SEGA Super Star
Earn your Triple-Star License
Ultra Rare
This is the hardest trophy in the game. To get it, you need 100% game completion. First of all, before attempting this trophy, you have to get all stars on the Tour (see Gold All Stars) and you also have to finish first in every Grand Prix on Expert difficulty (see Gold Welcome To Victory Lane).

You still won't be 100% after doing those things. To reach it, you have to beat most of the Ghosts (see Silver Yokozuna) and unlock most of the mods (Most likely nearly 100 out of 144 mods). The quickest way to level up and unlock mods is by completion Ring Races on Hard or Expert difficulty. Note that after reaching 99%, the counter will seem as though it is stuck, however it will eventually get to 100%. Think of this trophy as something like a minor platinum trophy for the game.

First Achievers

1 Starlighthed211
10th Dec 2012
2:30:17 AM
2 Mighty_Shock
20th Dec 2012
3:17:45 AM
3 DaRebornWriter
22nd Dec 2012
9:58:35 PM
4 SethsDeathnote
23rd Dec 2012
5:54:03 AM
5 D--Tron--
28th Dec 2012
2:10:27 AM
6 Zhinzo
1st Jan 2013
12:03:01 AM
7 Nature-Promeia
3rd Jan 2013
1:08:53 PM
8 Dpoet
3rd Jan 2013
8:24:49 PM
9 JorgeGeeRuiz
4th Jan 2013
4:43:31 AM
10 hans-rattlexnake
4th Jan 2013
1:37:14 PM
11 Grimmjow_FtT
4th Jan 2013
7:46:54 PM
12 Maldron
6th Jan 2013
10:02:10 AM
13 Adriens57
6th Jan 2013
4:50:34 PM
14 iKickBullies
6th Jan 2013
10:32:00 PM
15 TXCScorpion
9th Jan 2013
3:54:44 AM
16 pyrorulez
10th Jan 2013
4:41:20 AM
17 magmar126
10th Jan 2013
5:26:26 PM
18 Axone-Sama
10th Jan 2013
10:55:32 PM
19 SieverSouL
12th Jan 2013
1:47:20 PM
20 GaelB
13th Jan 2013
10:28:12 PM
21 vexz1216140808
14th Jan 2013
3:53:33 PM
22 fanatos47
15th Jan 2013
9:10:42 AM
23 huafengji
16th Jan 2013
10:04:39 AM
24 landyovef
16th Jan 2013
10:07:32 AM
25 ZaX-ZX
17th Jan 2013
9:12:25 AM
26 dave15-05
19th Jan 2013
8:15:17 AM
27 THES79
21st Jan 2013
6:04:20 AM
28 hammerheart
21st Jan 2013
7:33:02 AM
29 StarZero358
21st Jan 2013
10:26:12 AM
30 Kurisu_Gin
21st Jan 2013
4:50:15 PM
31 Lie1295
21st Jan 2013
7:03:44 PM
32 AlbarnaShark1866
23rd Jan 2013
1:23:46 AM
33 Mawcuz
23rd Jan 2013
4:10:04 AM
34 macsss12345
23rd Jan 2013
3:49:55 PM
35 Tsz_Chun_Canton
24th Jan 2013
1:36:20 PM
36 Laguna1989
24th Jan 2013
5:03:58 PM
37 Cyberman65
25th Jan 2013
6:30:30 AM
38 bilal62430
25th Jan 2013
2:09:58 PM
39 MASF_6
25th Jan 2013
2:39:19 PM
40 ssissi77
25th Jan 2013
10:05:34 PM
41 An-nawawi
26th Jan 2013
2:34:21 PM
42 Mr_Dinkster96
27th Jan 2013
1:03:29 AM
43 SonicJolt
27th Jan 2013
2:01:19 AM
44 Super-Lord-Tomo
27th Jan 2013
2:59:09 AM
45 LeeHazuki
28th Jan 2013
1:13:34 AM
46 kiki_leVrai
29th Jan 2013
2:25:15 AM
47 Jupitcr
31st Jan 2013
5:09:06 AM
48 zhaogx
31st Jan 2013
9:57:44 AM
49 Dream_Hero_Nemo
2nd Feb 2013
8:16:24 AM
50 haoziroy
2nd Feb 2013
8:38:10 AM

Latest Achievers

1 RuySon1
27th Jun 2024
12:07:15 PM
2 Kasper2005M
8th Jun 2024
1:48:23 AM
3 Hayden_Baxter
3rd Jun 2024
9:54:35 AM
4 bluedash24
23rd May 2024
8:50:27 PM
5 superbacon13
12th May 2024
6:14:09 AM
6 DuplexGemini
4th May 2024
8:34:16 PM
7 spacey-cowboy9
2nd May 2024
3:36:47 PM
8 sutailia
30th Apr 2024
9:50:08 AM
9 TribbaZidda
29th Apr 2024
7:05:02 PM
10 Gran-Rojo
18th Apr 2024
4:01:57 PM
11 Gizo--
16th Mar 2024
8:38:18 PM
12 UnitedSirChris
28th Feb 2024
2:57:31 PM
13 Alexgaara
20th Feb 2024
11:34:02 PM
14 Sqigley
11th Jan 2024
5:03:56 AM
15 Adsor_
10th Jan 2024
11:52:23 PM
16 JBossa100
3rd Jan 2024
12:03:02 AM
17 IceTee15L
2nd Jan 2024
5:08:50 AM
18 Warcraft_boss
1st Jan 2024
12:17:41 PM
1st Dec 2023
9:58:47 PM
20 Sherry_Beckett
19th Nov 2023
5:51:05 PM
21 IchMachPlatin
15th Nov 2023
10:42:22 PM
22 Momoshiki1
26th Oct 2023
12:57:24 AM
23 lbadplaay
22nd Oct 2023
7:16:12 PM
24 Borkinian
25th Sep 2023
10:36:42 PM
25 Zadiris
24th Sep 2023
4:29:07 AM
26 Mazter421
23rd Sep 2023
3:37:46 AM
27 knownhero
17th Sep 2023
1:27:21 AM
28 g13e2
13th Sep 2023
4:11:30 AM
29 gRaKoO77
1st Sep 2023
3:36:25 AM
30 junioronepiece
31st Aug 2023
2:04:30 PM
31 MadMaister85
30th Aug 2023
7:26:41 AM
32 JuliTheHedgie
26th Aug 2023
3:01:40 PM
33 Samotny_wilczek
25th Aug 2023
1:19:27 PM
34 bunshing
12th Aug 2023
3:49:13 PM
35 awiwi32
30th Jul 2023
1:40:15 AM
36 jrrdnx
28th Jul 2023
7:16:00 PM
37 BlackPaladium7
24th Jul 2023
4:21:33 PM
38 JoeSampaioSP
20th Jul 2023
8:23:34 PM
39 Beelzaboul
1st Jul 2023
1:01:12 AM
40 I__Seth__l
20th Jun 2023
2:16:29 PM
41 temp-253692
17th Jun 2023
8:46:06 PM
42 Lewis_037
8th Jun 2023
10:25:14 PM
43 SayKo_xX
8th Jun 2023
8:51:05 PM
44 Lord_Je11ybrain
20th May 2023
11:38:47 AM
45 pezi12
15th May 2023
8:16:50 PM
46 Aaron_zXm
29th Apr 2023
8:35:37 PM
47 WakeUpHP
28th Apr 2023
9:47:47 PM
48 IDiivil
25th Apr 2023
4:37:17 PM
49 Yuichiro-Akuhei
21st Apr 2023
8:22:33 AM
50 DemsAlGhul
31st Mar 2023
11:06:28 PM