The Sims 4 Guides Growing Together

The Sims 4 Growing Together: Discovering Childhood Confidence

SIMS 4 childhood confidence guide

What you need to know about The Sims 4 Childhood Confidence Feature from Growing Together!

We all know that growing up can be difficult and for our younger Sims, it’s no different!

The Sims 4 Growing Together adds a new feature on Childhood Confidence. Now, all of our Sims have a confidence level, however, for our younger Sims, it starts off at a neutral level. Over time, as they progress through childhood, that confidence level can become higher or lower. Of course, this means their Self-Esteem could be impacted later in life.

Fear not, as we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about this new Sims 4 Childhood Confidence feature! From what is childhood confidence to reward traits, how to manage confidence levels, and more, you’ll find everything you need to know right here!

Sims 4 Childhood Confidence, learning to ride a bike
Atlas gaining confidence when learning to ride a bike.

What is Childhood Confidence?

A child Sim’s confidence level can increase or decrease depending on skill gain, school performance, positive and negative socialization, succeeding or failing or skill-based activities, confident or embarrassed moods, and more. Caregivers criticizing or praising a child’s behaviour also impacts their confidence levels.

How do I know what my Child Sim’s Confidence Level is?

Your Sim’s confidence level can be found under the Simology tab for your Sim. It will be displayed as a temporary trait.

Sims 4 Childhood Confidence - Simology Tab
A child Sim’s confidence level can be found under the Simology tab

The Levels of Childhood Confidence

There are three different levels of confidence that your child Sims can experience. These are High Confidence, Neutral Confidence, and Low Confidence.

Confidence LevelDescription
High ConfidenceSims with High Confidence have learned to believe in themselves. They become confident more easily, even when learning from mistakes. However, they can still be hurt when criticized. High Confidence becomes High Self-Esteem when aging into a teen.
Neutral ConfidenceSims with Neutral Confidence are still figuring it out how they feel about their own capabilities. They can be easily encouraged or discouraged when gaining or losing confidence. A Sim with a neutral will have neither High nor Low Self-Esteem when aging into a teen.
Low ConfidenceSims with Low Confidence are at a higher risk of receiving a Fear of Being Inferior, they get stressed when losing confidence, and they become embarrassed when a caregiver criticizes them. Support means everything to these Sims. If not addressed, Low Confidence becomes Low Self-Esteem when aging into a teen.

Reward Traits & Buffs

When your child Sims age up, they can potentially earn one of two new Reward Traits! These ultimately will be awarded to Sims who age up with either High Confidence or Low Confidence.

Reward TraitDescription
High Self-EsteemThese Sims regularly become confident, even when failing to gain skills or succeed at work. They are also less likely to develop a fear of failure.
Low Self-EsteemThese Sims become tense when they fail to gain skills or don’t succeed in their career. They are also at a high risk of developing a fear of failure.

You’ll see one of these two Reward Traits apply when your Sim becomes a Teenager.

Sims 4 Childhood Confidence - Reward Traits
Childhood Confidence Reward Traits

You’ll also notice, that depending on the task or interaction that your child Sim is experiencing, a variety of Buffs. These can vary depending on their confidence level and can range from more uncomfortable and embarrassing Buffs to more positive and motivating Buffs for higher confidence levels.

How can I manage my Child’s Confidence?

There are a number of ways that you can help influence your child Sim’s confidence levels. As mentioned in the Lessons section for The Sims 4 Childhood Confidence, confidence can either be positively or negatively affected in numerous ways.

Here are some examples of how you can influence a child Sim’s confidence level.

Confidence ImpactInteractions
PositiveFinishing homework
Learning to ride a bike
Positive social interactions
Going up a grade in school
Building skills
Success with skill building activities
Praise and encouragement from caregivers
Confident emotion
Addressing Sims Needs
NegativeGoing down a grade in school
Failing at skill-building activities
Negative social interactions
Embarrassed emotion
Criticism from caregivers
Ignoring Sims Needs

While these are just some of the many ways you can influence confidence levels, there are so many more in the game to discover!

Don’t forget, Milestones and Aspirations are another great way to help your child Sim’s confidence levels.

Sims 4 Childhood Confidence: Atlas watching nature from the treehouse
Atlas enjoying some time in his treehouse

Ultimately, you can manage your Child Sims confidence level by completing everyday interactions, Milestones, Aspirations, and more without even realizing you are doing so. Of course, just make sure to keep an eye on their level if they are about to level up. This is more so if you are wanting to obtain one of the two Rewards Traits that we mentioned earlier in this overview.

Want to know more about Milestones in The Sims 4? You can find this and more guides right here. As always, stay tuned to Sims Community for all the latest from The Sims franchise!

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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