Ain't That a Kick in the Head
Completed Ain't That a Kick in the Head.
This will be the first trophy you will obtain as it is given after you created your character and received all equipment from Doc Mitchell. It's also here that you'll receive the option to activate "hardcore mode". See the Gold Hardcore trophy for more information.

There's no right or wrong character to build. Whatever build you end up with, it will have both its advantages and disadvantages in general. You cannot possibly foresee whatever challenges await.

There are four parts to the creation:
  1. Gender and looks: Playing as man or woman doesn't really change a lot, despite how clothing looks and how some people might talk with you. The gameplay experience doesn't change much and only 4 perks are gender specific (two for men, two for women). They increase your damage towards the same or opposite sex and give you a few additional dialogue options. However, the added dialogue options are not groundbreaking. Creating a gender and looks should mostly be based on preference.
  2. S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: This is an acronym that stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. You start the game with 40 points to spend between these 7. The game will deal 5 points to each stats and 5 to spare. However, the minimum for each stat is one, while the maximum is 10. These stats influence certain abilities like skill points distributed every level, weight you can carry, mistakes enemies make, and certain related skills. If you don't know what to expect, try to distribute all points evenly. Every skill has its disadvantages if too low. A luck of 1 is essentially bad luck as everything goes wrong, a strength of 1 will make it impossible to aim most weapons since they are too heavy, an intelligence of 1 makes your dialogue incredibly stupid, etc... These stats can luckily be upgraded at a later time by the Intense Training perk (can be taken 10 times) or by an implant at the New Vegas Medic Center (north-east from Freeside East Gate). These stats can also be temporarily improved/decreased by certain outfits, drinks, radioactive damage, etc... Upgrading your SPECIAL stats will improve the related skill by a few points. Improving your skills will not improve your SPECIAL stats. 
  3. Skills: Doc Mitchell will pitch you a series of questions. You can change the outcome afterwards, so answer what you want. You can select three skills that will me improved by 15 points each. This will create a few benefits in the early stages of the game, but will be unimportant after a while since you will level other skills. There's a formula to determine how many skills you receive each level: 10 + 0.5 x intelligence. An intelligence of 5 will give change between 12 and 13 skill points every level. Here follows a list of all skills, what they do and what SPECIAL stats influences them: 
Skills What? S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Barter How cheap/expensive you either sell or buy anything. Charisma
Energy Weapons How efficiently you use energy weapons (like plasma pistol, laser riffle, etc...) Perception
Explosives How efficiently you use explosives (like all grenades, mines, grenade launcher, etc...) Perception
Guns How efficiently you use guns (any weapon that uses conventional ammo like a 10mm, 9mm, etc...) Agility
Lockpick You can only open locks depending on your lockpick skill: very easy (0-24), easy (25-49), average (50-74), hard (75-99), and very hard (100). Perception
Medicine How efficiently you use any medical items (like stimpak, radaway, etc...) Intelligence
Melee Weapons How efficiently you use melee weapons (like knives, baseball bats, etc...) Strength
Repair How efficiently you can repair weapons, armor, and create ammunition. Intelligence
Science You can only hack computers depending on your science skill: very easy (0-24), easy (25-49), average (50-74), hard (75-99), and very hard (100).  Intelligence
Sneak How efficiently you sneak passed enemies and can (reverse) pickpocket others. Agility
Speech How efficiently you can persuade others through dialogue. Charisma
Survival How efficiently you can cook or create items at campfires. Endurance
Unarmed How efficiently you use unarmed weapons (like your own fist, ballistic first, power fists, etc...) Endurance
  1. (Continued) Like SPECIAL stats, skills can be temporary influenced by wearing certain clothing, eating certain food, etc... If you improve your intelligence you can get more skillpoints. There's also the "educated" perk that grants you 2 additional skill points every time you level (best taken as early as possible, requires a permanent intelligence of 4). The Mojave also hides skillbooks and skill magazines. Skill magazines give you 10 point for a certain skill during one actual minute (three minutes with comprehension perk). Skillbooks give you 3 additional skillpoint for a certain skill permanently (4 with comprehension perk). These books appear in your "aid" on your pipboy with no explanation. You can press Cross to read them as highlighting them will give you the ability to read. Afterwards they disappear. Don't sell them by accident.
  2. Traits: You can select none or up to two traits. Each has an upside and a downside. The Wild Wasteland requires further explanation. It offers you a few wacky situations that are mainly easter eggs to other movies and games. It's quite possible that they will not always make sense. It also offers some very unique weapons, but there is a downside. They are very rare in ammo and hard to repair. Most likely you won't use them

