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wilsonTrepang  [developer] Aug 19, 2022 @ 1:03pm
Demo troubleshooting - fixes for common issues
Hey everyone, we've noticed a few common issues for people so here are fixes that should get the game running. We're working on proper fixes for next time.

Mouse is offset, can’t click on any buttons
Press alt+enter to force game into windowed mode, go to options->video, and set “windowed mode” to “windowed” or “windowed fullscreen”. Hit apply, then quit the game and start it again.

Some unusual resolutions can cause the cursor to be offset. Running in windowed/windowed fullscreen should fix the issue, or alternatively try running in a standard 16:9 or 16:10 resolution.

Game crashes after load screens
Similar to above, try going into options->video and set "windowed mode" to windowed or windowed fullscreen

Mouse input isn’t registering sometimes
Change to fullscreen mode. This should prevent the mouse from leaving the window. If you have the offset mouse button bug then unfortunately this fix won’t work for you :(

Game doesn’t launch from steam
Go to your game’s install folder and run CPPFPS.exe manually. Usually this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Trepang2 Demo\

Game doesn’t launch since last update
Possibly corrupted video settings, try deleting C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\CPPFPS\Saved\SaveGames\GameSettings.sav
(this will only delete your saved settings, you will not lose any progress)

If you encounter any other issues, please post them in the "Bugs, Crashes and Technical Issues" forum, we'll look into them when we can.

Thanks so much for playing the demo and reporting any issues you run into, it helps us a lot in making a smoother experience for everyone.
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
Dear developers, I do highly admire your game!
I just want to tell you something I have seen.
1. Slow-mo and invisibility HUD kinda overlap the action for me, I can`t really see myself crushing enemies.
2. Interactive hit models are SUPERHOT, man, better then Max Payne 3, very IMPRESSIVE.
BUT please consider adding a reaction of NPC to every shot they take.
You see, when enemy is standing and taking hits while keeping firing back with no animations, even IMPRESSIVE hits do not help it.
JustStef Dec 11, 2022 @ 9:47am 
I cant even play this game, I have a blackscreen at the start :steamsad:
Last edited by JustStef; Dec 11, 2022 @ 9:47am
EpicGamesBroker Jan 25, 2023 @ 2:23pm 
Some big optimizations must be done.
The moment you leave those corridors from the prison, performance on bigger areas is very bad.
nobinobiboi Feb 12, 2023 @ 9:32am 
i love this game! reminds me of FEAR

*soo it would be great if the menu can be accessible with gamepads too!

*also i would really love to have an indicator to show where to go next.. at least make it optional
because sometimes in the corridors I lost my way and orientation

*the beginning of the game was frustrating and confusing i didn't really knew where to go or what to do... I almost quit the game

*a manual save option in the menu would be great

*the slow motion is my favorite thing in this game- it would be great when it would reload automatically.. if im not mistaken it only loads up when shooting at the targets

*and last thing - PLEASE make the game diverse because things were starting to get repetitive at some point

other than that.. its AMAZING and FUN. and I CANT WAIT FOR IT TO BE FINISHED
Tiny Trees Apr 8, 2023 @ 8:27pm 
Originally posted by calmarf:
Some big optimizations must be done.
The moment you leave those corridors from the prison, performance on bigger areas is very bad.

I found that it causes one of my CPU threads to max and that bottlenecks frame rate.
PacilWillow May 1, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
Hey, I found a bug or glitch or whatever you wanna call it... So i was in the place after you complete the game and at the top of the stairs to the select mission button i spawned somebody i used slowmo grabbed them and that used the grenade throw on them. I got launched backwards and got sent out of the map. no matter how many time i tried to use no clip it would not stop my players velocity. I believe its alot faster not in slow mo but please fix this bug.
bleaK May 27, 2023 @ 11:43am 
When I get finish the first level, and choose my first mission, it tells me to goto the helicopter, but the door doesn't open / I can't get to the helicopter?
bickman14 Jun 21, 2023 @ 8:56pm 
I've tried to play the demo to get a feeling on how the game plays but it crashes so much with that Unreal Error D3D lost connection that I've just gave up.
I guess I'll have to wait for a sale.
judas Jun 22, 2023 @ 5:53am 
Would love to get this game, but based on the demo and the inability to do anything except stand there like a dummy and get killed by the first enemies I encounter it will have to be a hard pass.
Edit: nevemind - figured out the issue, though it was less than obvious my hands were handcuffed...
Last edited by judas; Jun 22, 2023 @ 6:30am
bickman14 Jun 22, 2023 @ 6:38am 
Originally posted by judas:
Would love to get this game, but based on the demo and the inability to do anything except stand there like a dummy and get killed by the first enemies I encounter it will have to be a hard pass.

I've managed to play a little more beyond that and shoot some enemies but it started crashing A LOT I couldn't get enough play time of the meat and potatoes without crashes to a point that I've just gave up!
But I totally agree with you! That intro was unnecessarily long with you just walking and walking and walking avoiding enemy contact, it was a far cry from the gameplay trailers!
Idk if they've tested the demo with anyone before releasing it but IMO when your gameplay videos show a bunch of cool stuff, action and shooting, and the demo starts with a long walking section it completely kills the mood and will to buy the game and it feels like a bait and switch situation.
It should have at least started at the room where you pick your first pistol.
I think a well curated demo helps selling the game where a non curated one filled with crashes doesn't, and that's without saying that my first minutes were just fighting the menu trying to set the resolution properly with the buttons hit boxes being all over the place! It was so much of a hassle that it made me miss those annoying old config windows that used to prompt asking you to setup your res and settings before launching the game.
It's a bummer 'cause I was really considering getting the game full price at launch, but I'll just wait for a deep sale and hope that the end product is way better polished than the demo
Last edited by bickman14; Jun 22, 2023 @ 7:50am
Zakail Jun 23, 2023 @ 4:49pm 
not sure why but this demo makes steam crash and restart constantly, taking focus away from the window and making it literally unplayable. Tried disabling the steam overlay to see if that would fix it and it did not.
nealio422 Jun 24, 2023 @ 5:22am 
I was getting a black screen. However, if I use ctrl/alt/del, I can quickly set windowed mode and was able to play.
DarkPassenger Jun 24, 2023 @ 9:08am 
Demo should be updated. If this is what the game is like at this point, I am not feeling it. It feels like it was developed as a hobby by one person.
OrangePython Jun 25, 2023 @ 1:35am 
Relevant to the Demo (I didn't wanna start a new thread for this small request)

As somebody who loves checking out demos, betas, proof-of-concept, etc. after enjoying a game, I wish to ask that the earlier builds of Trepang2 be uploaded as-is, as DLC :3

Free, $5, whatever. I'd love an optional "support the devs a little more" DLC that gives access to the various demos released over the game's history. I got a ton of fun out of them back in.. What, 2019? 2020? Anyway, I'd love the opportunity to check them out again now to compare them to the final product! :PolygonHeart:

I don't know if they had Steamworks DRM implemented, which might make uploading this proposed DLC to GOG a tad tricky, but I miiiight be able to redownload them through the Steam console? Haven't tried.

Anyway, I'll leave that decision up to you guys. Very fun game! Thank you for your time!!
GreedyLoU Jun 25, 2023 @ 5:50am 
Im playing the demo and love the game and want to buy it but im getting this bug where enemy dead bodies are getting stuck on my character and get dragged a bit and they kind flop and spaz out. I just made a separate thread about this here on steam. someone told me to come here
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