A Reintroduction

Brendan; Male; mid-30s; Toronto, Canada.

In December of 2023 my decade old blog donjuan-auxenfers was unexpectedly terminated for unknown reasons, and I’ve given up on trying to get it back. I never had a very large following, but I did have a long history over there. If you followed me, you probably know some of it, but for those who are new or who have forgotten, a brief (re)introduction.

In a past life I was a graduate student in Classics, —research interests: Greek intellectual history from the 5th century BCE through to the Second Sophistic, Hellenistic poetry, the Greek novels, Homer, Thucydides— a classically trained guitarist, a punk venue semi-regular, a bookshop browser, a record store prowler, a nighttime stroller, a cinema goer, a snappy dresser, and an Anarchist who read more Marx than most Marxists. In short, I was an altogether more interesting person. Then a little over six years ago my health started to nosedive; I’d had chronic health issues going back to childhood, but I was clearly and precipitously deteriorating. I wound diagnosed with ME/CFS, and have since become mostly housebound and unable to do most of the things I used to do. These days I mostly just putter around the apartment. It’s very boring.

This is a personal blog. I write about what’s going on in my life and what I’m interested in, that having been said, my interests incline towards the catholic so expect posts about anything and everything delivered in a mix of off-the-cuff observations and longer essays (more of the former than the latter). As a rule, I tend not to reblog unless I have something to add; it’s an affectation which almost certainly limits my appeal and reach, but it’s how I’ve always done things. I treat Tumblr more as an open journal than a scrapbook.

If you want to shoot me a message, my DMs are always open and you’re welcome to leave a message in the ask box. New followers are always welcome. I’m a pretty approachable guy. Just note that it may take me a little while to get back to you. Please be patient, I’m often in bed. If you’re under 18 I’m going to be keeping you at arm’s length (for obvious reasons), but you’re otherwise welcome to follow and engage.

Some of my posts which are worth checking out (this list subject to future expansion/changes):

If you enjoyed something I wrote and you’re feeling especially generous feel free to send me a tip or donation. I’m unable to work and rely on family support, so it’s very much appreciated. Tipping is in no way expected or even encouraged, but if you want to send me a little something here are a few options to throw me a couple bones:

  • Ko-fi (Unavailable until I get an Ontario photo ID card.)
  • Paypal
  • Stripe (Unavailable until I get an Ontario photo ID card.)

Find Me Elsewhere

If you’re a longtime follower or mutual and want to get in touch with me elsewhere feel free to use any of the following methods.

It took almost three hours, but I��m finally at my parents’ place, half the roads out of Toronto are flooded out. I live in the Annex which is on higher ground but most of Toronto is built on reclaimed swampland, and down around Parkdale, whoof, power was out for several city blocks. The DVP was flooded out, and the 401 was a complete mess. Anyways, I’m here for the week and now I need to lay down because just making the trek really took it out of me.


The backyard looks really nice this time of year. It’ll be nice to go lounge in the pool for a bit and lazily swim around.


Brendan: *showing me the worst thing that has ever been published on the internet*

Me: Hahaha wow, crazy. Anyway tell me again about all the ways you want to fuck me.

Sharing the worst things on the internet is my love language.


Hey new leftist ableism talking points just dropped.

I swear to god, the things people say to me on here. It’s unbelievable.

Anonymous asked:

Have you considered that your previous partner because you're so weirdly angry and bitter all the time? It must suck being sick but chill the fuck out.

Wow. Fuck you.



Motherfucker. I ordered a footswitch for my amp so I can use the tremolo and reverb and some motherfucker stole it from the door. What are you going to do with that you dumb motherfucker.

Didn’t see the phone notification because I’m a worthless goddamned cripple who can’t stay awake.

Cool. Can’t get a refund. Awesome.


Motherfucker. I ordered a footswitch for my amp so I can use the tremolo and reverb and some motherfucker stole it from the door. What are you going to do with that you dumb motherfucker.

Didn’t see the phone notification because I’m a worthless goddamned cripple who can’t stay awake.

Motherfucker. I ordered a footswitch for my amp so I can use the tremolo and reverb and some motherfucker stole it from the door. What are you going to do with that you dumb motherfucker.



I’ve been laughing at Melania Trump’s statement for the last fifteen minutes. It is the weirdest fucking political statement ever released.

“When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald…”


Donald’s “love of music” is where I fully went insane.


Jesus Christ.


In other news, I made cookies (and also chili) today, and while I was waiting for the cookies to finish baking I did a quick clean of the kitchen and washed the dishes. All that standing and activity has me nearing complete ruin though. I need to sit down, not do anything, and resist the urge to do anything else like cleaning my room (I haven’t vacuumed it in weeks now, also it really needs a thorough dusting) or doing laundry. I’ve got a lot of weird/bad pain today but my energy levels are okay, and whenever that happens I almost always overdo it because I don’t know when I’m going to get the chance next. Ugh. I hate this.

Anonymous asked:

fuck off you don’t even live in America


Haha, fuck you.

Like for real, if you’re going to send a bitchy ask and unfollow because I’m disappointed Trump wasn’t, at the very least, wounded and which would effectively end his campaign 1972 George Wallace style, why the fuck were you even following me in the first place?

Anonymous asked:

fuck off you don’t even live in America

Haha, fuck you.


Woah, someone actually took a shot at Trump eh?


Annnnd this is why Trump won the first time around. Fucking liberals man, they suck so much.