After you created your character, you are free to go wherever you want, following story mission or just exploring ... it's up to you. If you venture too far from Goodsprings, you will receive the chance to change your character and rebuild it entirely. You can venture forward if you are pleased with your character or change something. 

First Achievers

1 J-Oso
7th Sep 2010
7:52:39 PM
2 Hiponiak
9th Oct 2010
6:37:50 AM
3 mikeck
9th Oct 2010
11:56:45 AM
4 temp-922057
9th Oct 2010
12:33:35 PM
5 Tomofthepops
9th Oct 2010
1:00:28 PM
6 DeeKaay
9th Oct 2010
9:17:13 PM
7 skinner96
12th Oct 2010
1:57:45 PM
8 Hidalgator
12th Oct 2010
5:41:34 PM
9 brigglesworth
12th Oct 2010
7:21:02 PM
10 Doomie
12th Oct 2010
10:50:05 PM
11 UnclePike
12th Oct 2010
11:58:04 PM
12 Nyanko-Shigi
13th Oct 2010
7:59:04 AM
13 tristanbrinkman
13th Oct 2010
7:28:19 PM
14 sk8rjason
14th Oct 2010
7:24:16 PM
15 Aielas
14th Oct 2010
10:15:36 PM
16 doombringer2012
15th Oct 2010
2:55:16 AM
17 Shippo_pk
15th Oct 2010
3:23:30 AM
18 QoreVee
15th Oct 2010
3:48:17 AM
19 Everking
15th Oct 2010
4:00:38 AM
20 crazybout8s
15th Oct 2010
6:00:43 AM
21 SamBishop
15th Oct 2010
6:56:02 AM
22 rsk1959
15th Oct 2010
12:18:20 PM
23 Keffy
15th Oct 2010
1:16:33 PM
24 M3DUSA_8977
15th Oct 2010
4:01:21 PM
25 Bellicose_Ninja
15th Oct 2010
4:32:53 PM
26 J3ck1ll
15th Oct 2010
4:58:32 PM
27 ikto
15th Oct 2010
5:06:50 PM
28 GoodFun_HaveLuck
15th Oct 2010
6:34:42 PM
29 Lejunhfuvt
15th Oct 2010
8:44:15 PM
30 pajamo
15th Oct 2010
9:39:00 PM
31 Templar416
15th Oct 2010
9:48:54 PM
32 bigdaddymegan
15th Oct 2010
9:49:58 PM
33 ArcadeHero20
15th Oct 2010
10:18:49 PM
34 longislandviper
15th Oct 2010
10:49:45 PM
35 RackzOnYaHead
15th Oct 2010
10:51:41 PM
36 Savage6000
15th Oct 2010
11:19:47 PM
37 diefor
16th Oct 2010
12:56:54 AM
38 Evil_Ash
16th Oct 2010
1:06:03 AM
39 Doorselfin
16th Oct 2010
1:57:07 AM
40 ClayRod
16th Oct 2010
2:36:03 AM
41 NeoRasa
16th Oct 2010
2:42:39 AM
42 sntothemax
16th Oct 2010
2:51:32 AM
43 neojet
16th Oct 2010
3:40:26 AM
44 SumAznDude
16th Oct 2010
3:46:56 AM
45 howlingrubymoon
16th Oct 2010
3:48:31 AM
46 Dinoman00
16th Oct 2010
5:14:40 AM
47 vaderbot
16th Oct 2010
5:31:02 AM
48 commitarobbery
16th Oct 2010
6:05:06 AM
49 Shadowwolf6767
16th Oct 2010
6:12:45 AM
50 Comicfanatic28
16th Oct 2010
6:39:37 AM

