80 cards where the TIX price > 15

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
PRM 90292 Adrix and Nev, Twincasters {2}{G}{U} Lgd. Creature M EN Andrew Mar 16.36
MH3 237 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah // Ajani, Nacatl Avenger {1}{W} Lgd. Creature M EN Chris Rallis $21.25 €23.05 20.71
PRM 86052 Akroma's Will {3}{W} Instant R EN Antonio José Manzanedo 22.22
LEA 47 Ancestral Recall {U} Instant R EN Mark Poole €11,948.77 91.74
UMA 236 Ancient Tomb Land R EN Yeong-Hao Han $88.77 €64.23 18.79
C19 31 Apex Altisaur {7}{G}{G} Creature R EN Simon Dominic $3.51 €4.07 17.48
CMR 217 Apex Devastator {8}{G}{G} Creature M EN Svetlin Velinov $12.64 €12.86 16.85
M3C 50 Barrowgoyf {2}{B} Creature R EN Igor Kieryluk $4.42 18.99
MOC 132 Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus {3} Lgd. Artifact R EN Titus Lunter $9.67 21.19
VMA 4 Black Lotus {0} Artifact B EN Chris Rahn 21.93
UNF 279 Blood Crypt Land R EN Chris Ostrowski $26.94 €30.75 15.83
NEO 266 Boseiju, Who Endures Lgd. Land R EN Chris Ostrowski $31.44 €36.66 15.17
OTJ 157 Bristly Bill, Spine Sower {1}{G} Lgd. Creature M EN Daniel Zrom $24.30 €21.26 17.40
40K 150 Canoptek Scarab Swarm {4} Artifact Creature R EN Alexey Kruglov $6.05 €6.20 21.60
PUMA U33 Celestial Colonnade Land M EN Eric Deschamps ✶ $5.09 15.08
WTH 66 Doomsday {B}{B}{B} Sorcery R EN Adrian Smith $5.11 €5.90 15.10
IKO 11 Drannith Magistrate {1}{W} Creature R EN Kieran Yanner $21.12 €16.13 17.87
USG 250 Exploration {G} Enchantment R EN Brian Snõddy $30.96 €17.86 18.21
PRM 82802 Fatal Push {B} Instant R EN Eric Velhagen 30.37
2X2 50 Force of Negation {1}{U}{U} Instant R EN Paul Scott Canavan $41.03 €43.33 16.39
ME1 33 Force of Will {3}{U}{U} Instant R EN Terese Nielsen 43.41
USG 321 Gaea's Cradle Lgd. Land R EN Mark Zug $812.50 €552.72 20.27
MH2 406 Galvanic Relay {2}{R} Sorcery C EN Lucas Staniec $0.08 €0.11 15.60
MH2 87 Grief {2}{B}{B} Creature M EN Nicholas Gregory $19.73 €22.36 18.73
ULG 126 Grim Monolith {2} Artifact R EN Chippy $283.14 €168.57 19.48
UNF 277 Hallowed Fountain Land R EN Piotr Dura $24.03 €24.98 17.74
CMR 183 Hellkite Courser {4}{R}{R} Creature M EN Caio Monteiro $12.74 €18.67 18.61
CMM 396 Jeweled Lotus {0} Artifact M EN Alayna Danner $89.97 €84.78 17.98
PUMA U36 Karakas Lgd. Land M EN Drew Baker ✶ $26.16 21.69
PRM 55866 Liliana of the Veil {1}{B}{B} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Steve Argyle 37.63
MED GR2 Liliana, the Last Hope {1}{B}{B} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Kieran Yanner ✶ $27.92 16.01
PRM 86356 Mana Confluence Land M EN Titus Lunter 17.48
40K 133 Mawloc {X}{R}{G} Creature R EN Mathias Kollros $2.46 €4.74 22.09
MOC 42 Mistmeadow Vanisher {2}{W/U} Creature R EN Iris Compiet $0.06 €0.24 24.99
STH 138 Mox Diamond {0} Artifact R EN Dan Frazier $601.33 €420.68 22.23
LEA 261 Mox Emerald {0} Artifact R EN Dan Frazier €12,773.27 44.28
LEA 262 Mox Jet {0} Artifact R EN Dan Frazier €17,047.61 97.99
LEA 263 Mox Pearl {0} Artifact R EN Dan Frazier €8,431.57 43.45
LEA 264 Mox Ruby {0} Artifact R EN Dan Frazier €6,847.28 42.79
LEA 265 Mox Sapphire {0} Artifact R EN Dan Frazier €20,716.35 60.82
MH3 454 Nethergoyf {B} Creature M EN Xavier Ribeiro $17.60 17.44
WTH 154 Null Rod {2} Artifact R EN Anson Maddocks $105.45 €58.69 29.94
