$101-200/Month WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks (2019)

The full company list, product list, methodology, and notes can be found here.

This post focuses only on the results of the testing in the $101-200/month price bracket for WordPress Hosting.

Hosting Plan Details

Click table for full product information.

Load Storm Testing Results

Load Storm is designed to simulate real users visiting the site, logging in and browsing. It tests uncached performance.

Results Table

Company Name Total Requests Total Errors Peak RPS Average RPS Peak Response Time(ms) Average Response Time (ms) Total Data Transferred (GB) Peak Throughput (MB/s)
Average Throughput (MB/s)
Cloudways 697,841 0 569.98 387.69 4,651 498 41.88 35 23
Kinsta 723,242 0 555.97 401.80 7,926 390 44.4 35 25
Liquid Web 569,667 0 410.28 316.48 9,236 1,211 33.72 24 19
Pressable 798,038 3,036 608.52 443.35 15,527 460 43.59 34 24
Savvii 649,373 113,950 501.18 360.76 14,077 971 31 23 17
Servebolt.com 1,108,623 22 851.93 615.90 10,055 65 42.39 33 24
SiteGround 925,645 2,045 754.25 514.25 15,102 608 33.69 28 19


Cloudways [Reviews], Kinsta, and Servebolt.com all handled the Lost Storm test without issue.

LiquidWeb [Reviews] had substantially increased response times as the test went on.

Pressable showed slight response time increases and a 0.38% error rate.

Savvii did not handle the Load Storm test well.

SiteGround [Reviews] showed a slight 0.22% error rate.

Load Impact Testing Results

Load Impact is designed to test cached performance by repeatedly requesting the homepage.

Results Table

Company Name Requests Errors Data Transferred (GB) Peak Average Load Time (ms) Peak Average Bandwidth (Mbps) Peak Average Requests/Sec
Cloudways 850691 1 47.6 749 805 1720
Kinsta 894981 0 49.75 624 815 1750
Liquid Web 360870 0 20.32 5740 214 464
Pressable 842967 0 47.96 721 814 1700
Savvii 688233 30 38.4 1820 500 1070
Servebolt.com 1092189 29 61.27 561 938 1070
SiteGround 877152 27 48.83 666 794 1990


Cloudways, Kinsta, Pressable, Servebolt.com, and SiteGround all handled the Load Impact test without issue.

LiquidWeb showed significant signs of load with increased response times but zero errors.

Savvii showed significantly increased response times.

Uptime Monitoring Results

Results Table

Company Name UptimeRobot StatusCake StatusCake Avg Response Time
Cloudways 100 100% 0.535s
Kinsta 100 100% 0.346s
Liquid Web 100 100% 0.552s
Pressable 100 99.96% 0.828s
Savvii 99.988 100% 0.462s
Servebolt.com 100 100% 0.359s
SiteGround 99.991 99.99% 0.465s


The lowest uptime was a hair under 99.99% which is amazing for everyone.

WebPageTest.org Results

WebPageTest fully loads the homepage and records how long it takes from 11 different locations around the world.

Results Table

Company Name WPT Dulles WPT Denver WPT LA WPT London WPT Frankfurt WPT Rose Hill, Mauritius
Cloudways 0.728 0.934 0.892 1.114 1.275 2.553
Kinsta 0.558 0.819 0.781 1.007 1.069 2.29
Liquid Web 0.559 0.897 0.882 0.883 1.095 2.234
Pressable 0.621 1.444 2.003 1.238 1.342 3.823
Savvii 0.911 1.423 1.419 0.447 0.47 1.936
Servebolt.com 0.497 1.682 1.163 0.735 0.801 2.127
SiteGround 0.523 0.727 1.148 0.918 1.031 2.538


Company Name WPT Singapore WPT Mumbai WPT Japan WPT Sydney WPT Brazil
Cloudways 1.387 1.92 1.096 1.508 1.411
Kinsta 1.704 2.003 1.241 1.583 1.357
Liquid Web 1.775 1.78 1.37 1.746 1.16
Pressable 3.51 2.682 2.098 2.696 2.178
Savvii 1.43 1.262 2.106 2.522 1.648
Servebolt.com 1.421 1.653 1.188 1.443 1.16
SiteGround 2.505 1.889 1.52 1.855 1.347



There's no clearcut fast everywhere compared to their peers host in this price bracket.

Pressable is the slowest in 9/11 locales.

WPPerformanceTester Results

WPPerformanceTester performs two benchmarks. One is a WordPress (WP Bench) and the other a PHP benchmark. WP Bench measures how many WP queries per second and higher tends to be better (varies considerably by architecture). PHP Bench performs a lot of computational and some database operations which are measured in seconds to complete. Lower PHP Bench is better. WP Bench is blue in the chart, PHP Bench is red.

Results Table

Company Name PHP Bench WP Bench
Cloudways 9.911 578.3689994
Kinsta 10.654 1101.321586
Liquid Web 11.829 637.3486297
Pressable 11.565 165.3439153
Savvii 11.623 238.5496183
Servebolt.com 3.81 1477.104874
SiteGround 10.033 908.2652134


Servebolt had incredibly fast PHP and WP Bench scores.

Qualsys SSL Report Grade

The tool is available at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/

Results Table

Company Name Qualys SSL Report
Cloudways A
Kinsta A
Liquid Web A
Pressable A
Savvii A
Servebolt.com A+
SiteGround A


Everyone got an A, Servebolt earned an A+.


Top Tier

Cloudways [Reviews], Kinsta and Servebolt all handled the tests without issue and earned Top Tier status.

Honorable Mention

Pressable and SiteGround [Reviews] each earned an honorable mention. Pressable started to show a bit of load on the Load Storm test with slight increase in response times and a few errors. SiteGround had a low error rate but there seemed to be a few throughout the whole Load Storm test.

Individual Host Analysis

Cloudways [Reviews]

100% uptime and 1 cumulative error. Doesn't get much better than that. Top Tier.


Zero errors on load tests and 100% uptime. Kinsta earns another Top Tier award.

LiquidWeb [Reviews]

Liquid Web had 100% uptime and zero errors. The only difference between this being top tier and not is the average response time increased substantially during the load tests. While the servers kept running and didn't miss a single request, they got noticeably slower which kept Liquid Web out of any sort of recognition.


100% and 99.96% uptime were excellent. Zero errors on the Load Impact test. The only minor issue was the .38% error rate on the Load Storm and slight increase in response times as well. Definitely worthy of an honorable mention.


100% and 99.988% uptime were a solid start. The load tests proved to be a bit much though. Load Storm errored out and Load Impact showed signs of stress.


Perfect uptime, 57 cumulative errors on the load tests and the fastest average response times for both load tests made Servebolt.com an easy candidate for earning Top Tier status.

SiteGround [Reviews]

SiteGround had 99.99% uptime and handled Load Impact effortlessly. The only minor knock was the 0.22% error rate during the Load Storm test. Overall, a great performance which earned it Honorable Mention status.

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Kevin Ohashi is the geek-in-charge at Review Signal. He is passionate about making data meaningful for consumers. Kevin is based in Washington, DC.

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