Mission Specialist
Clear all of the missions in Mission mode.
Ultra Rare
A silver trophy in the PS3 version of the game so it's disappointing to see that it's a bronze here. This is a gold trophy in bronze armor and is easily the hardest trophy to earn in Street Fighter X Tekken whether you're playing the PS Vita or PS3 version.

To earn this trophy, you will need to complete all 20 missions in Mission mode. You do not need to get a Gold ranking on any of these missions so just worry about clearing them. The AI will be brutally reactive in most situations during the harder missions and they will not give you the time to collect yourself when you make a mistake so things can get messy very quickly.

As difficult as this can be, there are a few strategies to make this journey much more forgiving and they are listed below for all 20 missions.

Mission Strategies

A tried and true method of completing almost every one of these missions is to use Zangief's special moves with a Super Easy Input Assist gem. His grabs can terrorize the AI since they can be defensive to a fault at times and the Super Easy Input gem makes them simple to execute.

Zangief Method: Use Zangief with a Super Easy Input Assist gem equipped and get your opponent on the ground as fast as you can. Start charging up Flying Power Bomb as it has super armor against 1 hit if they wake up with a normal move and he walks forward to grab them so you can keep a small gap between them. You can also use Spinning Piledriver against an opponent getting up if you can't get any space from them and it's also an excellent option if an opponent is standing too close to you after you've been knocked down. If an opponent is jumping in on you a lot, you can use Double Lariat to reset the situation.

The guide author favors Tekken and used Kazuya for almost every mission while utilizing a combo of j.MK > LP > MP > MK > LK for a knockdown and repeating. The AI usually tries to attack on wake-up or interrupt this combo at MK but the combo catches most attempts unless they use an EX Special move. Use a different character as your first character and perform a jump-in combo with a launcher to switch to Kazuya so he doesn't take unnecessary damage at the start of matches. Kazuya is also a great option if you want to autopilot through longer missions with multiple fights since this combo is easy to execute. LP > LP > MP is another solid option for a quick response to opponents missing attacks up close.


Win condition: Win with only normal moves. The opponent will only take damage from normal moves so basic LP, MP, HP, LK, MK, and HK moves.
Time: 60 seconds

Your opponents are Balrog and Guile and they're not too tough but they will break any throws and they're looking to punish any jump-in attempts so stay grounded, play some defense when needed, and take them down.

Recommended characters: Any
Recommended gems: Any Attack Boost gems activated by connecting with normal moves


Win condition: Win with only Special Moves. The opponent will only take damage from special moves such as Ryu's Hadoken.
Time: 60 seconds
Other: Max Gauge Start

Your opponents are Paul and Ken who shouldn't give you any trouble but they do have solid anti-air answers for any jump-in attempts so again, stay grounded and use whatever special moves you have at your disposal. Use Zangief method.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Ryu, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems activated by connecting with Special moves


Win condition: Do a 15 hit combo with a Switch.
Time: 60 seconds
Other: Max Gauge Start

Your opponents are Yoshimitsu and King and they will not be an issue whatsoever so jump in with a jumping attack that preferably has 2 hits and combo into LP > MP > HP > HP for a launcher that will switch out to your second character. Continue the combo with your second character with LP > Cross Art. You should have about 7-8 combo hits already and the Cross Art will probably give you another 10 hits at least. If you have Ryu as your first character and perform the combo above, he will finish the Cross Art and Shinku Hadoken alone gives you a majority of the hits you need.

Recommended characters: Any, Ryu
Recommended gems: Any


Win condition: Defeat all of your opponents.
Time: 99

You will have 4 fights in a row against solo characters in this order: Balrog, Vega, Sagat, M. Bison. You will regenerate a little bit of health after every fight that you win.

