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On Page SEO

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WOn-Page SEO Optimization
in Windsor & Essex County, ON

Increasing Online Visibility Faster With On Page Seo

On Site or On Page SEO Optimization factors have certainly changed over the years in internet marketing. At one point in time keyword meta tags were held in the highest regard and now they are completely ignored by Google. We often find businesses focusing their efforts towards on page optimization factors that carry little SEO weight, while missing out on opportunities for the more important on page factors. With so much conflicting information in the data age online, it is hard to get a reliable answer that you can bank on.

SEOBANK’s On Page SEO Services & Process

We Have a refined 43 point check list for complete optimization of a new project to ensure your business is successful online. We start with your main industry keywords and find new avenues of profit through LSI Keywords, Competitor Research and Long Tail Keyword ideas.

  • Main keyword, LSI & Competitor research
  • Keyword mapping (SEO Silos, Site Architecture)
  • Keyword gap opportunities analysis
  • Geo Targeting Optimization for Better Local Search
  • Longtail keyword targeting & Article Creation
  • Content Optimization (title, meta descriptions, H1 and main body content)
  • Internal link optimization
  • Additional website optimization (achieved through blog posts)
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We created this page to help your business online, so that you can finally make your pages rank high on page one of Google. Whether you use our services to to market your business or use this guide to implement the best On Page Strategy in Windsor for SEO yourself, we are always happy to answer your questions.

Remember Google ranks WEB PAGES, not Websites and each page should have a well researched targeted keyword that you know is going to get a high search volume aka “Web Traffic”. After your main keywords are selected, implementation and web conversions should be next on the list.

What is Working Post Panda

for On Page SEO?

Now let’s talk a little bit about Google Algorithm Updates, in particular Panda. Since Panda was implemented, starting in February 2011 till Now, with many version updates in between the impact of duplicate content and over optimization has become much more severe with Google penalties and loss of Rank in the SERPs. It used to be that duplicate content could only harm that content itself. That is, if you had duplicate content only that page would be filtered out. Usually, that was ok. In extreme cases today, your entire site might be impacted by duplicate content or over optimization and quickly see a large drop in rankings site wide. Panda is also targeted at thin or spammy content, maybe not necessarily a low word count, although pages with 1000+ words tend to rank higher in search, but poorly designed or poorly researched articles. Anything to do with spam, basically is a red flag, such as affiliate sites filled with pages and pages of ads solely for the purpose of making “Extra Fast Over Night Passive Income” as a viable business model is dead.

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Research Conducted by Ahref’s for Backling Ranking Factors

So what is the Fix for Google’s Panda Update? In a few words, Fresh Relative Content That’s Seems Natural that comes from a trusted source. Read a recent Matt Cutt’s quote on Google’s Panda Update, “our advice for webmasters is to focus on creating high quality sites that creates a good user experience and employ’s white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in aggressive webspam tactics” simply stated, Google is looking for websites that care about their customers user experience, not a site that is written towards search engine spiders, making money on autopilot or extreme over optimization.

I want to touch on two points here that are beyond the scope of what I can write here in this one article. Any one serious about learning SEO, should study both how and why Google uses SEO relevancy and White Hat SEO techniques to rank and position sites in the search engine result pages. I will make sure to post these pages back soon and create links for my readers. Now back to On Page SEO.

What Can We Do
for Your Business?

Best Top 10 On Page SEO Factors:

  • SEO Friendy URLs
  • Title Tags (No More than 70 Chars)
  • Meta Description
  • Page Headings (H1, H2, H3, ect…)
  • Single Keyword Focus with Supporting LSI Keywords
  • ALT image text
  • Use of Bold, Italic, Bullet Points and Quotations
  • On Page Interior Links with Keyword Rich Anchor Text
  • Outbound Links to relevant High PR sites
  • Website Copy should be more than 500 words with KD of 3-4% AVG.

Most Missed Optimization SEO Factors:

  • Unintentional Duplicate Content
  • Slow Page Load Times
  • Poor On Page Optimization (Same Title Tags, Descriptions, Broken Links)
  • Poorly Optimized Images and Videos
  • No Real Keyword Research / Strategy
  • Bad / Low Quailty Backlinks
  • Thin Content (lack of semantic KW opportunity)
  • Spun or Aggregated Content
  • Lower Bounce Rates
  • Website Not Monitored in Google Search Console
  • Not Mobile Friendly

Other on page SEO factors to consider:

Please keep in mind to use the above list both sparingly and looking natural, no one enjoys reading an over optimized page of text, especially not Google! Now having said that let’s move on to other factors to consider when talking about On Page SEO. One factor that is relatively new to ranking factors is page load times or site speed. If you are using wordpress there are many plugins that help website load times, such as W3 Total Cache Plugin which you can download and install to help your site load much quicker. Continuing with this idea of helping Google, you should also supply them with both a robots.txt and sitemap.xml files, which will improve the effectiveness of Google accessing and indexing your sites content.

I hope you find all information provided here both useful and profitable for your website, if you adhere to the outline here, you will be well on your way to online marketing success! We are always here for further SEO Consulting.


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profile - daryl driedger

Chris and his team at SEOBANK created a strategic SEO and SMM plan for my business and the results were terrific online! I am amazed at the calls I am still getting!

Daryl Driedger
Owner Cowlick Studios
profile - wayne young

Chris Labbate, from SEOBANK helped my online E-commerce store not only recover from a Google Penalty, but they were able to get us a better rank than before any of the algorithm changes! We are now back selling better than ever.

Wayne Young
Owner, TheToolStore.ca
profile - abe fehr

SEOBANK was a major factor in my overall lead generation and subsequent increase in sales. Thank you, Chris.

Abe Fehr
Owner, Western Metal Roofing

I have used Chris twice for different social media campaigns. It has been great for business. He is prompt to reply and answer questions and his SEO is effective! I can see my business grow through the work he does.

Brooke Collins
Registered Psychotherapist, Lifespring Counselling

The team at SEOBANK has been amazing to work with. They are an incredibly skilled team, who has significantly helped with the awareness of my business online.

Melissa Beardsley
Owner, Clear Hearing Centre

SEOBANK’s last marketing campaign got some serious attention! It seems like Google was quite impressed, I got more than a few emails. Good Job! Also I like what you are doing on the website!

Luke Martin
Owner, Country Towne Metal Roofing

SEOBANK developed an Adword campaign for us in a very timely fashion. He saved us money by analyzing others in the industry and only investing in keywords that proved to be the most profitable. I would definitely recommend him to anyone!

Cody Kraus
Real Estate Agent, Century21

Hi, Chris Labbate, your hard work is paying off and we are already seeing the fruits of your labour. I am ecstatic to have you as our online marketing guru. My only regret is not hiring you sooner! #BestSEOguyEver

Jeff Medeiros
Owner Green Rhino Restoration
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