The Comprehensive Buyer’s Guide to Customer Data Platforms

Martech Advisor
20min read
57 pages
MarTech Advisor’s CDP Explainer Series has been demystifying the complex CDP landscape and solution, every month since January 2018. In the 9th issue, they present: Finding the Right Customer Data Platform in an Evolving Market: The Progressive Marketer’s Buyers’ Guide…

Who should read it?

Chief Data Officers, CTOs, CMOs, compliance managers, enterprise architects, data analysts, data stewards, loyalty marketing teams, customer experience teams, acquisition marketers, among other key stakeholders in the CDP selection and deployment process.

ReadITQuik: The concept of a Customer Data Platform is evolving at an unprecedented rate. Though it began as a marketing-managed technology, it is obvious that Technology and Data experts are key stakeholders in the CDP buying process.

While the core of the CDP solution has remained focused on the data, the larger offering has been interpreted in different ways by different vendors and even users and make it crucial for Marketing and Technology to work closely on vendor shortlisting and selection. This Buyers Guide offers a 3-step process to do that, aside from the vendor listing itself.


Instead of comparing a limited set of vendors against a limited set of features, this CDP Buyers’ Guide offers:

  • A 3-tiered approach to CDP vendor selection to help you choose a vendor that resonates with your unique context, use cases and outcomes
  • A comprehensive list of possible CDP features to look for in Data Management, Data Analytics, and Data Orchestration
  • Vendor directory with exclusive editorial commentary on each vendor’s focus and specialization, to help you make an informed shortlist
  • Additional resources to help with CDP vendor shortlisting


The aim of this customer data platform buyers guide is not to be prescriptive and rank limited CDP vendors against a limited set of features. Instead, it provides a tool with which CDP selection teams such as yours can arrive at the ideal shortlist of vendors for their own unique context. Ultimately, you will decide your best vendor based on a lot more than this – or any – Buyers’ Guide. This guide will provide you – the prospective buyer – the perspective needed to shortlist vendors.

This CDP buyers guide lays out a 3-step approach to draw up a shortlist that makes sense to you. Download now with one single click! Check out the complete series here.