Latest Achievers

1 EasterBunnyRocks
12th Jul 2024
6:06:02 AM
2 cheesey_death321
12th Jul 2024
4:03:14 AM
3 Isidore_Sybil
11th Jul 2024
9:56:48 PM
4 Hk_Mystical
11th Jul 2024
7:58:37 PM
5 Rudellandy
11th Jul 2024
6:21:21 PM
6 Just_NotGood
11th Jul 2024
12:31:39 PM
7 wordy_officer48
11th Jul 2024
11:59:40 AM
8 Sleepybrown2036
11th Jul 2024
3:19:58 AM
9 Dormantt_
10th Jul 2024
7:51:18 PM
10 LordCoalhouse
10th Jul 2024
7:13:21 PM
11 xSlyKytheSpyFlyx
10th Jul 2024
5:34:45 AM
12 AshenKiwi
9th Jul 2024
7:08:54 AM
13 FaZedillion
9th Jul 2024
6:51:39 AM
14 PUKUL_19
9th Jul 2024
4:10:01 AM
15 jacks_25
8th Jul 2024
9:57:04 PM
16 MrThursdayVIII
8th Jul 2024
2:59:30 AM
17 BuzzTea
7th Jul 2024
11:27:34 AM
18 blazeadeel2
7th Jul 2024
2:55:25 AM
19 criptic-sense
6th Jul 2024
7:59:34 PM
20 shambl4s
6th Jul 2024
2:33:19 PM
21 ACCEL1R8_
6th Jul 2024
12:31:40 PM
22 Lazarus1011
6th Jul 2024
11:26:32 AM
23 ptitdarkvador
6th Jul 2024
9:11:06 AM
24 RammiGames
5th Jul 2024
11:44:49 PM
25 TotalFraud
5th Jul 2024
11:23:50 PM
26 Hxward707
5th Jul 2024
5:41:02 PM
27 vat1996
5th Jul 2024
4:32:49 PM
28 OrangeCrush980
4th Jul 2024
11:24:31 PM
29 howtopickle1
4th Jul 2024
4:17:26 PM
30 LaRiche531
4th Jul 2024
12:25:54 PM
31 exebIe
4th Jul 2024
10:50:50 AM
32 KofiFur
3rd Jul 2024
7:01:04 PM
33 Sensei-52
3rd Jul 2024
2:46:41 PM
34 whyoId
2nd Jul 2024
11:01:37 PM
35 Asap222224
2nd Jul 2024
3:46:38 AM
36 ItzSly69
1st Jul 2024
11:20:37 PM
37 lilrewgaming
1st Jul 2024
9:07:46 PM
38 xI_Pitbull_Ix
1st Jul 2024
7:47:06 PM
39 Adinde_k
1st Jul 2024
4:48:02 PM
40 Yolo-Y0Y0Y0
1st Jul 2024
1:23:11 AM
41 bigIMPIUS
30th Jun 2024
6:31:39 PM
42 Shapeless_711
30th Jun 2024
2:46:35 PM
43 Spacetimeboy
30th Jun 2024
4:42:51 AM
44 Dynamo_Davido
29th Jun 2024
4:21:09 PM
45 PeE_haNds
29th Jun 2024
3:42:52 PM
46 Rebekahk97
29th Jun 2024
11:50:56 AM
47 XHeavensNightX
29th Jun 2024
8:06:06 AM
48 graphic-truant2
29th Jun 2024
4:39:27 AM
49 totallybruh
29th Jun 2024
4:36:23 AM
50 Brainless56
28th Jun 2024
10:22:54 PM