
Website monitoring?
Piece of cake.

Stay online, drive revenue and keep ahead of the competition. We’ve got you.

Trusted by 120,000 customers including

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man falling with slice of cake

What can StatusCake do for you?

eye open wide

Website monitoring

We'll keep an eye on your website performance for you in the background.

yellow bell alert

Instant alerts

Website downtime happens. We'll send you a notification letting you know when it does.

woman practising yoga

Peace of mind

Sit back. Relax. Focus on your business. Let us worry about your website's availablity.

Website monitoring that does all the hard work for you

StatusCake Uptime

Website monitoring that ensures you're the first to know

We’ll alert you when your website goes down. With 30 second check rates and 30 different countries to monitor from, you’re in safe hands.

See StatusCake Uptime Monitoring
StatusCake Page Speed

Get your website loading quickly and drive conversions

Slow page speed damages SEO and revenue and now means you won't pass Core Web Vitals. We’ll identify what’s slowing your website down and how to improve it.

See StatusCake Page Speed Monitoring
StatusCake Domain

Keep your domain live

Your domain is your shop sign. We’ll make sure you don’t have to shut up shop by letting you know when your domain expires.

See StatusCake Domain Monitoring
StatusCake Server

Find out what's making your website load slowly

Always keep your server monitored. Get alerted when custom thresholds of RAM, CPU and disk usage are exceeded.

See StatusCake Server Monitoring
StatusCake SSL

Rank better and build customer trust with SSL certification

We make sure your SSL certificate doesn’t impact your SEO and damage customer relationships. Never miss an SSL certificate renewal again with our SSL monitoring.

See StatusCake SSL Monitoring

Website monitoring solutions designed for teams

Whether you're monitoring your uptime, page speed, SSL, domain, or server, our solutions are made to help people collaborate. Whether you're a small business or a dedicated DevOps department, we'll give you everything you need to run your website efficiently and effectively together.

StatusCake in Teams

Plans to suit you

Our paid website monitoring plans start with a 7 day free trial. No credit card required.

Learn more about our plans


For individuals and small businesses. The basics of StatusCake monitoring.

What do you get with free?
10 Uptime Monitors
5 Mins Test Intervals
1 Page Speed Monitor
1 Domain Monitor
1 SSL Monitor
Alerts through Integrations


Access more monitoring tools and more customisation. Perfect for small businesses.

What do you get?
100 Uptime Monitors
1 Min Test Intervals
15 Page Speed Monitors
50 Domain Monitors
50 SSL Monitors
3 Server Monitors
Alerts through Integrations


Build a plan to suit your business. Scale with bolt ons.

Build your own plan
Limitless Monitors
Constant Check Rate
Dedicated Uptime & Page Speed Locations
Service Creditable SLAs
Regular Account Reviews

Google SSO & StatusCake

Online security is more important than ever, and that’s why we’ve made it our mission at StatusCake to ensure our customers’ accounts are kept safe & secure on our platform.

To help this further we’ve recently released Google Single Sign On! The biggest plus point? No more pesky passwords to remember! The cherry on top is that Google SSO is available for ALL of our customers.

Use Google SSO on your account by signing up today or updating your details

Location, location, location

With paid website monitoring accounts, you can choose where your tests are run from. So if your website is down in the UK but not in America, you'll know about it.

See StatusCake test locations
pin pointing the right location


I trust the monitoring tools. I trust the people who run StatusCake. Put simply, I trust StatusCake to do what they say they will.

Love Sudo - Digital Agency

person passing the cake to friend

Try StatusCake for free today

Want to know how much website downtime costs, and the impact it can have on your business?

Find out everything you need to know in our new uptime monitoring whitepaper 2021