Facebook And Instagram Ads For Escape Rooms

Attract More Players With Custom Ads On The Most Popular Social Media Platforms

Target specific user demographics

Unlock additional market segments

Our websites rank for escape rooms, birthday parties, things to do, and many more queries

Get super creative display ads that hook your customers

Facebook Ads

If you want to grow your escape room, you should advertise on Facebook to get in front of potential customers who would be a great fit for your business. 

With the power to tap into thousands of users on the world’s largest social network and get them to become escape room players, your escape room will:


Get more ER Bookings


Grow Brand Awareness


Generate More Website Traffic

Instagram Ads

With Facebook Ads, you can also tap into the power of Instagram. Go beyond just organic followers and use Instagram Ads to target a different audience that has your customers. 


Position your ER in front of more potential customers


Find and attract high-quality leads for your business


Increase the number of touchpoints in your customer journey


When It Comes To Facebook and IG Ads, SEO ORB has various services to help you reach potential ER players and impact your bottom line. We create a custom-tailored Facebook Ads Strategy, so it works for your Escape Room.

Here’s what our Facebook Ads service for Escape Rooms includes:

Audience Targeting

The right audience can make all the difference when it comes to your Facebook Ads. With our Facebook advertising service, we’ll help you target the right people so you can get the most out of your ads.

Ad Copy Writing

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to creating successful Facebook Ads, but our team of experienced strategists can help you get the most out of your social media advertising budget. With our Facebook advertising services, you’ll reach more people and get more engagement on your ads.

Ad Design

An eye-catching ad design is essential for grabbing the attention of Facebook users. Our Facebook Ads agency has experienced producers who can create stunning designs, so you don’t have to settle for boring photos. Get eye-catching creatives for your social media ads now.

Landing Page

The success of your Facebook advertising campaign doesn’t just rely on the ad itself – even after users click on it. Having a well-optimized and relevant landing page is essential to increasing conversion rates. Our Facebook Ads services can help you build and optimize your landing pages so you see results.

A/B Testing

Different Facebook ads work better with different audiences or for different purposes. A/B testing can help you figure out which ads are most effective for your business. Our Facebook advertising agency can help you get the most out of your advertising budget and improve your conversion rates.


If users interact with your Facebook ad or landing page but don’t make it to the final step, you can still remarket to them with Facebook Ads. Our Facebook advertising services can help you implement your business’ remarketing campaign, so you don’t miss out on potential leads.


When it comes to budgeting, it’s important to consider all your options before making any decisions. Otherwise, you could end up investing in Facebook advertising that doesn’t work. Our Facebook advertising agency can help your company invest your budget in the right ads, so you invest your money in the best ads.

Ad Placement

Although Facebook Ads can be placed on various platforms, some ads are not effective on every platform. With our Facebook advertising services, you’ll have Facebook Ad specialists help you choose the best ad placement, so your Facebook ads are seen by the right people at the right time.

Facebook Pixel

Data is key to understanding how effective your Facebook Ads campaigns are. Facebook Pixel provides you with that data. Our Facebook advertising services include setting up and managing Facebook Pixel. You’ll get data experts who will interpret your Facebook Ad data and make your ads even better.


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Client Testimonials

Entermission VR Escape Rooms

Christal Ho

(Entermission VR Escape Rooms)

[dsm_button button_one_video_popup=”on” button_two_text=”Watch Video” button_two_url=”https://vimeo.com/528725303″ button_two_video_popup=”on” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” custom_button_one=”on” button_one_text_size=”14px” button_one_text_color=”#000000″ button_one_icon=”||divi||400″ button_one_icon_placement=”left” button_one_on_hover=”off” button_one_custom_margin=”10px||10px||false|false” custom_button_two=”on” button_two_text_size=”14px” button_two_text_color=”#000000″ button_two_icon=”||divi||400″ button_two_icon_placement=”left” button_two_on_hover=”off” global_colors_info=”{}” _i=”2″ _address=”″ /]

Christal Ho  – Entermission Sydney VR Escape Rooms are a premier virtual reality escape room experience in Sydney with standard 60-minute games. 

“I knew that my website wasn’t necessarily the best. I knew it wasn’t SEO optimised, and there were a lot of issues with it.

The website was a mish-mash, the previous website person was unwell, and I was making all the changes myself. When it came to technical things, it was challenging to find suitable people to outsource it to, and the quality was very variable. It was a frustrating experience.

SEO ORB came in at the right time, and they did a great job of getting the website going and getting it SEO Optimized and increasing our organic traffic and taking over the advertising and other aspects of the business.

We are a VR Escape Room, so it’s a little different than Physical Escape Rooms, and breaking into the market is a challenge, but we are pulling in 6.5x ROI from our Google Ads campaigns.

If you are an Escape Room business, I highly recommend working with SEO ORB.”

Fox In A Box Chicago

Vincent Rubino

(Fox In A Box Chicago)

[dsm_button button_one_text=”View Case Study” button_one_url=”/escape-room-marketing-case-study/” button_one_url_new_window=”on” button_two_text=”Watch Video” button_two_url=”https://vimeo.com/528725127″ button_two_video_popup=”on” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”4.17.3″ _module_preset=”default” custom_button_one=”on” button_one_text_size=”14px” button_one_text_color=”#000000″ button_one_icon=”||divi||400″ button_one_icon_placement=”left” button_one_on_hover=”off” button_one_custom_margin=”10px||10px||false|false” custom_button_two=”on” button_two_text_size=”14px” button_two_text_color=”#000000″ button_two_icon=”||divi||400″ button_two_icon_placement=”left” button_two_on_hover=”off” global_colors_info=”{}” _i=”2″ _address=”″ /]
Vincent Rubino (Owner) – Fox In A Box Chicago is an immersive escape room experience in Chicago. You have 60 minutes to find clues and solve puzzles to escape the room.

