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Cart cookie value now includes key param


Action required

The cart cookie value for the Online Store now includes a key param. Not including the key param will result in the removal of buyer details and your updates will be applied to a newly generated cart. This behavior is applied retroactively to all themes.

This change is rolling out now, and enforcement will go into effect after a grace period of 1 week.

Example Format

  • Before: value=c1-7a2abe82733a34e84aa472d57fb5c3c1
  • After: value=c1-7a2abe82733a34e84aa472d57fb5c3c1?key=824bdj25mhg1242bdb385

Action Required

Provide the complete cart cookie value which includes the key param as well as the cart token.

Ensure that theme code is free from hard-coded assumptions (ex. Using regex to identify a cart token) on the format and structure of the cart cookie. This is especially critical if the cart cookie is manually constructed. If your theme utilizes the value set by default without modification, no action is needed.