


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"I remember when word of the Mandalorian attack arrived on Iridonia. My people had colonies across the Outer Rim. Many of them were among the first systems to fall. […] I did not join because I wanted to protect though. I hated them. I wanted to destroy them – to give them the mercy they gave the people they conquered. I remember the thrill I felt when we fought them in battle. Victories were rare, but we celebrated every Mandalorian's death."

The attacks on the Zabrak colonies across the Outer Rim by Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were among the first major battles of the Mandalorian Wars fought during the Mandalorian invasion of the Galactic Republic in 3963 BBY.

The Galactic Republic, without support from the Jedi, had little success in the war's early campaigns. Several systems, including some of the Zabrak colonies, fell to the Mandalorian onslaught. In response to the Mandalorians' unprovoked aggression, many people on the Zabrak homeworld of Iridonia, including a gifted tech specialist named Bao-Dur, enlisted in the Republic military seeking vengeance.



Notes and references[]

Mandalorian Wars
(3976 BBY3960 BBY)
Galactic timeline

Previous: Great Sith War
(3996 BBY)

Concurrent: Kanz Disorders
(39703670 BBY)

Next: Jedi Civil War
(39593956 BBY)

Battles of the Mandalorian Wars
Outer Rim sieges
(39763964 BBY)
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Mandalorian Triumph
(3962 BBY)
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Gizer · Nazzri · Vena · Ambria · Zel
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Republic counteroffensive
(39613960 BBY)
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Jaga's Cluster · Second Onderon · Dxun
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