$25-50/Month WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks (2019)

The full company list, product list, methodology, and notes can be found here.

This post focuses only on the results of the testing in the $25-50/month price bracket for WordPress Hosting.

Hosting Plan Details

Click table for full product information.

Load Storm Testing Results

Load Storm is designed to simulate real users visiting the site, logging in and browsing. It tests uncached performance.

Results Table

Company Name Total Requests Total Errors Peak RPS Average RPS Peak Response Time(ms) Average Response Time (ms) Total Data Transferred (GB) Peak Throughput (MB/s)
Average Throughput (MB/s)
Cloudways 373,598 0 278.68 207.55 3,889 334 22.48 17 12
Incendia Web Works 379,506 0 284.22 210.84 5,886 386 23.27 18 13
Kinsta 369,395 36 272.85 205.22 2,622 505 22.66 17 13
Krystal Hosting 357,327 0 257.42 198.51 8,058 651 21.35 16 12
Pantheon 420,625 133 328.20 233.68 10,022 134 24.21 20 13
Pressable 427,147 23 309.13 237.30 3,756 457 23.55 18 13
Savvii 321,332 89,069 244.33 178.52 15,348 1,280 7,613 5,362 4,230
SiteGround 518,673 1,662 377.45 288.15 6,746 414 22.24 16 12
WordPress.com Business 641,101 12,404 491 356.17 14,070 173 28.08 22 16
WPX Hosting 417,415 42 318.88 231.90 4,642 163 24.16 19 13


Cloudways [Reviews], IWW, Kinsta, Krystal Hosting, Pantheon [Reviews], Pressable, and WPX Hosting all handled the Load Storm test without any issues.

WordPress.com Business had a security measure we couldn't work around that was causing some errors on wp-login but had zero errors outside of that, they managed to have the third fastest average response time.

Saavii did not handle this test well.

SiteGround [Reviews] had some minor issues with a tiny 0.32% error rate.

Load Impact Testing Results

Load Impact is designed to test cached performance by repeatedly requesting the homepage.

Results Table

Company Name Requests Errors Data Transferred (GB) Peak Average Load Time (ms) Peak Average Bandwidth (Mbps) Peak Average Requests/Sec
WordPress.com Business 368432 0 24.83 288 406 735
Cloudways 284176 0 15.82 711 279 608
Incendia Web Works 291894 0 16.15 864 250 551
Kinsta 301610 0 16.76 619 283 621
Krystal Hosting 246236 1 13.73 1300 196 428
Pantheon 450452 1 28.24 28 476 927
Pressable 280431 4 15.89 758 260 558
Savvii 290636 0 16.22 755 274 600
SiteGround 296498 0 16.57 694 280 612
WPX Hosting 430783 10 23.78 177 400 884


Cloudways, IWW, Kinsta, Pantheon, Pressable, Savvii, SiteGround, WordPress.com Business and WPX Hosting all handled the Load Impact test without issue.

Krystal Hosting started to slow down and show increased response times.

Uptime Monitoring Results

Results Table

Company Name UptimeRobot StatusCake StatusCake Avg Response Time
Cloudways 99.99 99.99% 0.474s
Incendia Web Works 96.945 100% 0.586s
Kinsta 100 100% 0.337s
Krystal Hosting 99.974 100% 0.363s
Pantheon 100 100% 0.067s
Pressable 100 99.96% 0.643s
Savvii 99.987 100% 0.715s
SiteGround 99.993 100% 0.596s
WordPress.com Business 100 100% 0.261s
WPX Hosting 100 100% 0.265s


Incendia Web Works downtime was because of a bad SSL certificate renewal bug in their system. Two of three servers got the updated certificate after 3 month renewal of Lets Encrypt and one didn't sync causing the uptime monitor to report downtime if it got the bad certificate. It's been fixed, but it wasn't early enough for the downtime to show up as below the 99.9% threshold expected. Because of the way each of the monitoring systems work, it seems StatusCake was more forgiving about SSL certs showing 100% uptime. The website never actually went offline, but users might have gotten an SSL warning.

Everyone else was above the 99.9% threshold.

WebPageTest.org Results

WebPageTest fully loads the homepage and records how long it takes from 11 different locations around the world.

Results Table

Company Name WPT Dulles WPT Denver WPT LA WPT London WPT Frankfurt WPT Rose Hill, Mauritius
Cloudways 0.741 0.809 0.688 1.041 1.18 2.523
Incendia Web Works 0.446 1.197 0.844 0.753 0.813 2.612
Kinsta 0.544 0.984 0.938 0.978 1.056 2.303
Krystal Hosting 0.907 1.536 1.444 0.483 0.483 2.562
Pantheon 0.416 0.92 0.544 0.402 0.678 1.594
Pressable 0.582 1.687 1.957 1.148 1.29 3.769
Savvii 0.902 1.278 1.395 0.45 0.801 2.284
SiteGround 0.563 0.748 1.121 0.942 1.084 2.521
WordPress.com Business 0.696 1.593 0.891 0.934 1.137 2.53
WPX Hosting 0.384 0.701 1.007 0.358 1.25 2.871


