Star Wars: Card Trader Wiki
Star Wars: Card Trader Wiki


Menacing, armor-clad Darth Vader seeks out and exterminates Rebel Alliance members wherever he finds them. When these enemies are members of the Imperial Senate, such as Leia Organa, he must tread more lightly. Still, Vader's methods must include isolation and advanced mind probing. A Sith, he calls upon the Force in a fateful Lightsaber duel between himself and his former Jedi master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. This contest is witnessed by Luke Skywalker, Vader's eventual "last man" target in the Death Star trench raid.

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Base Series 1
Series 1

2-1B - Medical Droid · 4-LOM - Bounty Hunter · Aayla Secura - Jedi Knight · Adi Gallia - Jedi Master · Admiral Ackbar - Rebel Leader · Admiral Motti - Imperial Officer · Admiral Ozzel - Imperial Officer · Admiral Piett - Imperial Officer · Agen Kolar - Jedi Master · Anakin Skywalker - Jedi Knight · Anakin Skywalker - Padawan · Anakin Skywalker - Podracer Pilot · Arvel Crynyd - A-Wing Pilot · Asajj Ventress - Separatist Assassin · Aurra Sing - Bounty Hunter · Bail Organa - Galactic Senate · Barriss Offee - Jedi Padawan · Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi - Jedi Master · Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi - Jedi Spirit · Beru Whitesun - Moisture Farmer · Bib Fortuna - Majordomo · Biggs Darklighter - X-Wing Pilot · Boba Fett - Bounty Hunter (ESB) · Boba Fett - Bounty Hunter (ROTJ) · Boba Fett - Jango Fett Clone · BoShek - Cantina Patron · Boss Nass - Gungan Leader · Bossk - Bounty Hunter · Boushh - Bounty Hunter · C-3PO - Asteroid Repair · C-3PO - Galactic Republic · C-3PO - Jabba the Hutt's Interpreter · C-3PO - Protocol Droid (ANH) · C-3PO - Protocol Droid (TPM) · C-3PO - Tatooine Moisture Farm · Cad Bane - Bounty Hunter · Captain Needa - Imperial Officer · Captain Panaka - Naboo Security · Captain Rex - Clone Captain · Captain Tarpals - Gungan Security · Captain Typho - Naboo Security · Chancellor Valorum - Galactic Republic · Chewbacca - Kashyyyk Warrior · Chewbacca - Rebel Alliance · Chewbacca - Rebel Leader · Chewbacca - Wookiee Co-Pilot · Chief Bast - Imperial Aide · Chief Chirpa - Ewok Chief · Cliegg Lars - Moisture Farmer · Commander Cody - Clone Leader · Count Dooku - Separatist Leader · Count Dooku - Sith Apprentice · Dak Ralter - Snowspeeder Gunner · Darth Maul - Sith Apprentice · Darth Sidious - Sith Lord · Darth Sidious - Sith Master · Darth Vader - Death Star Inspection · Darth Vader - Search For Skywalker · Darth Vader - Sith Lord (ROTS) · Dengar - Bounty Hunter · Dormé - Handmaiden · Dr. Cornelius Evazan - Cantina Patron · Droopy McCool - Chindinkalu Flute Player · Emperor Palpatine - Sith Master · Even Piell - Jedi Master · Figrin D'an - Modal Nodes · FX-7 - Medical Droid · Garindan - Galactic Empire · Garven Dreis - Rebel Alliance · General Grievous - Separatist · General Madine - Rebel Alliance · General Rieekan - Rebel Alliance · General Tagge - Galactic Empire · General Veers - Galactic Empire · Grand Moff Tarkin - Galactic Empire · Greedo - Bounty Hunter · Han Solo - Corellian Smuggler · Han Solo - Rebel Captain · Han Solo - Rebel General · Hobbie Klivian - Snowspeeder Gunner · IG-88 - Bounty Hunter · Jabba the Hutt - Gangster · Jan Dodonna - Rebel General · Jango Fett - Bounty Hunter · Jar Jar Binks - Galactic Senate · Jek Porkins - X-Wing Pilot · Jocasta Nu - Jedi Archivist · John D. Branon - X-Wing Pilot · Ki-Adi-Mundi - Galactic Republic · Kit Fisto - Galactic Republic · Lama Su - Prime Minister · Lando Calrissian - Bespin Administrator · Lando Calrissian - Rebel Alliance · Lobot - Lando's Aide · Logray - Ewok Medicine Man · Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight · Luke Skywalker - Rebel Commander · Luke Skywalker - Tatooine Encounter · Luminara Unduli - Galactic Republic · Mace Windu - Jedi Council · Mace Windu - Jedi Master (AOTC) · Mace Windu - Jedi Master (ROTS) · Mas Amedda - Vice Chancellor · Max Rebo - Band Leader · Moff Jerjerrod - Imperial Commander · Momaw Nadon - Cantina Patron · Mon Mothma - Rebel Leader · Mon Mothma - Senator of Chandrila · Nien Nunb - Millennium Falcon Co-Pilot · Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Viceroy (ROTS) · Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Viceroy (TPM) · Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Knight · Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Master · Obi-Wan Kenobi - Padawan · Oola - Twi'lek Dancer · Owen Lars - Homestead · Padmé Amidala - Senator of Naboo (AOTC) · Padmé Amidala - Senator of Naboo (ROTS) · Padmé Naberrie - Handmaiden · Passel Argente - Corporate Alliance Magistrate · Plo Koon - Jedi Master · Poggle the Lesser - Geonosian Separatist · Ponda Baba - Cantina Patron · Princess Leia Organa - Alderaan Senator · Queen Amidala - Queen of Naboo · Qui-Gon Jinn - Jedi Master · R2-D2 - Astromech Droid (AOTC) · R2-D2 - Astromech Droid (ESB) · R2-D2 - Jabba's Sail Barge · R2-D2 - Jedi Assist · R2-D2 - Naboo Fighter Co-Pilot · R5-D4 - Astromech Droid · Ric Olié - Naboo Pilot · Rune Haako - Lieutenant to the Viceroy · Rune Haako - Settlement Officer · Saesee Tiin - Jedi Master · Salacious B. Crumb - Jester · San Hill - Banking Clan Chairman · Sebulba - Tatooine Podracer · Senator Palpatine - Naboo Senator · Shaak Ti - Jedi Master · Shmi Skywalker - Tatooine Slave · Shu Mai - Commerce Guild Presidente · Sly Moore - Chancellor's Aide · Stass Allie - Jedi Master · Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - Galactic Republic · Sy Snootles - Max Rebo Band Singer · Tarfful - Wookiee General · Taun We - Kamino Aide · Teebo - Ewok Scout · Tion Medon - Port Administrator · Toryn Farr - Communications Officer · Uncle Owen - Moisture Farmer · Wat Tambor - Techno Union Foreman · Watto - Junk Dealer · Wedge Antilles - Rogue Leader · Wedge Antilles - Snowspeeder pilot · Wedge Antilles - X-Wing Pilot · Wicket W. Warrick - Ewok Scout · Wuher - Cantina Bartender · Yarael Poof - Jedi Master · Yoda - Jedi Council · Yoda - Jedi Master (AOTC) · Yoda - Jedi Master (ESB) · Yoda - Jedi Master (ROTS) · Zam Wesell - Bounty Hunter · Zev Senesca - Snowspeeder Pilot · Zuckuss - Bounty Hunter