LTR 103 Orcish Bowmasters {1}{B} Creature R EN Maxim Kostin $37.34 €39.35 28.84
MH3 197 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury {1}{R}{W} Lgd. Creature M EN Lucas Graciano $34.95 €48.59 68.18
MIR 315 Phyrexian Dreadnought {1} Artifact Creature R EN Pete Venters $159.07 €107.57 19.80
M3C 80 Planar Nexus Land R EN Sam Burley $12.48 23.62
40K 49 Poxwalkers {2}{B} Creature R EN Games Workshop $3.48 €4.91 21.87
PRM 99675 Preordain {U} Sorcery C EN Svetlin Velinov 25.25
MH3 433 Psychic Frog {U}{B} Creature R EN Pete Venters $12.64 15.09
BOT 2 Ratchet, Field Medic // Ratchet, Rescue Racer {2}{W} Lgd. Artifact Creature M EN Volta Creation $0.70 €0.32 17.37
PUMA U12 Reanimate {B} Sorcery M EN Johann Bodin ✶ $93.76 22.91
DMU 107 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse {2}{B}{B} Lgd. Creature M EN Chris Rahn $60.26 €68.06 17.26
PRM 98095 Shorikai, Genesis Engine {2}{W}{U} Lgd. Artifact M EN Wisnu Tan 18.76
BOT 6 Slicer, Hired Muscle // Slicer, High-Speed Antagonist {4}{R} Lgd. Artifact Creature M EN Volta Creation $3.32 34.54
OTJ 146 Slickshot Show-Off {1}{R} Creature R EN Augusto Quirino $8.27 €12.68 17.58
CMM 777 Sliver Gravemother {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} Lgd. Creature M EN Chris Rahn $9.87 €11.95 15.05
RVR 412 Steam Vents Land R EN Rob Alexander $21.21 20.24
UNF 280 Stomping Ground Land R EN Bruce Brenneise $22.80 €18.87 15.28
MH3 242 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student // Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholar {U} Lgd. Creature M EN Magali Villeneuve $24.68 €41.38 28.04
MED GR6 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria {3}{W}{U} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Yongjae Choi ✶ $81.90 16.28
LTR 246 The One Ring {4} Lgd. Artifact M EN Veli Nyström $124.95 €83.70 74.11
MH2 434 The Underworld Cookbook {1} Artifact U EN Joe Slucher $0.32 €0.37 19.09
MH2 394 Tide Shaper {U} Creature U EN Lie Setiawan $0.33 €0.21 22.44
LEA 84 Timetwister {2}{U} Sorcery R EN Mark Tedin €18,288.28 69.68
LEA 83 Time Walk {1}{U} Sorcery R EN Amy Weber €12,948.57 68.45
40K 17 Triumph of Saint Katherine {4}{W} Creature R EN David Astruga $8.47 €13.08 23.07
ME4 254 Tropical Island Land R EN Jesper Myrfors 23.81
ME4 255 Tundra Land R EN Jesper Myrfors 21.80
MH3 233 Ugin's Labyrinth Land M EN Mark Poole $35.61 €40.96 15.02
PRM 85942 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon {8} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Ryan Pancoast 23.19
MKM 270 Undercity Sewers Land R EN Yeong-Hao Han $13.61 €11.94 15.26
ME4 256 Underground Sea Land R EN Rob Alexander 37.58
MH2 259 Urza's Saga Enchantment Land R EN Titus Lunter $40.20 €44.66 16.16
MKM 110 Vein Ripper {3}{B}{B}{B} Creature M EN Bastien L. Deharme $21.14 €18.26 29.26
ME4 260 Volcanic Island Land R EN Brian Snõddy 22.57
MED GR8 Vraska, Golgari Queen {2}{B}{G} Lgd. Planeswalker M EN Livia Prima ✶ $41.41 15.75
EMA 248 Wasteland Land R EN Eytan Zana $23.75 €20.56 20.34
ZNE 4 Wooded Foothills Land M EN Daarken $33.71 €33.95 18.45
PRM 97905 Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful {W} Lgd. Creature M EN Ilse Gort 15.76
CMM 752 Zhulodok, Void Gorger {5}{C} Lgd. Creature M EN Lius Lasahido $50.57 €41.67 29.46

Their mind whirled with grand plans, never thinking of what might happen if they got to the end of the list.