“…we were barely breaking even. Some months were profitable, and some were not profitable. The biggest problem we were trying to solve was ‘increase sales’.

I was going to Google Search Ads myself, and it didn’t ROI very well. I did a couple of random Facebook Ads as well. It wasn’t practical. Our Search Engine Optimisation was also disorganised. Before working with SEO ORB, our marketing efforts were non-existent and ineffective.

After working with SEO ORB, we got into a very profitable footing. It’s allowed me to free up my time to worry about more strategic efforts.

Our SEO rankings are through the roof, we are dominating our space for most of the essential keywords, and our ADs ROI is close to 30X, which is a complete no-brainer.

With SEO ORB, there is a real focus on Escape Rooms, and they have helped the organisation to a tremendous extent. I felt like I had a wingman there. Helping take care of one major part of the business.”

Our Process

Free Growth Acceleration Consultation (Intro Call)

Strategy Meeting

Onboarding + Project Kick-off

Week 3: Project Performance Presentation

Monthly Reporting Calls

Escape Room Marketing Services FAQs

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads is a powerful marketing tool that allows companies to reach a wide audience through Facebook’s various platforms. 

By advertising on Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram, businesses can promote their products and services to a large number of potential customers.

How do Facebook Ads work?

Creating a post on Facebook or Instagram is a great way to bring awareness to your brand, product, or service. However, Facebook Ads come with a wider range, and more advanced targeting capabilities (that are way more effective than “boosting a post”). Effective Facebook marketing gives companies the ability to get their online advertisements to the right people at the right time, which significantly increases the chance of a purchase, appointment, or visit.

Why are Facebook Ads important?

Facebook Ads can be a powerful platform to help with your company’s growth. With over 2.6 billion active users monthly, it has a large social media audience. 

A lot of people forget that Facebook is still the number 1 social media platform in the world. Here are some data you should know about Facebook: Around 2.6 billion people actively use Facebook globally each month7 out of 10 adults in the U.S uses Facebook

Users spend 20 minutes or more on Facebook every day.

There is no doubt that social media plays a big role in our lives today. Aside from Facebook, the second biggest social media platform is Instagram. Here are some statistics on Instagram: it has 1 billion active monthly users, 37% of adults in the U.S use it, and it is the most popular social media platform for U.S teens. 

An impressive 200 million users check out one business profile each day, spending on average 28 minutes on Instagram every day.

Why are Facebook Ads effective for Escape Rooms?

The reason 86% of marketers use Facebook ads and 51% of total ad spending in the U.S. is that they get results. Facebook Ads’ powerful targeting capabilities, large audience, and influence on people’s buying behavior make it an effective way to reach consumers.

Here are some statistics on social media that your company can look forward to:

  • Facebook influenced approximately 52% of customers when making a purchase, both online and offline.
  • Over three-quarters of American consumers will find products or services on Facebook.
  • Approximately 60 percent of individuals learn about new products or services through Instagram.
  • 26% of Facebook users who clicked on an ad made a purchase.
What’s the difference between Facebook Ads versus Boosting a post for Escape Rooms?

Facebook gives you the option to boost a post from your business page, but it’s not recommended. Boosting a post has many limitations compared to making a Facebook ad in Facebook Ads Manager. 

With Facebook Ads Manager, you can choose the campaign objective that best matches your business’s marketing goals.

What is the different campaign objectives?

There are many campaign objectives, and you should choose them based on your Escape Rooms objective. 

Here are some of the campaign objectives to choose from:

  • Store Visits: This campaign ensures that the company’s ads are promoting foot traffic to their physical store. 
  • Conversions: This campaign helps get more sales, downloads, or any other conversion goals for companies.
  • Video Views: If you want a video to get more views, this campaign gives a way for companies to promote a video or videos on Facebook. 
  • Bringing awareness: to a company’s brand is the priority of this campaign.
  • Engagement: This campaign gets more media engagement (like a “like”) for your ads.

Traffic: This campaign helps companies get more clicks. Increasing a company’s traffic is essential for its growth.

What’s better Facebook vs Google ADs for Escape Rooms?

Neither. It can depend on your unique situation. It’s always better to have more than one option when it comes to marketing your business. With Google Ads, you can target customers based on specific keywords. 

This allows businesses to advertise to people who are intentionally searching for something. With Facebook advertisements, you can market your brand on active social media platforms with precise targeting.

Why Should I Hire Someone To Do Facebook Ads For My Escape Room?

Most people are familiar with using Facebook, but running Facebook Ads is a different story. Hiring a marketing agency can be a better option than running it yourself. 

If you’re looking to get a better return on your investment, hire a Facebook Ads Expert. They’ll take care of all the settings and management, so you can focus on your business. 

Plus, you’ll get faster results than if you tried to figure it all out yourself.

Have More Questions?

Reach out to us via the contact page.

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Piyush Agarwal (Data Geek @ SEO ORB)


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