


Giles was an male Imperial cadet at the Academy for Young Imperials on the planet Lothal[2] in 5 BBY.[3] When the Empire questioned cadets at Lothal's Imperial Academies to flush out traitors, Giles was among the cadets who heard a rumor that dozens of cadets from a regional academy were expelled. Giles also learned from their brother that a cadet from the Pretor Flats Academy supposedly admitted to treason and was taken into custody by stormtroopers.[4]

Later, Giles was paired with Uzall for a training mission where pairs of cadets went door-to-door to question Capital City residents about any illegal activities they had observed. At the end of the exercise, when each team of cadets was awards points according to the results of their interrogation, Uzall and Giles finished in first place thanks to a weapons smuggler who fled from one of the houses in the area they were assigned.[4]

Giles, along with the other members of Unit Besh, was considered potential officer material.[2]

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Notes and references[]

  1. Giles was a student at the one year Academy for Young Imperials at the same time as Zare Leonis. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas establishes that Leonis was a cadet in 5 BBY. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide states that the youngest Imperial Academies begin training Cadets is "13 standard years of age." This means Giles must have been born at least thirteen years before, by 18 BBY.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks
  3. Giles was a cadet at the Academy for Young Imperials alongside Zare Leonis. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas established that Leonis was a cadet in 5 BBY, meaning that Giles was also a cadet at that time.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice
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