

For other uses, see Sith Empire (disambiguation).

The Sith Empire, named the Kingdom of the Sith in rumors abroad, was an ancient theocratic monarchy in the galaxy ruled by the Sith species from planet Korriban before the advent of the Galactic Republic.

Created circa 28,000 BBY when Adas unified the many scattered Sith nations and tribes on Korriban and established himself as the soveign of Korriban. Three hundred years later, King Adas died following the defeat of the Rakatan invaders.

After the king's death, the Sith Empire was torn apart in the ensuing power struggle as many warlords claimed kingship for themselves. Dathka Graush temporarily unified his people for his fifty year reign, but was assassinated by his own council.

The Sith Empire was reunified for a short time at some point before 6900 BBY, with the rise of King Hakagram Graush—who was deemed a proper successor. Soon after that however, Dark Jedi Exiles arrived and seized power on Korriban. They then took the name Sith for their own and became a sect of Force-sensitives who utilized the dark side of the Force.


Prior to 28,000 BBY the Sith culture was one of primitive tribal fighting. One Sith, born with prophesied black pigmented skin, sought to unite the people of Korriban into an Empire, and succeeded by setting himself up as the first monarch of the Sith people. Having united all of Korriban under one rule, Sith King Adas was given the title of Sith'ari, or Lord of the Sith.[2]

King Adas' rule lasted 300 years until in 27,700 BBY, when, while fighting off the Rakata invaders, he lost his life. His death was not in vain however, as he and his people had forced the Rakata off Korriban. Taking what remained of their enemies' spacecraft, the previously primitive Sith—now instantly propelled into a space age and armed with mastery of the dark side of the Force, both acquired from the Rakata—went on to conquer other nearby worlds, in what would later come to be known as Sith Space.[2] Foremost among these worlds were Ziost,[4][5] Malachor V,[4][6] Tund,[4][6][5] Jaguada,[5] Thule,[6] and Arorua,[6] with their capital being relocated from Korriban to the neighboring Ziost.[2] Peace in the Empire was short-lived, dissolving into a civil war due to the power vacuum caused by the death of Adas, with many different leaders claiming the title of Sith'ari.[1]

At some point prior to the creation of terentatek before 16,899 BBY,[3] the Sith Empire became embroiled in a war during which the Sith pressed into military service for the first time various varieties of warbeast, including the silooth, the Sith warbird and the Sith war behemoth, in order to aid their campaign. During one major engagement of the war, the Battle of Kalsunor, hordes of mutated silooths were released by the Sith on the planet Kalsunor, and the creatures proceeded to ravish the world.[6]

Around 15,000 BBY, the Sith Empire backed uprisings in the distant areas of the Galactic Republic. The Republic Fleet Systems was founded to create warships meant to counter the threat.[7]

In 7000 BBY, Sith sorcerer Dathka Graush rose to power through a brutal campaign in which he overtook two-thirds of Korriban. Graush was eventually assassinated by his own followers, deemed too insane and bloodthirsty to rule by a species famous for its brutality. However, relics of his rule remained to be studied by Sorzus Syn and the Exiles when they arrived on Korriban about fifty years after Graush died in c. 6950 BBY.[4]

At some point before the year 6900 BBY, two-dozen millennia after Adas' death, a suitable successor to Adas seemed to come at last:[1] Hakagram Graush was made King of the Sith. However, Graush's reign was short-lived. Following the Battle of Corbos, a group of fallen Jedi Exiles arrived on Korriban thanks to Sorzus Syn's pursuit of the fabled[6] Kingdom of the Sith,[8] and the Dark Jedi soon seized power by assassinating the king and impressing the Sith people with their mastery of the Force. They would go on to found the Sith Order and their own empire.[6]

Behind the scenes[]

In Tales of the Jedi Companion, Ood Bnar says that the Sith "were not united, preferring to remain in tribal 'circles,'" when Ajunta Pall conquered them[9], but Ood Bnar lived 2900 years after Ajunta Pall while Sorzus Syn witnessed Ajunta Pall meeting and beheading Hakagram Graush[6], so this article assumes that Bnar was misinformed.

When the canon was that the Exiles' Sith Empire was created ~25,000 BBY,[10] it was assumed that the "Sith-backed uprisings" that led to Republic Fleet Systems being founded ~15,000 BBY[7] were backed by the Exiles' Sith Empire, but when the creation of the Exiles' Sith Empire was retconned to have happened in 6900 BBY,[11] the implication became that Adas's Sith Empire backed those uprisings.



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 HyperspaceIcon Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties on Hyperspace (article) (content removed from StarWars.com; backup link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
  3. 3.0 3.1 Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side (p. 27) states that latter part of Sorzus Syn's chronicle took place in the "Exile Year Two, Months 7-9". Per The Essential Atlas the first year took place in 6900 BBY, thus the second year would be 6899 BBY. Page 29 states that the Sanctum of Sakkra-Kla was sealed more than ten thousand years before 6899 BBY, and lain undisturbed since, which would mean that the preserved body of a terentatek was placed there before 16,899 BBY. Since terentatek is stated to be "among the more recent creations," the war that birthed the silooth, the Sith warbird and the Sith war behemoth must have happened prior to the creation of the terentatek.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 The Essential Atlas
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 HyperspaceIcon The Written Word on Hyperspace (article) (content removed from StarWars.com and unavailable)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  8. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 82 (Guide to the Galaxy: Moraband)
  9. Tales of the Jedi Companion
  10. The New Essential Guide to Characters
  11. The New Essential Chronology
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