Company Name WPT Singapore WPT Mumbai WPT Japan WPT Sydney WPT Brazil
Cloudways 1.416 1.814 0.895 1.475 1.341
Incendia Web Works 1.952 1.986 1.321 1.918 1.095
Kinsta 1.714 1.999 1.261 1.55 1.394
Krystal Hosting 2.047 2.012 1.977 2.615 1.64
Pantheon 0.937 0.919 0.795 0.952 0.813
Pressable 3.155 2.902 2.141 2.736 2.164
Savvii 1.999 1.74 2.499 2.976 2.165
SiteGround 2.017 1.883 1.488 2.028 1.301
WordPress.com Business 1.276 2.026 1.129 1.491 1.18
WPX Hosting 1.638 2.921 1.402 2.268 2.02


Pantheon was the fastest in 7/11 locations and second fastest in 3/11. Pressable was the slowest in 6/11 locations.

WPPerformanceTester Results

WPPerformanceTester performs two benchmarks. One is a WordPress (WP Bench) and the other a PHP benchmark. WP Bench measures how many WP queries per second and higher tends to be better (varies considerably by architecture). PHP Bench performs a lot of computational and some database operations which are measured in seconds to complete. Lower PHP Bench is better. WP Bench is blue in the chart, PHP Bench is red.

Results Table

Company Name PHP Bench WP Bench
Cloudways 7.265 729.9270073
Incendia Web Works 6.854 1019.367992
Kinsta 10.55 1085.77633
Krystal Hosting 10.365 488.5197851
Pantheon 9.291 312.3048095
Pressable 11.557 385.3564547
Savvii 13.687 60.90504903
SiteGround 8.838 1009.081736
WordPress.com Business 9.479 838.9261745
WPX Hosting 7.714 1119.820829


Savvii had a very low WP Bench which measures the number of WordPress database queries per second. It also had the highest PHP Bench for how long it took to execute a series of functions.

Qualsys SSL Report Grade

The tool is available at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/

Results Table

Company Name Qualys SSL Report
Cloudways A
Incendia Web Works A+
Kinsta A
Krystal Hosting A
Pantheon A
Pressable A
Savvii A
SiteGround A
WordPress.com Business A
WPX Hosting A


Everyone got an A. IWW got an A+.


Top Tier

Cloudways [Reviews], Kinsta, Pantheon [Reviews], Pressable and WPX Hosting all earned Top Tier status this year and didn't have any issues with these tests.

Honorable Mention

WordPress.com Business and SiteGround [Reviews] both earned honorable mention status. WordPress.com Business had some security issues we couldn't work around for the Load Storm test that caused a higher error rate that excluded it from Top Tier status. SiteGround also had some higher than perfect error rates on the Load Storm test.

Individual Host Analysis

Cloudways [Reviews]

Cloudways has continued it's excellent performance from last year with a back to back Top Tier award. 99.9% uptime on both monitors, and zero load testing errors made them an easy shoe in for Top Tier status.

Incendia Web Works

An SSL bug caused some downtime which put them below the threshold for earning recognition unfortunately this year. Otherwise, their load testing results were flawless with zero errors. IWW for the past three years has had excellent speed, I'm sad to see them disqualified from earning any recognition.


Kinsta earned Top Tier status yet again. One of only two companies that has earned Top Tier status on every plan, every year for the past 5 years.

Krystal Hosting

A new entrant that did very well. Uptime was 99.97% and 100%. Load Storm had no errors or increased response time. It was borderline honorable mention but the Load Impact test showed a large spike and increased response time which kept it out of honorable mention status.

Pantheon [Reviews]

Fast. While maintaining a perfect 100%/100% uptimes they were also the fastest average response time in both load tests and uptime monitoring. In the WPT test Pantheon was the fastest in 7/11 locales and third in 3/11. A truly excellent performance which earned them Top Tier recognition.


A Top Tier performance from Pressable. It wasn't the absolute fastest, but it had a combined 27 errors across both load tests and 100%/99.96% uptime. A consistent and near perfect experience from a company that has for years earned Top Tier status.


Another new entrant for this year's testing. The uptime and Load Impact tests looked good. The Load Storm test seemed to overload the server completely though. I also am not sure what's going on with the WP Bench, it was very low which might be why the Load Storm test didn't go well. There was some communication issues because a key staff person left mid-testing, hoping to see much better results next year.

SiteGround [Reviews]

A very solid performance that earned honorable mention recognition. The only ding against it was a handful of errors on the Load Storm test which kept it out of being a Top Tier performance.

WordPress.com Business

Automattic finally entered at the lower price end after competing with their VIP offering for years. Their new plans actually allowed us to test and the results were quite good. The only drawback was a security limit which couldn't be changed for the Load Storm test which caused some errors on the wp-login file. There wasn't any errors to any other resource at all. They were in the top 3 for fastest response time in all load tests and uptime monitoring as well. I wish we could have had a clean Load Storm test, but it was a great showing otherwise.

WPX Hosting

The return of WPX to these tests has been a welcome one. They earned Top Tier status again with 100%/100% uptime and almost no errors on Load Tests. They were even the fastest in three of eleven WPT tests.

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Kevin Ohashi is the geek-in-charge at Review Signal. He is passionate about making data meaningful for consumers. Kevin is based in Washington, DC.

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