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"Inbrief" is a short story which acts as a tie-in to Battlefront: Twilight Company. It is included in Star Wars Insider 161 and is written by Janine K. Spendlove, with art by Jose Cabrera. It follows the character of Brand as she joins Twilight Company.

Plot summary[]

As Twilight Company captures Governor Magé, Brand attempts to capture Captain Micha Evon for his bounty. The captain discusses her past, causing her to reflect on her time with Twilight Company, and she agrees to stay with the unit.


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea



  • Bird (Mentioned only)
  • Leech (Mentioned only)
  • Nexu (Mentioned only)



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Notes and references[]

  1. TitanThingy Star Wars Insider Issue #161 @ Titan Magazines on Titan Magazines' official website (content now obsolete; backup link)
  2. Star Wars: On the Front Lines places the Declaration of the Rebel Alliance two years before the Battle of Yavin, or 2 BBY. As the Rebel Alliance appears in "Inbrief," it must therefore have taken place during or after 2 BBY. Furthermore, in Battlefront: Twilight Company, the rebel trooper Hazram Namir refers to Brand as a bounty hunter during the battle on Vir Aphshire, which occurs concurrently with the Battle of Yavin. As Brand's bounty hunter past was not known by other rebels until the events of "Inbrief," it must take place prior to the Battle of Yavin, or 0 BBY. Therefore "Inbrief" takes place in between 2 BBY and 0 BBY.