No one opponent feels worse than the others but Balrog and Vega are the most likely to punish jump-in attempts even though Sagat has some of the better anti-air options. Sagat plays a good keep-out game with projectiles and long normals. M. Bison will smother you with Psycho Crusher if you keep your distance from him so stay close. Use Zangief method for all 4 fights.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems


Win condition: Defeat your opponent.
Time: 30 seconds
Other: 50% Vitality Start. Opponent has Regenerating Gauge

Your opponents are Abel and Rolento and you're on a short timer with half-health so the mission is trying to put some pressure on you. Rolento is the easier opponent here but you probably won't see him. Abel has some command grab Special moves so try to keep him out of range for them and you should be fine otherwise. Use Zangief method.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems


Win condition: Win with only counter hits. The opponent will only take damage from counter hits.
Time: 99 seconds
Other: 50% Vitality Start. Max Gauge Start. Opoonent has Max Gauge Start.

Your opponent is Dhalsim and this can be your first annoying mission since it's such an odd win condition. A counter hit is when an opponent throws out an attack and you interrupt it on startup, meaning the first few frames, so you want to wait for Dhalsim to throw out an unsafe or slow move and get a hit before the attack ends. This is usually easy against opponents on the ground who try to wake up with an attack and you interrupt them but Dhalsim doesn't have any particularly fast moves on wake-up so it's not as easy.

The best method the guide author could find is to use Ryu and get Dhalsim in the corner. From here you want to throw LP at a close distance so Ryu can connect with his smaller normals. Dhalsim will try to throw a few moves but Ryu will interrupt him since his LP is so quick up close. Rinse and repeat until you defeat Dhalsim.

Recommended characters: Ryu, Any
Recommended gems: Any Attack Boost gems activated by connecting with normal moves


Win condition: Defeat all of your opponents.
Time: 99 seconds

You will have 5 fights in a row against teams of all girls in this order: Lili/Julia, Nina/Cammy, Ibuki/Asuka, Xiaoyu/Chun-Li, Juri/Poison. You will regenerate a little bit of health after every fight that you win.

This mission is longer than The Four Kings mission but it's not much harder. Some standout opponents would be Julia, Cammy, and Juri.

Julia has an excellent wake-up option with her DP so it's hard to pressure her on knockdown; she also has some insane damage using simple moves. Cammy can be a menace in the air and she will jump until you press a button so try to KO Nina before Cammy comes out. Juri isn't as bad as Julia but she does have a solid counterattack move if you're using normal moves against her and get caught trying to autopilot your combos but she likes to switch early for some reason so Poison will be a much easier time. Use Zangief method for all 5 fights.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems


Win condition: Win using only Super Arts. The opponent will only take damage from Super Arts.
Time: 60 seconds
Other: Regenerating Gauge. Opponent also has Regenerating Gauge

Your opponents are Ryu and Kazuya and some people suggest to use Ryu for his Shinku Hadoken since Kazuya doesn't have great range options but you will hardly see Kazuya without putting damage on Ryu first. Instead, use the Zangief method but continue to charge your Flying Power Bomb until it becomes his Super Art. Rinse and repeat and Ryu should go down in 3 Super Arts.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Ryu
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems


Win condition: Defeat all of your opponents.
Time: 99 seconds

You will have 3 fights in a row against teams consisting of big-body characters in this order: Rufus/Bob, Marduk/Hugo, Zangief/Kuma. You will regenerate a little bit of health after every fight that you win.

All 3 of these fights can be fairly annoying since most grapplers like to use a grab on wake-up so it's hard to pressure them consistently.

Rufus and Bob are the easiest team since they're not really grapplers but they do have some excellent movement with their Special moves. Try to keep Rufus grounded and watch out for his EX Special moves on wake-up and Bob won't cause too much trouble.

Marduk and Hugo feel like the standout here as Marduk refuses to let his guard down and will punish you with a grab every time. He will use his backhand with super armor at a certain range so if you can bait that out use a jump-in combo for as much damage as you can. Hugo is a nuisance if you like to jump since he will grab you out of the air almost every chance you give him but he is pretty slow on the ground. If you keep him at a distance he will do his super jump towards you which is incredibly unsafe so just wait for the opportunity to punish him.

