

"In response to the Yomo Council's treasonous actions—its defiance of Grand Admiral Sloane's order to direct assets to the D'Aelgoth sector, its refusal to acknowledge the Empire's rightful regent on Coruscant, and its alliance with the Shiortuun Syndicate, among others—we have been sent to bring retribution to your world."
―Soran Keize[1]

The Shiortuun Syndicate was an organization which the Yomo Council, a faction which broke away from the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, formed an alliance with[1] by 5 ABY.[2] The alliance was among a number of factors which led the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing to be sent to destroy the Yomo Council's forces on the planet Fedovoi End.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Shiortuun Syndicate was mentioned in the 2021 novel Victory's Price, the third volume of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy which was written by Alexander Freed.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Victory's Price
  2. The events of Victory's Price begin after the Cerberon system campaign, and the novel also features the Battle of Jakku at the end of its three main sections. Since Star Wars: Timelines dates both of those conflicts to 5 ABY, the main events of Victory's Price must therefore be set in that year.