E3 News The Sims 4

The Sims 4 Preview by TrustedReviews!

Sims 4 Build Mode 1


The ability to chat with other Sims about your personal traits and interests is still there too, as with The Sims 3. 

Although there are still a fair few loading screens in The Sims 4, EA has made it easier to travel around and organise parties or other events by adding a new menu beside the Sim selection tools. Previously, you’d need to use your phone to do any of these things, but this new menu is much less laborious. 

Of course, with a brand new Sims game, there are also new worlds to explore. We were shown a few locations with Willow Creek, one of these new worlds, which offers a new neighbourhood called Magnolia Blossom Park. This new locale is vibrant and lush with plant life, creating a stunning backdrop for your Sims’ upcoming activities. 

Within these new neightbourhoods, you’ll also get access to collectibles and secrets. It looks like these will build on those offered within The Sims 3, but with a more organic feel. For example, we were shown how you could take a cutting from an apple tree in the park and take it home to plant later. Not all these new secrets and collectibles will be unusual and most should be of use to your Sims’ lives both at home and away. 

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