Complete all Symbiote Nests
After the mission "Trouble With Harry" the first set of Symbiote Nests will start showing up on the west side of the city, they are massive symbiote towers that stretch over the building of the city and have a sinister red glow around them.

The second and final set of them will be unlocked after the mission "It's All Connected".

The way you take these down is by setting a timed sonic burst charge on the red "bulbs" that are at the base of these giant structures, after setting them you need to defend them for a few minute until they are ready and once the time ends the nest will be destroyed. Nests will have either 1 or 2 bulbs at their base and 1 is the much more favorable of the two. If there is 1 bulb you can set the charge and then stay near it, kicking any Symbiote that comes near off of it and last like that for the duration of the timer.

If there are 2 bulbs the strategy will change slightly, you will need to defend both of them at once as they share a health bar, this means you will want to try to stay in the middle of them and react to incoming Symbiotes. If you see a large group of them on once side deal with them but if you get notified that the other bulb is being attacked (With a red !) zip over to the enemy doing it with Triangle and focus on clearing the enemies on that side out.

If a enemy is attacking a charge hitting them just once with webs or a attack will stop them from doing it, along with this while taking down these Nests you can make good use of the Sonic burst gadget. Any Symbiote it hits will be stunned temporarily and if you have it fully upgraded once it hits something it will shoot out 3 smaller proximity based Sonic Bursts that will trigger with anything walks over it.

After the timer expires the nest will dissolve and it will be cleared, after doing this to all nests you will unlock the trophy.

In general in each area, there are:
Symbiote Nests 5d72f1.png are the gathering places of Symbiotes that Venom created, and you must destroy them to prevent their development.

Cleaning Nests is done in such a way that you place a Sonic Burst in the heart of Nest and then you have to take care of it for 1:30 to 2:30 and cannot let the Symbiote harm it. When the charging time of Sonic Bursts is over, the heart will explode and the area will be cleared from Symbiotes.

Access to Symbiote Nests is possible after Main Quest 26, but to access them all, you must complete Main Quest 28.

All Symbiote Nest Locations


8e887d.jpgSymbiote Nest 1
016bb8.jpgSymbiote Nest 1

022082.jpgSymbiote Nest 2
33621a.jpgSymbiote Nest 2

Upper East Side

f2f2dd.jpgSymbiote Nest 3
f6dd9c.jpgSymbiote Nest 3

a52994.jpgSymbiote Nest 4
7d4b5b.jpgSymbiote Nest 4

Upper West Side

528e4d.jpgSymbiote Nest 5
dae60c.jpgSymbiote Nest 5

Financial District

847428.jpgSymbiote Nest 6
3e0ac4.jpgSymbiote Nest 6


5df08d.jpgSymbiote Nest 7
5df08d.jpgSymbiote Nest 7


c6d62f.jpgSymbiote Nest 8
c6d62f.jpgSymbiote Nest 8

Little Odessa

79e2ae.jpgSymbiote Nest 9
5692f1.jpgSymbiote Nest 9


84593b.jpgSymbiote Nest 10
5da3b9.jpgSymbiote Nest 10

First Achievers

30th Sep 2023
7:38:16 AM
2 zSeptemz
1st Oct 2023
10:20:53 AM
3 qinyachanghui
1st Oct 2023
1:27:13 PM
4 ooIIaaff
1st Oct 2023
8:44:47 PM
5 JBSupabadass11
2nd Oct 2023
5:25:40 AM
6 Onimushaman_HUN
2nd Oct 2023
11:19:54 AM
7 Czubak_PL
2nd Oct 2023
1:15:43 PM
8 razincapixx
2nd Oct 2023
2:07:28 PM
9 ModernDayKnight
2nd Oct 2023
2:16:52 PM
10 MdmD-X
2nd Oct 2023
4:22:56 PM
11 GoodGameKofi
3rd Oct 2023
12:23:20 AM
12 deWangsa
3rd Oct 2023
9:51:42 AM
13 dzekans
3rd Oct 2023
1:20:25 PM
14 Harunika
3rd Oct 2023
1:36:34 PM
15 dudeyoungy
3rd Oct 2023
7:44:22 PM
16 CommodoreSellers
4th Oct 2023
12:27:12 AM
17 SomeGuyNamedKai
4th Oct 2023
1:38:46 AM
18 ASleepingMonkeyy
4th Oct 2023
10:28:59 AM
19 AlleefAshaari
4th Oct 2023
3:48:05 PM
20 simcard7
4th Oct 2023
4:47:24 PM
21 joertjeuhn
4th Oct 2023
6:36:23 PM
22 Nordmann
5th Oct 2023
3:40:27 AM
23 KingSchmuggly
5th Oct 2023
6:44:34 AM
24 Primo_wave
5th Oct 2023
7:52:35 AM
25 misterpumpkin97
5th Oct 2023
9:23:00 AM
26 Couga83
5th Oct 2023
1:09:34 PM
27 DannyBapz
5th Oct 2023
4:10:23 PM
28 Gskyace
5th Oct 2023
5:15:27 PM
29 Myadrall
5th Oct 2023
5:51:10 PM
30 BiiWiiLV
5th Oct 2023
9:15:01 PM
31 Frulond
5th Oct 2023
10:58:49 PM
32 Britpopper_HUN
6th Oct 2023
6:54:28 AM
33 EnmyCharles
6th Oct 2023
4:45:33 PM
34 RonoxCz
6th Oct 2023
7:06:36 PM
35 PixelLogic
6th Oct 2023
7:54:23 PM
36 SaiSaEr
6th Oct 2023
10:50:03 PM
37 Mr_PaNtsONh3aD
7th Oct 2023
8:06:25 PM
38 nlogan
7th Oct 2023
11:03:46 PM
39 offbliiink
8th Oct 2023
1:36:43 AM
40 Nefritas
8th Oct 2023
9:40:58 AM
41 Ekneh96
8th Oct 2023
11:59:13 AM
42 Gr3yGamer93
8th Oct 2023
9:06:12 PM
43 fireslicer
9th Oct 2023
7:38:20 PM
9th Oct 2023
9:14:49 PM
45 Ualone
9th Oct 2023
11:12:14 PM
46 Dmk023
10th Oct 2023
1:06:58 AM
47 purlinka
10th Oct 2023
5:19:56 AM
48 GameOverGreggy
10th Oct 2023
5:38:35 AM
49 LiquifySolid
10th Oct 2023
7:09:35 AM
50 spoooky_ash
10th Oct 2023
10:27:14 AM

