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Z-95 Headhunter

Content approaching. Age of Resistance - General Hux 1, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel–class.

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"He has a child—a bastard boy, as I understand. Not born of his wife, Maratelle, but of some…kitchen woman."
―Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax[1]

A female individual was the mother of Armitage Hux. She was a kitchen worker who had an affair with Commandant Brendol Hux of the Galactic Empire, which resulted in the birth of Armitage.[1] As a child, her son Armitage never got the chance to get to know her.[2] In 5 ABY,[3] Grand Admiral Rae Sloane was requested by Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax to rescue the young boy and his father from Arkanis which was under siege by the New Republic, Sloane was told not to worry about Hux's mother or Brendol's wife Maratelle.[1] Armitage went on to be one of the leaders of the First Order in the decades after the Galactic Civil War.[4] In 34 ABY,[5] in an attempt to stall for time and allow the Resistance to evacuate the Resistance base on D'Qar, Commander Poe Dameron informed Armitage that the Resistance's leader, Leia Organa, had an urgent message for him about his mother, which resulted in Hux being enraged enough that he ordered his ship to open fire on Dameron's squadron.[6]


Non-canonical appearances[]

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