Vordt of the Boreal Valley
Defeat Vordt of the Boreal Valley.
Vordt of the Boreal Valley guards the passage at the opposite side of the Cathedral where the priestess is located. It will be the boss at the end of the High Wall of Lothric area. Recommended level 20
  • Weakness: Fire and Dark
  • Drops: 2.000 souls and Soul of Vordt of Boreal Valley

Just like Iudex Gundyr, this boss is all about dodge and counter. Stay close to him and try to hit his legs whenever he starts his attack patterns. If you're quick enough there's also the possibility to get under him and do consecutive slashes on him. After half of his health gauge is deplated he'll get way more agressive and do extra attacks. He will charge towards you three times in a row, so time your dodges to stay away from him. Right after that, he'll start charging an attack. You have two choices: you can retreat to safety to let him release a breath of ice, or you can run towards him and hit him a couple of times, which will stop the charging of his attack and will give you an easy opening. Keep attacking his legs and looking for his back and he'll go down.

For a visual reference on the boss check the video below 

Vordt of the Boreal Valley Video Guide

First Achievers

1 no27ga
22nd Mar 2016
7:53:34 AM
2 tomato0413
22nd Mar 2016
8:59:27 AM
3 narumi23_
22nd Mar 2016
9:30:45 AM
4 giradorga
22nd Mar 2016
10:27:58 AM
5 yuhige
22nd Mar 2016
10:40:50 AM
22nd Mar 2016
11:09:56 AM
7 gemu
22nd Mar 2016
11:34:46 AM
22nd Mar 2016
12:18:26 PM
9 fatesaikou
22nd Mar 2016
12:41:55 PM
10 ryota2601
22nd Mar 2016
1:38:34 PM
11 Amber001
22nd Mar 2016
2:07:08 PM
12 umineko07
22nd Mar 2016
2:19:42 PM
13 fullcloth
22nd Mar 2016
3:13:03 PM
14 zaolf1456
22nd Mar 2016
3:35:07 PM
15 GAJIRA2525
22nd Mar 2016
4:12:51 PM
16 chabin_desu
22nd Mar 2016
5:22:17 PM
22nd Mar 2016
6:06:58 PM
22nd Mar 2016
6:46:55 PM
19 fajimnk
22nd Mar 2016
6:59:09 PM
20 yuttaro39
22nd Mar 2016
7:05:41 PM
21 jastoma
22nd Mar 2016
7:19:27 PM
22 gun-butti
22nd Mar 2016
8:14:59 PM
23 like-lobodomy
22nd Mar 2016
8:22:21 PM
24 sazabi001
23rd Mar 2016
1:01:44 AM
23rd Mar 2016
2:33:05 AM
26 k_mark5
23rd Mar 2016
2:52:09 AM
27 yousian
23rd Mar 2016
3:23:29 AM
28 mogemomomo
23rd Mar 2016
4:08:44 AM
29 BOBU_1025
23rd Mar 2016
4:26:52 AM
30 Marie_Systema
23rd Mar 2016
4:40:26 AM
31 ayu568_Weezy
23rd Mar 2016
4:48:45 AM
32 icebrent
23rd Mar 2016
4:50:22 AM
23rd Mar 2016
4:58:18 AM
34 mtsuzuki8
23rd Mar 2016
4:59:49 AM
35 fate073-mimorin
23rd Mar 2016
5:07:19 AM
36 Shokuso
23rd Mar 2016
5:18:42 AM
37 Clancelot360
23rd Mar 2016
5:43:30 AM
38 bio-call
23rd Mar 2016
5:48:50 AM
39 toriwan
23rd Mar 2016
5:56:19 AM
23rd Mar 2016
6:01:49 AM
41 Mr-Carlos-0w0
23rd Mar 2016
6:04:02 AM
42 TunaMaguro_
23rd Mar 2016
6:07:11 AM
43 kanzume5
23rd Mar 2016
6:08:35 AM
44 killer119
23rd Mar 2016
6:09:35 AM
45 YK-0717
23rd Mar 2016
6:15:10 AM
46 Sitona
23rd Mar 2016
6:19:41 AM
23rd Mar 2016
6:24:42 AM
48 san-san_
23rd Mar 2016
6:35:48 AM
49 harupe-
23rd Mar 2016
6:37:42 AM
50 POA22
23rd Mar 2016
6:46:40 AM

