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The Imperial Emergency Act was an act passed by the Imperial Senate[1] in 5 BBY,[2] in the wake of a massive robbery on Aldhani,[1] during which more than 80 million credits were stolen from the local garrison.[3]



The Imperial Emergency Act was proposed to the Imperial Senate by Emperor Palpatine himself and was focused on increasing Imperial authority in the military and intelligence branches. Alongside the civil authority-focused Public Order Resentencing Directive it formed the backbone of the Galactic Empire's new policies in the wake of the unprecedented attack on the Aldhani armory.

Empire-wide measures[]

Effective immediately, ISB agents were given the authority to request personnel, data and material support from the Army and Navy, something intelligence officers previously found great difficulty in achieving. The ISB was given priority over the Imperial Intelligence and afforded access to galaxy-wide Data Blends instead of being focused on singular sectors,[1] and its Supervisors were granted emergency authority to, among others, order civilian executions and perform interrogations on behalf of local governments.[4]

Localized measures[]

As a direct result of the Aldhani heist which used the local festival of the Eye as cover for the infiltration of the local garrison, all local festivals and customs suspected of harbouring partisan activity would be immediately cancelled and Imperial tolerance would be revoked. First in line of those targeted by the Act was the Eye festival itself, as 134 Dhanis were immediately arrested under suspicions of facilitating the attack.[1]


The Act met opposition in the Imperial Senate by Mon Mothma; however, it eventually passed nonetheless.[4]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Andor logo new Andor — "Announcement"
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Aldhani" take place immediately after "Kassa," which dates itself to 5 BBY.
  3. Andor logo new Andor — "The Eye"
  4. 4.0 4.1 Andor logo new Andor — "Nobody's Listening!"