

Z-95 Headhunter

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The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"We were on a routine patrol and ran into one of your rebel friends, a Lasat mercenary who worked for Saw Gerrera. I… was lucky, knocked out by the first blast. I came to, but found I couldn't move. And then I saw… him, the Lasat, calmly walk through smoke and fire to finish my unit off, one by one. The injured never had a chance. Always wondered why he let me live."
―Alexsandr Kallus, to Garazeb Orrelios[1]

In 7 BBY,[2] a Lasat mercenary worked for Saw Gerrera and his Partisans during their campaigns on the planet Onderon. A unit of Imperials, including Alexsandr Kallus, was sent to Onderon to deal with the rebels. This mercenary killed most of the unit, but spared Kallus.[1]

Kallus, while an agent of the Imperial Security Bureau, later recounted the story of his encounter with this mercenary to another Lasat rebel named Garazeb Orrelios.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

In the 2017 novel Rebel Rising, a Lasat is seen on Saw Gerrera's Wrea outpost. When the author Beth Revis was asked if the Lasat in Saw's base and the one that Kallus encountered were the same, the author answered that in her mind it was supposed to be.[3]



Notes and references[]

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