Get More Website Traffic & Bookings, We Know Escape Room Websites

We create stunning & high-performance websites for Escape Rooms

Our websites rank for escape rooms, birthday parties, things to do, and many more queries

Our websites rank for escape rooms, birthday parties, things to do, and many more queries

Your new website will drive more bookings and revenue

Give Your Escape Room Business a Boost With a Stunning New Website

If you’re looking for a way to give your escape room business a boost, then creating a stunning new website is a great option.

Having an eye-catching and user-friendly website will help you attract more customers and show them what your business is all about. Plus, it’ll give you a chance to showcase your escape rooms in all their glory and get people excited about playing them.

In today’s day and age, it’s impossible to compete in the escape room industry without a professionally designed website. With more and more people turning to Google to find things to do,  having a website that stands out is essential.


If your website is not found by potential customers, or it turns people off on the first interaction, you are potentially leaving thousands of dollars on the table.


Unfortunately, average website designers don’t have the knowledge to make a website that’s both functional and aesthetically pleasing. 


We’re here to help. By getting in touch with us, we’re confident we can create a website for you that effectively represents your brand, brings in more leads each month, and translates to higher profits.

Lock N Escape


Utopia VR Arcade

14 Dalston Lane

Unity Escape Rooms

Build A Scoop

Enter Mission


Wild Goose Escape

Experimental Escape

Escape Room Website Design Service

Build a Responsive Website And Cater To More Clients

SEO ORB Internet Marketing Agency is an esteemed escape room website design agency. We offer full-service escape room website design services to help companies scale their business.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Looking for an SEO service specifically for escape rooms? Look no further! Our team at SEO ORB  can help you optimize your website to draw in more customers.

Web Design And Development

We will work with you to provide your site visitors and target customers a unique website experience. Rest assured that we follow all the best practices and Google standards in designing your website.

Content Marketing

Get an unparalleled edge over your competitors with our Escape Room Content Marketing service. We cover topics such as escape rooms, things to do, birthdays, team building, and productivity.

Responsive Design

Every website we design and build is guaranteed to look great no matter what device or screen size your customers view it on.

WordPress Experts

SEO ORB’s escape room website designers provide support and maintenance for your WordPress website. We not only offer website design and development but also site upkeep and speed optimization.

Custom Website Design

A custom-designed website will help you attract more high-quality visitors and convert more bookings. Your website will be well-represented and look great, helping you stand out from the competition.

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Client Testimonials

Entermission VR Escape Rooms

Christal Ho

(Entermission VR Escape Rooms)

[dsm_button button_one_video_popup=”on” button_two_text=”Watch Video” button_two_url=”″ button_two_video_popup=”on” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” custom_button_one=”on” button_one_text_size=”14px” button_one_text_color=”#000000″ button_one_icon=”||divi||400″ button_one_icon_placement=”left” button_one_on_hover=”off” button_one_custom_margin=”10px||10px||false|false” custom_button_two=”on” button_two_text_size=”14px” button_two_text_color=”#000000″ button_two_icon=”||divi||400″ button_two_icon_placement=”left” button_two_on_hover=”off” global_colors_info=”{}” _i=”2″ _address=”″ /]

Christal Ho  – Entermission Sydney VR Escape Rooms are a premier virtual reality escape room experience in Sydney with standard 60-minute games. 

“I knew that my website wasn’t necessarily the best. I knew it wasn’t SEO optimised, and there were a lot of issues with it.

The website was a mish-mash, the previous website person was unwell, and I was making all the changes myself. When it came to technical things, it was challenging to find suitable people to outsource it to, and the quality was very variable. It was a frustrating experience.

SEO ORB came in at the right time, and they did a great job of getting the website going and getting it SEO Optimized and increasing our organic traffic and taking over the advertising and other aspects of the business.

We are a VR Escape Room, so it’s a little different than Physical Escape Rooms, and breaking into the market is a challenge, but we are pulling in 6.5x ROI from our Google Ads campaigns.

If you are an Escape Room business, I highly recommend working with SEO ORB.”