Series 2

Ahsoka Tano - Jedi Padawan · AT-AT Driver - Galactic Empire · AT-RT Driver - Galactic Republic · Bantha - Creature · Battle Droids - Separatist Droid Army · Camie - Tosche Station · Captain Antilles - Tantive IV Captain · Clone Trooper - Galactic Republic · Cordé - Royal Decoy · Darth Vader - Sith Lord (ANH) · Death Star Gunner - Galactic Empire · Death Star Trooper - Galactic Empire · Dexter Jettster - Cook · Dianoga - Creature · Endor Rebel Trooper - Rebel Alliance · Eopie - Creature · Ewoks - Creature · Fixer - Tosche Station · Gamorrean Guard - Jabba's Security · Geonosian - Separatist · Gungan Grand Army - Independent · Imperial Officer - Soldier · Jar Jar Binks - Gungan · Jawas - Creature · Kaadu - Creature · Lott Dod - Senator · Magnaguard - Separatists · Massiff - Creature · Mortis Son - The Ones · Mynock - Creature · Naboo Pilot - Galactic Republic · Naboo Security - Galactic Republic · Nahdar Vebb - Jedi Padawan · Nexu - Creature · Opee Sea Killer - Creature · Pre Vizsla - Death Watch Leader · Princess Leia Organa - Rebel Leader (ESB) · Princess Leia Organa - Rebel Leader (ROTJ) · Rancor - Creature · Rebel Fleet Trooper - Rebel Alliance · Reek - Creature · Sarlacc - Creature · Satine Kryze - Duchess of Mandalore · Savage Opress - Sith Apprentice · Shock Trooper - Galactic Republic · Skiff Guards - Mercenaries · Space Slug - Creature · Super Battle Droid - Separatists · Tauntaun - Creature · Ten Numb - B-Wing Pilot · Ugnaught - Mechanic · Varactyl - Creature · Wookiee Army - Galactic Republic · Wullf Yularen - Republic Captain · Yoda - Jedi Master (ROTJ)

Related Sets

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