arrows on either side of the UI elements that increment it by +1 or -1 would be fantastic for making fine adjustments, if possible.

Oh, would be nice if the flashlight was narrower, too. It'd be kinda cool if we could adjust it in game, going from a wide but short ranged beam to a narrow, focused and longer ranged beam, if that's not too much to ask for anyway. If that is too much, then maybe just more range on the flashlight in general, it feels really weak to the point of me not really ever feeling like I need to use it, and I have the gamma on 95% too.

Is this the feedback thread actually...or just a thread reminding people to be civil? I can't tell, and apologies if it's just the latter! :winter2019surprisedsnowman:

Thanks again for a fun game, been on my wishlist for ages, was really surprised to see it suddenly release so I snapped it right up - I've been jonesing pretty hard for a good first person shooting game on Steam, been dry too long, and here we are! :steamthumbsup:

Now I just need to wait for I.G.I Origins, lol
Last edited by Greb; Jun 23, 2023 @ 6:20pm
Nathan Jun 24, 2023 @ 10:47am 
One feedback I want to highlight that came to mind as I was replaying some missions:

An option to reset story scripting progress without resetting all unlockables (cheats, weapons & parts, intel, customization) progress, because currently if you replay missions you don't then get all dialogue and other minor scripting reset at the homebase, so the only way you could get like a full story replay with all dialogue intact and such would be to delete your save, which might delete all fun unlocks as well.

(And of course hope to see homebase fleshed out like wilsontrepang mentioned in another topic, and modding support, and future potential mission DLC, maybe an extra exotic weapon like a flamethrower or something, but awesome game)
merchantmudcrab Jun 24, 2023 @ 1:00pm 
I just completed the castle level and I am already impressed that this game is kind of a mixture of FEAR, Crysis and a bit of Dishonered in gameplay and world building. However, there are some gameplay decisions that just make the game less fun... one easy change would be to allow weapon-customization on-the-fly just as in Crysis. There is no need to limit it to the boxes, forcing the player to run back and to not be able to adjust depending on the tatical situation.
Blurry Fox Jun 24, 2023 @ 5:34pm 
final boss is simply unfair
Skulls Jun 24, 2023 @ 6:14pm 
Originally posted by Blurry Fox:
final boss is simply unfair

You just need to wait for him to charge then slide backward and shoot him. He won't be able to deflect. He also doesn't deflect if you shoot him while he's cloaked.
Skulls Jun 24, 2023 @ 6:16pm 
These were the negatives in my review. You can take them as suggestions on improving the game.

- Somewhat short even with the side missions
- Stamina drains in base
- Base is mostly useless and has only one NPC. Could have done the whole thing with a computer interface.
- No mod support/level editor
- This is a nitpick but no M4 or AK style rifle

One thing I'll add that wasn't in my review is:

The side mission with the AI in the old house seemed like a wasted opportunity. I'd like to see it expanded beyond shoot the flaming orbs.
Last edited by Skulls; Jun 24, 2023 @ 6:17pm
TsarukV8 Jun 25, 2023 @ 9:51am 
There are my negatives:

No proper Ultrawide support. It's too zoomed-in even with 130 fov.

When I use the Unreal Engine Unlocker to set a proper ultrawide scale, the scope of the marksman rifle doesnt work. It doesn't zoom but acts like a x1 Scope.

Can you please fix this?

Otherwise the game is awesome.
Tallcat Jun 25, 2023 @ 10:56am 
Demo was fun. I dislike slide being a dedicated button. Toggle sprint + crouch is greatly preferred.
Greb Jun 25, 2023 @ 11:43am 
It's probably too late to change it now but the base HQ has started to grate on me a little. I guess it's meant to look somewhat realistic and just dug out of rock where it could be, but it's still a bit annoying having to run through it every single time I go and do a mission. I wish it could have been streamlined down somewhat - you could more or less move the equipment + cosmetic locker into the room with the mission select map + intel and HVT monitors, and then have two doors on either end, one leading to the helipad and the other leading to the shooting range + combat simulator, that'd be a lot nicer to navigate. Failing that, making it so you can access everything from the pause menu (accessed from a laptop maybe?) without having to run around would be a great help too. I feel like I've been spending too much time in the HQ lately.

I understand you've got a thing going with the Infiltrator HVT which is pretty cool but other than that the base is pretty bland. You can see (I think) some changes to the place over time as you complete missions, and maybe it'll have more going on with it in a later mission that I haven't reached yet, but for the most part for me at least it has began feeling like padding or something, I just wanna play! My sense of direction sucks as it is!

If a change isn't a possibility then we'll need to see some more life in the base, I think. You sometimes see NPCs talking and stuff but as far as I can see there's only one NPC in the place, that Quartermaster dude, maybe the guy in the chopper too, but yeah, it's a pretty lifeless place. I hope eventually we'll see more NPCs and day-to-day goings on there, I can understand it not being a high development priority but it would be nice at some point, if we're going to be forced to spend so much time there, after all. The director showing me the nuclear bomb beneath the base didn't have nowhere near as much impact as it probably could have, just because of how empty and lifeless the HQ is.

