Gas Station Simulator

Gas Station Simulator

20 Dollars just to pay more for DLC
The base game gets boring pretty quick, so I went to see how to get the other stuff, turns out it's ALL dlc, and when I check the update log, guess what? most of it is just more DLC. I don't remember the last time an update wasn't just more DLC, obvious cashgrab game.
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Lagkill Jul 1 @ 5:08pm 
Please explain.
STuG37 Jul 2 @ 7:03pm 
I agree, the base game isn't very deep. I, too, was hoping for some more base game additions, so I took a few months off the game. Came back and found a couple! Apparently you can now build a lottery machine on-site which is cool. I haven't done it yet (it costs $8,500 I think) so I wonder what it does.
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