Nifty Knitting The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting: All About Plopsy

TS4 x64 2020 07 24 13 36 41

Presented by EA Game Changers

In The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting, your Sims will be able to sell their knitted creations and other craftables on the online marketplace, Plopsy. If your Sims continue making quality items and shipping out orders in a timely fashion, they can really turn Plopsy into a thriving online business.

The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting: All About Plopsy

To start making money on Plopsy, all you need is a place to sit and a knitting basket in your Sim’s inventory. Once your Sim has a finished knittable in their inventory, you can click on the item to see a variety of options. If it’s a clothing piece, Sims can add it to the household wardrobe to unlock that item in CAS. They can also gift it to someone, donate it to charity, or list the item for sale on Plopsy.

It costs §10 to list something on Plopsy. Once your item is listed, it will be highlighted in red. Scrolling over the listed item will tell you when the listing expires and if there are currently any offers on the item. If your listed item expires with no offers on it, you can relist it as many times as you want, but it will cost you another §10 every time you list it.

You’ll receive a notification when someone wants to buy something you’ve listed on Plopsy. A listed item that has been purchased by someone will be highlighted in blue in your Sim’s inventory. Click the item and choose to ship it to the buyer. Your Sim won’t receive payment for the item until they ship it. You’ll get another notification when the buyer receives your item, along with their review of their purchase.

The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting: All About Plopsy

A knittable that has been purchased on Plopsy and needs to be shipped to the buyer


If your Sim is looking for a cozy knitted item to purchase and doesn’t have the skills to knit it themselves, they can also use Plopsy as a customer! Use the phone under the Household tab or the computer under the Order… tab to Browse Plopsy for items to buy. There will be a variety of crafted items for sale and the selection changes roughly every half hour or so in-game so if you don’t find what you’re looking for, keep checking back!

The Sims 4 Nifty Knitting: All About Plopsy

If your Sim becomes skilled enough to knit larger clothing pieces and legendary quality pieces, selling their knittables on Plopsy can become quite a lucrative side business, but knittables aren’t the only thing your Sim can sell on Plopsy. Creative Sims of all types will find Plopsy to be a handy tool for selling their creations.

Things that be sold on Plopsy include:

  • Knittables
  • Wood sculptures
  • Paintings
  • Flower arrangements (Seasons content)
  • Candles (Eco Lifestyle content)

However, some crafted items cannot be sold on Plopsy, such as:

  • Carved pumpkins (Spooky Stuff content)
  • Fabricated furniture (Eco Lifestyle content)
  • Fizzy juice (Eco Lifestyle content)
  • Music tracks (Get Famous content)

Basically, almost any non-edible crafted object that can fit in your Sim’s inventory can be sold on Plopsy.

One other small restriction with Plopsy is that children cannot list anything they’ve knitted for sale on Plopsy. They can, however, gift their knittables to an older Sim in the household. The older Sim can then list the item for them.

Will your Sims be embarking on a new entrepreneurial adventure with Plopsy? Let us know in the comments or come chat with us on social media!

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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