Fox In A Box Chicago

Vincent Rubino

(Fox In A Box Chicago)

[dsm_button button_one_text=”View Case Study” button_one_url=”/escape-room-marketing-case-study/” button_one_url_new_window=”on” button_two_text=”Watch Video” button_two_url=”″ button_two_video_popup=”on” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” custom_button_one=”on” button_one_text_size=”14px” button_one_text_color=”#000000″ button_one_icon=”||divi||400″ button_one_icon_placement=”left” button_one_on_hover=”off” button_one_custom_margin=”10px||10px||false|false” custom_button_two=”on” button_two_text_size=”14px” button_two_text_color=”#000000″ button_two_icon=”||divi||400″ button_two_icon_placement=”left” button_two_on_hover=”off” global_colors_info=”{}” _i=”2″ _address=”″ /]
Vincent Rubino (Owner) – Fox In A Box Chicago is an immersive escape room experience in Chicago. You have 60 minutes to find clues and solve puzzles to escape the room.

“…we were barely breaking even. Some months were profitable, and some were not profitable. The biggest problem we were trying to solve was ‘increase sales’.

I was going to Google Search Ads myself, and it didn’t ROI very well. I did a couple of random Facebook Ads as well. It wasn’t practical. Our Search Engine Optimisation was also disorganised. Before working with SEO ORB, our marketing efforts were non-existent and ineffective.

After working with SEO ORB, we got into a very profitable footing. It’s allowed me to free up my time to worry about more strategic efforts.

Our SEO rankings are through the roof, we are dominating our space for most of the essential keywords, and our ADs ROI is close to 30X, which is a complete no-brainer.

With SEO ORB, there is a real focus on Escape Rooms, and they have helped the organisation to a tremendous extent. I felt like I had a wingman there. Helping take care of one major part of the business.”

Our Process

Quick Intro Call

Strategy Meeting + Proposal

Website Kickoff

3-4 Weeks (Design and Development)

2-3 Weeks (Quality Assurance + Content Entry)

Website Launch


Why do I need to hire an Escape Room design agency?

Designing a website yourself may seem like a good idea, but without any technical expertise, it will be a complicated and time-consuming process. On the other hand, our team of dedicated professionals can create a sophisticated website that would be too technical for you to create alone.

The structure of your website is very important. Not only will it help visitors to navigate the site and find your services, but it also helps you to rank higher on Google. And we know that Google has a large market share, with most searches happening through their search engine. If you’re not ranking in Google for your chosen keywords, you’re missing out on potential customers. 

That’s why we design our websites with SEO in mind, to ensure that the on-page SEO forms a strong foundation for our future marketing efforts.

Why are you the best Escape Room Design agency?

We prioritize our clients and take the time to understand their businesses inside and out. That’s why our team’s extensive experience with other escape room companies is such a benefit. We know what to look for and where to find hidden opportunities.

A different web design company might have more experience designing and marketing websites for the medical industry. However, we understand your business and know how the escape room industry works.

And lastly, as a client, you don’t want to have to constantly guide and micromanage the company you hired to build your website. You want to hire professionals who can take the lead, but also work cooperatively with you to produce a fantastic website.

How’s the SEO ORB’s website design service different from other vendors or DIY platforms?

Other platforms give you a tool to build the website yourself. That, or you have to hire a developer to do it for you.

SEO ORB’s website design service is a one-stop solution for designing, developing, hosting, and supporting your website for you for the long haul. We are always going to be there whenever you need anything for your website.  

We keep everything backed up, up to date, and secure on your behalf. With the Holy Grail service, your website is made by a developer who understands escape rooms in and out.  

Get your website done the right way,, plus unlimited technical support to help you keep growing your business.

Think of us as having your own web team. We’ll handle the website; you just focus on building your brand.

What is the price of building an Escape Room website?

If you’re looking to create an escape room website, you’ll need to factor in the cost of building and hosting the site. You’ll also need to account for the cost of any features or functionality you want to include. 

Overall, the cost of building an escape room website can vary depending on your needs and budget. Our website design service starts from $2500.

What level of website support do you provide post-development?

Post-development, we provide FREE extensive technical support for 90 days. 

Beyond that our basic support will still be free if you take any of our marketing services. We will handle things like uploading blog posts and making small content changes for you.

Think of it like this – if it concerns the website, we’ll handle it! It is completely hands-off for you, so you can focus on growing your brand. All we ask is that you are reasonable with what you request.

Who writes the web content?

We have in-house copywriters who understand the Escape Room industry well enough to create content for Escape Room websites.

Do you offer email as well?

We don’t offer email. For the best delivery rates and best spam protection, we recommend getting your email from our preferred provider, Google Workspace (formerly known as G Suite).

Just ask about setting up emails during your onboarding call and we’ll get you set up, at no additional charge!

Have More Questions?

Reach out to us via the contact page.

Our Recent Articles

piyush agarwal - founder of SEO ORB

Piyush Agarwal (Data Geek @ SEO ORB)


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