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While searching for the ruins of an Allanar N3 light freighter, Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Chimaera encountered a cloaking device and gravity well hidden in an asteroid observation post. Hiding beneath the asteroid was an armed Grysk warship.

The battle[]

Under Thrawn's orders, Commodore Karyn Faro deployed TIE Defenders and two TIE fighter squadrons in a Marg Sabl maneuver. He also instructed Lieutenant Pyrondi to bombard the enemy ship with turbolaser fire.

At that moment, the Chiss Ascendancy heavy cruiser Steadfast exited hyperspace, deploying plasma spheres to draw away the Grysk warship's laser fire. Observing the Chimaera and its starfighter's Marg Sabl maneuver, Eli N. Vanto realized that Thrawn wanted to distract the Grysks from his TIE fighters.[2]

Thrawn's starfighters took out the Grysk warship's electrostatic generator nodes and laser defenses. To help Thrawn, Admiral Ar'alani ordered her crew to belay the plasma spheres and to fire Breacher missiles at the enemy ship's laser sites. The Grysk warship's laser cannons neutralized two of the Breachers, but four of the Breachers hit their targets, burning through the ship's hull. Thrawn's Defenders and TIEs then took out the Grysk warship's hyperdrive and thrusters, destroying the ship.[2]


Following the battle, Ar'alani and Eli received an invitation from Thrawn to meet him aboard the Chimaera. Before leaving, Ar'alani ordered her crew to salvage the debris from the Grysk warship. After exchanging pleasantries aboard the Chimaera, Thrawn, Eli, and Ar'alani boarded the Grysk warship where Major Carvia and four stormtroopers held two captured Grysk prisoners.[2]

Major Carvia informed Thrawn and Ar'alani that they found the bodies of five humans and eighteen beings of an unidentified species, who had all been stabbed multiple times. Carvia reported that they also found a young Chiss girl who survived the massacre. Ar'alani wanted to take vengeance against the Grysks but Thrawn did not believe in executing prisoners. In private, Ar'alani confided with Eli that she feigned anger in order to mislead the Grysk prisoners into thinking that there was tension between her and Thrawn.[2]


Notes and references[]