Zangief and Kuma can be one of the hardest or easiest fights depending on if Zangief switches to Kuma early on in the fight. Zangief will terrorize you with grabs if you stay up close and he has Double Lariat if you like to jump in a lot. He also has Banishing Hand if you like to keep your distance so you're not really safe anywhere. Do some damage and try to get Kuma in there as he'll be much easier to deal with.

Use Zangief method and try to manipulate unsafe options from your opponents and you should clean this up quickly.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems


Win condition: Defeat your opponent
Time: 30 seconds
Other: 25% Vitality Start, Max Gauge Start

Your opponent is Jin for this fight and he has about 50% health compared to your 25% health. You have full meter at the start so you could easily do some quick damage and then connect with a Cross Art or Pandora. Jin isn't much of an issue so use any tactic you want and it should be over quickly. Use Zangief method.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems


Win condition: Defeat all of your opponents
Time: 99 seconds

You will have 3 fights in a row against these teams in order: Xiaoyu/Raven, Chun-Li/Cammy, Vega/M. Bison. You will regenerate a little bit of health after every fight that you win.

This is not a very difficult mission so just use characters that you like and work your way through it.

Vega and M. Bison are probably the worst fight but if you stay close to them they shouldn't be a problem. Use Zangief method but be careful because these are some of the most agile opponents to face and can get around Zangief fairly easily.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems


Win condition: Win using only Cross Assault. The opponent will only take damage from Cross Assault attacks.
Time: 99 seconds
Other: Max Gauge Start

Your opponents are Rufus/Bob and Rufus can make this mission tricky. He loves to jump all over the place so catching him with even stray hits is tough. The best strategy would be to get them into the corner and activate Cross Assault. Jump over the opponent and try to cross them up on the way down to confuse them on where to block. Once you've opened them up, put on as much damage as you can before Cross Assault runs out. If you can't get them on the first try, you have plenty of time to build your gauge back up to use Cross Assault again but you'll need to survive long enough to get there.

Zangief method will waste too much time and you won't get all the damage from your partner's attacks so use different characters.

Recommended characters: Any
Recommended gems: Any Attack Boost gems


Win condition: Win via time out.
Time: 60 seconds
Other: 25% Vitality Start, Max Gauge Start. Opponent has Regenerating Gauge.

Probably the second hardest mission in the game if you don't have any DLC gems. Your opponents are Guile and Law and trying to survive for 60 seconds against these two without really fighting them is a nightmare.

Guile isn't rushing you down but he will throw Sonic Booms of varying speeds if you keep your distance and if you do get close, he will throw you without hesitation. Jump-ins will earn you an immediate Flash Kick, usually EX as well, so you have to be precise with your movements.

Law has no projectiles but he does have a flying kick that closes the distance immediately and does chip damage if blocked. Once he's in he will pressure you with mostly lows but he does have an overhead that will hit you if you're blocking low.

These two are menaces in their own right but on top of that, they will activate Cross Assault at least once every time you try this mission. When this happens your best bet is to block low against the character that's brighter than the other. Let the game do some auto-blocking for you and hope that they don't hit you with an overhead attack or do your best to block the attempts until their Cross Assault ends.

This will seem like the longest minute of your life and it will take a few tries to clear it but you'll start to get a feel for when to move, how to jump over Guile's projectiles, and how to defend against Cross Assault. Since your goal is not to defeat your opponents, Zangief is not viable.

So what's the answer? In a word, defense. In more words, Akuma and Vega. You're going to want Akuma out first to try and deal with as many of Guile's Sonic Booms with Gohadoken. Getting a start with some minimal damage with an EX Gohadoken in the air is critical; you don't want to defeat your opponents but if you take too much damage and reach time out they will win so you want to do at least some damage. You also have Ashura Senpu which lets Akuma phase forward or backward and has invincibility to get you off the corner if you're dealing with too much pressure. You are vulnerable at the end of it so you need to make sure you can get out of range of Guile's Flash Kick or Law's Somersault when you do use it. You will hit the corner eventually so you'll need an escape plan. Put a Super Easy Input Assist gem on Akuma so you can do it easily.

