


"Crash and the Crew Do What They Do" is a comic story that was published in The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021. The story was written by Daniel José Older, illustrated by Jesse Lonergan, and published by IDW Publishing on December 15, 2021.

Plot summary[]

Protecting the Chancellor[]

Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh of the Galactic Republic undertakes a state visit to Corellia. Since her regular security team is not familiar with the inner workings of Coronet City, Alys Ongwa ("Crash") and her diplomatic protection crew are tasked with protecting the Chancellor during her visit. The droid 10-K8 ("Ten Kayt") notices that Alys is narrating and referring to herself in the third person; a habit that Alys has been working on addressing.

Returning to business, Alys asks for all units to report in. Fezzonk ("Air Eleven") reports that all is well in the skies above. Smeemarm of Tunnel Team Twelve reports that all is well in the underbelly. The Wookiee Tangor roars in affirmation. Ovarto Bitolo-Bash and Barchibar of Ground Team Six report that all is well in their sector. The Prybolt Garavult is patrolling Subsector seven with a pair of Corellian hounds when he reports something suspicious.

The scav droids[]

Meanwhile, a Nihil known as the Respriler releases several scav droids into the streets of Coronet City. The Prybolt and his hounds encounter a sac droid, which is messing with his coms. The scav droid escape the hounds and rocket into the sky. With the scav droid gone, the Prybolt is able to contact his team mates and inform Fezzonk that a scav droid is heading towards his position. Meanwhile, the Arcona Smeemarm ("Tunnel Team Twelve") encounters a scav droid, which he shoots before it can enter an opening.

Alys tells "Air Eleven" that a scav droid is near his vehicle. As she grows frustrated, 10-K8 tells her to breather deeply. Meanwhile, Smeemarm replies that she has eliminated one of the scav droids. The Dowutin Fezzonk manages to spot his scav droid and destroys it with his aircraft's laser cannon. Alys is pleased with Fezzonk for eliminating the threat and asks if someone is there to eliminate the threat. One of Lina Soh's pet Targons intercepts the crashing scav droid.

A rehearsal[]

While 10-K8 is jubilant, Alys is not so sure and thinks that attack was the beginning. The Respriler informs Sabata Krill via hologram that their mission went as planned and that they found out all they need to know for their next attack. Sabata is pleased and says that she will handle things on her end.


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea



Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology



Notes and references[]

  1. SNEAK PEEK: Preview of Star Wars The High Republic Adventures Annual 2021 (On Sale 12/15!) on Comic Watch (archived from the original on December 13, 2021)
  2. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of The High Republic: The Rising Storm to 231 BBY. As HighRepublicShow Logo Star Wars: The High Republic Show: Trail of Shadows, a Tale From Last Call, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com) establishes that "Crash and the Crew Do What They Do" takes place after the events of The Rising Storm, it must take place around the same year. This comic also takes place before Prybolt's death in The High Republic: Midnight Horizon, which Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of to 230 BBY.

External links[]

In other languages