The Sims 4 Guides Spooky Stuff

This is your one-time opportunity to get Spooky Stuff


Halloween is just around the corner and there’s no better way to celebrate it than to get The Sims 4 Spooky Stuff Pack (if you haven’t already). No, not because it’s a halloween-themed pack that fits Halloween festivities this month but because it’s ONLY 5 DOLLARS on Origin!

This is the lowest price any Stuff Pack in The Sims Franchise has reached. For just $4,99 you can enjoy in more than 60 new items that revolve around costumes, spooky new objects and a unique halloween-themed party!

Wanna know what’s included in this Stuff Pack? Check out the following articles:

This spooky sale lasts for only 7 days – ending on October 17th at 10AM PDT. If you don’t have this Stuff Pack yet this is your unique opportunity to finally get it!

This is your one-time opportunity to get Spooky Stuff

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