Vega is a solid second character since he is pretty fast and has excellent evasive options such as Flying Barcelona Attack and Wall Jump when you're in the corner. When Akuma has taken too much damage, switch to Vega and do your best to pace your opponent back and forth across the stage. Use Wall Jumps when you hit the corners but be careful when you use them against Guile. He likes to sit in a position that will let him punish your landing with Flash Kick and be able to shoot Sonic Boom safely so you have to get him positioned well before you escape. If you need to take some health from your opponent, poke them with cr.MP since it has decent reach and won't kill them from their starting health.

NOTE: There are two gems that make this one of the easiest missions. Vitality Boost gems 200 and 201 have instant health restoration when you have 50% health and your partner has 25% health. These will double your characters' starting health - the only issue is that they are DLC gems that you must pay $0.99 for each and that's just for one type of character - Street Fighter or Tekken. This mission is very much possible without those gems but it's an easy clear with them.

Recommended characters: Akuma, Vega
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gem for Akuma, any Defense Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems


Win condition: Defeat all of your opponents.
Time: 99 seconds
Other: Opponent has Max Gauge Start.

You will have 3 fights in a row against the Mishima family members from Tekken in this order: Jin, Kazuya, Heihachi. You will regenerate a little bit of health after every fight that you win.

Jin has nothing in the way of pressure and uses his projectile mostly so get in his face to keep him from picking up momentum.

Kazuya is the biggest issue. He loves to use Mist Step to throw Electric Wind God Fist at you and if you get too comfortable blocking high he'll mix it up with Hell Sweep. If you try to pressure him after a knockdown, EWGF is there to solve his problems but if you just stand there waiting for him to throw it out he'll grab you. He has excellent combo strings that consist of highs and lows but they're fairly easy to react to if you know what they look like. Take your time with this fight because he will run you over before you realize you're in trouble.

Heihachi has some of the same pressure as Kazuya but he's much slower so use that to your advantage and smother him when he's standing.

Use Zangief method.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems


Win condition: Defeat your opponent.
Time: 99 seconds
Other: Max Gauge Start. Opponent has Regenerating Vitality.

Your opponents are Juri and Hwoarang who can be be a bit annoying in this mission because they have decent tools to stop pressure and they're fast. The biggest hurdle of this mission is that the opponent is regenerating health during the entire fight but Zangief method trivializes that.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Any Attack Boost gems


Win condition: Win using only Pandora. The opponent will only take damage while you are in Pandora.
Time: 60 seconds
Other: 25% Vitality Start

Your opponents are Law and Ken who start with 50% health at the start. Since you start with 25% health you can immediately activate Pandora, just make sure you activate it with the character you don't want to use to fight with since they will be sacrificed. You want to deal with Law because Ken has good tools to end any pressure you try to put on him. You get full meter in Pandora so use that to your advantage to end this before Pandora runs out. Zangief method is a bit slow but you can still get the job done in time with a few Flying Power Bombs.

Recommended characters: Any
Recommended gems: Any Attack Boost gems


Win condition: Defeat all of your opponents.
Time: 99 seconds

This mission can be a major roadblock. You will have 4 fights in a row against solo grappler characters in this order: King, Hugo, Marduk, Zangief. You will regenerate a little bit of health after every fight that you win.

King has just as many throws as the others but he doesn't command much of a presence in this fight. He can be rough if you try to pressure him up close on knockdown because he will spend meter to use EX throws when given the chance but tighter strings keep him humble. Zangief eats him alive with his Flying Power Bombs so let him have it.