My other current gripe is probably a bit of a selfish one, I dunno, but the weapon variety is a little bit low. I know each weapon occupies its own very strong role / niche and that's great, no bloat of the same stuff etc, but it would be cool to see each faction using their own unique loadouts and stuff. I.E Cultists using dignified wood furnished weapons and maybe even more medieval or aged type stuff, crossbows instead of boltguns, double barrel shotguns instead of the SPAS-12 etc, that kind of thing?

I think it'd be cool, anyway. Bit of gameplay variety plus it'd help define the factions a little more. At a glance it almost feels like the only difference between TF27 and Horizon is the fact one wears blue lights and the other uses red, lol.

Anyway though, still a fun game, thanks for making it! :steamthumbsup:
Last edited by Greb; Jun 25, 2023 @ 11:46am
Evil Angel Jun 25, 2023 @ 7:07pm 
Finished the game and i having fun i love it, i just want to give out some fixes and ideas to make this everlasting replay ability.

1.Combat Simulator: Waves need to be uncapped or to level 100 limit.
the weapon store needs fixing, why would the price increase each buy? does not make any sense.
please keep it at original prices. now if it was for upgrades i understand but for ammo? let alone the enemies only give you scraps lol there should be more bosses/monsters thrown into the mix as well instead of just spamming juggs that take up all the ammo lol

the support teams need extreme rework, should be able to call in more troops instead of 4 let alone they die fast and weak. why not add the cyber team with the support? they were added in final mission but yet not added to the support list????

minigun needs a rework , does barely any damage against juggernaunt while using smart gun.

2.weapons attachments/add more weapons:
Yes more weapons need to be added, only a weapon each category and that should not be the case, there should be wayy more the weapons feels amazing on here and more should be added, by only having the same weapons cuts off replay-ability drastically.

there needs to be more attachments , laser, semi auto mode for the spaz.
drum mag for the vector.

hopefully new maps will be added and missions and raids/waves as well, the home base was a nice feel to the game and should be more home bases to go to, there should also be a map editor and down loader for new maps.

Mod support:
yes please , weapon mods, map mods, enemy skin mods, this can be a long lasting game because everything feels amazing looks amazing and i would love thousands of missions/combat simulators raids on and a huge variety of weapons that look and sound good would be a blast!

Helmet features/high value targets:
these enemies look cool, wondering if we can add helmets to our character, something to work forward as well. with high value targets there should be more added, i loved hunting for them and taking out unique enemies is so cool.

Leaning feature:
another feature that i would like to see is a left/right leaning. that would be a nice touch as well. a fast and smooth lean.

thats all for now, i truly love this game been waiting years for it, was worth the wait but leaving me wanting so much more. i have not played a good shooting game in a long time and this game brought the spark back into me. needs bit more work but once touch ups are done, this will be a masterpiece and game of the year contender. :steamhappy:
Last edited by Evil Angel; Jun 25, 2023 @ 7:10pm
I really enjoyed playing this I loved playing the original F.E.A.R. when I was a teenager felt lot like F.E.A.R. did and I'll probably do a rage playthrough when I get the time there are some suggestions I have though.

-I felt there was missed opportunities with the horror aspects of the game like the Unidentified Structure and Site 83 I was expecting Site 83 to be more stealthy and dangerous than it actually was I wouldn't have minded a mostly horror level where I had to be very careful to utilize stealth I enjoyed the few moments when I did. If you do Trenpang3 expand on the horror lot more and possibly have more harder cryptid/spooky bosses like the mothman. I liked the feeling of playing as a unstoppable killing machine one minute than all the sudden running for my life the next.

-Original F.E.A.R. had leaning and a really bare bones zoom feature on guns that wasn't iron sights while I can play without it in FPS games I do prefer to have the ability to lean around corners you can also use a lean feature for horror as well.

-Felt like there wasn't enough side missions if you ever made a DLC to add more I'd buy it, or even some sort of modding user kit to make own missions/maps for people to share on a Steam workshop or something like I've seen with games like Black Mesa.

-Game being set in the future I felt like there should been hostile drones, or mechs/turrets like F.E.A.R. had. Maybe an idea for Trepang3.

Just suggestions really enjoyed the game you guys worked on and I wish your studio a successful future.
Last edited by Sony Walkman WM-30; Jun 25, 2023 @ 7:20pm
Skulls Jun 25, 2023 @ 8:35pm 
Couple more suggestions since I just ran around collecting the rest of the intel:

There needs to be a way to load the mission against the syndicate without doing Horizon HQ all over.

Also need a way to track which drones you are missing.
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