Latest Achievers

1 SLDragon27
12th Jul 2024
7:50:45 PM
2 donwirud
12th Jul 2024
6:27:53 PM
3 coraxbio
12th Jul 2024
1:50:57 PM
4 Panos_Pan2011
12th Jul 2024
1:04:27 PM
5 SilvaPixel
12th Jul 2024
10:19:47 AM
6 noodlesnbeef434
12th Jul 2024
4:53:06 AM
7 THEdouchebagger2
12th Jul 2024
1:55:55 AM
8 tommydelonge
11th Jul 2024
8:41:49 PM
9 Ana-Botelho
11th Jul 2024
7:12:35 PM
10 MrCreamyDeluxe
11th Jul 2024
2:11:42 PM
11 Addisonraesimp42
11th Jul 2024
11:53:59 AM
12 zQarxd
11th Jul 2024
10:07:15 AM
13 vloneshenz
11th Jul 2024
4:12:35 AM
14 afryk
11th Jul 2024
2:15:16 AM
15 mjnon--47
11th Jul 2024
12:26:32 AM
16 MuGetTsu91
11th Jul 2024
12:12:53 AM
17 Nerd_Alexandra
10th Jul 2024
6:58:59 PM
18 Void_Beast321
10th Jul 2024
5:40:43 PM
19 Tinyfusion
10th Jul 2024
2:14:42 PM
20 free_mien6
10th Jul 2024
1:52:51 PM
21 coverHERscars
9th Jul 2024
11:56:56 PM
22 Alugomez
9th Jul 2024
11:26:39 PM
23 batrey77
9th Jul 2024
11:12:57 PM
24 s-seamus-s
9th Jul 2024
10:05:32 PM
25 legend_boy_1234
9th Jul 2024
8:57:22 PM
26 BigCMonkey
9th Jul 2024
7:09:30 PM
27 RandomDudeOK
9th Jul 2024
5:27:25 PM
28 julii_696
9th Jul 2024
4:44:22 PM
29 Zodiaq22
9th Jul 2024
1:06:36 PM
30 sadhumann
9th Jul 2024
1:06:18 PM
31 bigladavies
9th Jul 2024
12:47:46 PM
32 DrBagira
9th Jul 2024
12:47:07 PM
33 scottypro09
9th Jul 2024
11:53:57 AM
34 LyGoku
9th Jul 2024
11:32:46 AM
35 SmoothieXXL
9th Jul 2024
7:02:20 AM
36 NevadaAndYoMama1
9th Jul 2024
2:55:37 AM
37 andresplays93
9th Jul 2024
1:59:02 AM
38 TotaledTomato47
8th Jul 2024
10:16:06 PM
39 Faketime91
8th Jul 2024
10:03:50 PM
40 Toxic_MuTwo
8th Jul 2024
9:09:13 PM
41 jakobsonGAME
8th Jul 2024
7:36:04 PM
42 SpringBreak22
8th Jul 2024
2:36:46 PM
43 Jackek96
8th Jul 2024
1:56:40 PM
44 MaximusBishop
8th Jul 2024
11:37:57 AM
45 SuperiorDRACHE
8th Jul 2024
9:11:34 AM
46 Vilczeq
8th Jul 2024
8:23:21 AM
8th Jul 2024
2:52:08 AM
48 LJTrump
8th Jul 2024
2:15:34 AM
49 CrashAless1
7th Jul 2024
11:46:15 PM
50 noxravhs
7th Jul 2024
11:36:49 PM