Latest Achievers

1 Frigid68
13th Jul 2024
12:08:24 AM
2 wolverines1984
12th Jul 2024
10:00:04 PM
3 Locked4786
12th Jul 2024
6:41:14 PM
4 AnthonyUK
12th Jul 2024
6:02:54 PM
5 dark__force_007
12th Jul 2024
5:55:47 PM
6 Aries-Belgium
12th Jul 2024
4:46:11 PM
7 Johnny_Guitar887
12th Jul 2024
4:34:32 PM
8 STzoomerST
12th Jul 2024
4:04:14 PM
9 billiejoe_326
12th Jul 2024
2:54:28 PM
10 massivegamer326
12th Jul 2024
2:32:26 PM
11 asannoud
12th Jul 2024
2:04:09 PM
12 GiftedFrog_
12th Jul 2024
1:10:50 PM
13 BiancaGolea
12th Jul 2024
12:36:06 PM
14 ron33414
12th Jul 2024
11:56:49 AM
15 dr_blackwood
12th Jul 2024
8:32:20 AM
12th Jul 2024
7:39:54 AM
17 Tristan1427
12th Jul 2024
7:22:03 AM
18 zLeninn
12th Jul 2024
5:53:46 AM
19 JJspud1
12th Jul 2024
4:56:12 AM
20 embunny1513
12th Jul 2024
4:28:51 AM
21 Sheer_Purple
12th Jul 2024
3:35:35 AM
12th Jul 2024
2:48:24 AM
23 ahmed-j128
12th Jul 2024
1:30:06 AM
24 deadfishsaga
12th Jul 2024
1:18:43 AM
25 IceRubyDragon
12th Jul 2024
12:57:31 AM
26 Joshuaski
12th Jul 2024
12:24:55 AM
27 Greatace1
11th Jul 2024
11:21:32 PM
28 Gr8teachonizuka
11th Jul 2024
11:19:34 PM
29 Tomas17mj11
11th Jul 2024
11:07:27 PM
30 namcorad1988
11th Jul 2024
8:56:32 PM
31 shapkin007
11th Jul 2024
8:14:51 PM
32 vLoostNight-73
11th Jul 2024
8:10:44 PM
33 IAppearMissing48
11th Jul 2024
7:52:59 PM
34 zNoVendetta
11th Jul 2024
7:28:49 PM
35 Lyon9292
11th Jul 2024
6:33:10 PM
36 Golden_Nugets_ST
11th Jul 2024
6:32:42 PM
37 MacShack28
11th Jul 2024
6:32:09 PM
38 am7_bigA
11th Jul 2024
5:33:23 PM
39 Jasongamer15
11th Jul 2024
5:29:14 PM
40 Chris6389
11th Jul 2024
5:12:59 PM
41 mrGorskiy
11th Jul 2024
3:56:41 PM
42 Istanbul5-times
11th Jul 2024
2:27:28 PM
43 SWE_Warrior__
11th Jul 2024
12:50:41 PM
44 TwT-Hyy
11th Jul 2024
12:39:52 PM
45 pvarian
11th Jul 2024
10:34:48 AM
46 NeatBullet
11th Jul 2024
9:27:10 AM
47 StaleBlue
11th Jul 2024
9:25:08 AM
48 Ayene_95
11th Jul 2024
8:38:41 AM
49 Ataraxyyy
11th Jul 2024
6:48:00 AM
50 Machinez_BT
11th Jul 2024
6:33:04 AM