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"They spent weeks stealing Imperial supply ships in the Berullian theater of operations, which caused three different Imperial advisors to pitch a fit and the Emperor to dispatch Grand General Ormeddon to clean house."
―Midnight recollecting Beckett's activities and Ormeddon[1]

Ormeddon was an individual who served as a Grand General in the Armed Forces of the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era. By 10 BBY, the criminal Tobias Beckett and his gang operated in the Berullian theater of operations, which caused three Imperial advisors to persuade Galactic Emperor Palpatine into dispatching Ormeddon to the Berullian Checkpoint as part of a ploy by the gang to gain his security clearances. Beckett's gang stole Ormeddon's shuttle, and the crew infiltrated the Colonies location known as Foundry and successfully stole experimental deflector shield generator technology. By the time Ormeddon realized his shuttle was missing, Beckett and his team were already negotiating with thieves from the Crymorah Syndicate.


"Ormeddon thought he was coming to fix things, and never suspected the thefts were designed to get him away from his security, where he'd be vulnerable."
―Midnight recounting Ormeddon and the operation[1]
Midnight TheLodge

Tivoche Bilure "Midnight" first heard of Beckett and his gang when learning of their operations in the Berullian Checkpoint against Grand General Ormeddon.

Ormeddon was an individual who came to serve the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era, eventually rising to the rank of Grand General.[1] By 10 BBY,[2] Ormeddon was based out of a[1] Colonies[3] location named Foundry, which held experimental deflector shield generator technology and maintained a personal docking bay.[1]

Tivoche Bilure, who was known as "Midnight" and served as a bartender at the Lodge on the Mid Rim planet Vandor, documented stories he heard into a book. The first Midnight heard of the criminal Tobias Beckett and his gang was when he and his crew launched an operation at the Berullian Checkpoint where they stole Imperial supply ships for several weeks. The disruption in logistics caused three different Imperial advisors to persuade Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine to take action by dispatching Ormeddon to deal with the matter. Beckett's operation was meant to force Ormeddon away from his security, where he was vulnerable. At the checkpoint, Beckett and his team disguised themselves as maintenance workers and stole Ormeddon's shuttle fifteen minutes into Ormeddon's inspection.[1]

Beckett and his gang jumped to Foundry, used Ormeddon's clearance codes to land in his personal docking bay, and stole the experimental shield generator technology. By the time Ormeddon completed his inspection and began inquiring about the location of his shuttle, Beckett and his team were already in another part of the galaxy in negotiations to arrange a deal with thieves who worked for the Crymorah Syndicate. Midnight later wrote the story in his book[1] sometime between 10 BBY and 3 ABY.[4]


As a grand general in the Imperial Armed Forces, Ormeddon made use of a shuttle for travel.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Ormeddon was first mentioned in Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, a 2018 replica journal authored by Jason Fry.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor
  2. Star Wars: Timelines dates the death of Tobias Beckett to 10 BBY. As Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor establishes Beckett took part in the operation at the Berullian Checkpoint, it must have occurred by 10 BBY.
  3. Star Wars Galaxy Map
  4. Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor is presented as an in-universe book that mentions Lando Calrissian losing the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo in a game of sabacc, as well as Calrissian later visiting Cloud City prior to becoming its Baron Administrator. Star Wars: Timelines dates the former to 10 BBY. Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back depicts Calrissian as the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, with the events of the film placed in 3 ABY by Timelines. Therefore, it can be deduced that Midnight's book from Tales from Vandor must have been written between 10 BBY and 3 ABY.
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