Hugo is the run killer of this mission. He may be slow on the ground but if you even think about jumping, Hugo has already grabbed you out of the air so any jump-in pressure is out of the question. He will also grab you immediately if you try to hover over him after a knockdown so you can't count on catching wake up options. However, Hugo has two options that you can manipulate easily. First, he has a massive jumping move that is wildly unsafe that he will use when you stay a full screen length away from him. Wait for him to leap into the air and prepare a combo that puts on decent damage and knocks him down so you can get yourself back into position to do it all again. He also has a running grab move that you can punish easily enough if you space yourself appropriately so keep an eye out for him to extend his arms out toward you and start running. It might take the entire 99 seconds but he'll hand you the win eventually. Zangief is okay against Hugo but he'll probably eat a few grabs or an EX clothesline move that has super armor.

Marduk isn't supposed to be an issue but he will put you in an uncomfortable position very fast. The first big issue is his defense; King and Hugo will eat a lot damage before they grab you but Marduk is content with blocking your entire string just to tackle you afterwards. That being said, you would think that Zangief is an excellent counter with his grabs but Marduk will interrupt those grabs with his tackle as well. So the best option is to bait out his backhand attack that has super armor. If you can get him to throw this move out at a relatively safe distance, you can get a free jump-in punish to pull off your best combo. Play cautiously against Marduk and you should be alright.

Zangief is hard to get a gauge on for some players because it takes quite a bit just to make it that far but he can be one of the easier fights. He obviously has Flying Power Bomb and Spinning Piledriver that does great damage and they come out quick on wake up so you have to be weary of any pressure you put on. If you try to stay at a distance because of those grabs, he has Banishing Hand where he takes a massive step toward you that ignores projectile. If you jump in he has Double Lariat to check you so there's no perfect distance. Luckily, he falls for most of his own cheesy tactics so your Zangief will do decently against him. Be careful with charging Flying Power Bomb too much though because he'll use EX Banishing Hand which can bounce you and lead to insane damage. If your other character is pretty healthy you can activate Cross Assault to share some health with Zangief to keep him in the fight.

Grapplers suffer against projectile users so you can use someone like Ryu or Guile to get cheap damage and keep some distance between them - you'll only run into issues against Zangief with his Banishing Hand. Use Zangief method and a character you feel can punish these characters well and you should make it through this mission after a few tries.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Kazuya, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems


Win condition: Win via Perfect.
Time: 99 seconds
Other: Max Gauge Start

Your opponent is Kuma. He is very slow and doesn't really put up much of a fight but the stray hits are the scariest part. The best strategy here is to knock him down and keep him from attacking. Zangief is alright but you can't safely charge up Flying Power Bomb since you need the Perfect to win. Try using some projectile characters if you're worried about getting hit or utilize your meter with a strong combo to end the match quickly.

Recommended characters: Any
Recommended gems: Any Attack Boost gems


Win condition: Defeat all of your opponents.
Time: 99 seconds
Other: Opponent has Regenerating Gauge

You will have 2 fights in a row against the 2 bosses of the games in this order: Ogre, Akuma. You will regenerate a little bit of health after you win the first fight. This mission is said to be one of the 4 hardest but it doesn't take much to break it down.

Ogre is up first and he is the fighting god of punishes. He has incredible moves to punish most options. He has Blazing Kick to stop any jump--in attempts and Ancient Power to stop any wake up pressure. He also has Owl's Hunt that lets him get in instantly if you try to stay away from him and some solid combos. He has little to no answer to Zangief's Flying Power Bomb if you charge it to at least EX for the super armor since Owl's Hunt is only one hit so bully him with throw spam.

Akuma is not as annoying as Ogre initially but he still has solid options. Goshoryuken is great for ending your pressure and he has Gohadoken for any distance since he has the airborne option. Tatsumaki will close the distance and he has Ashura Senpu to evade your attacks. All in all he is a straight forward opponent until you get him to about 25% health where he will start to use Misogi relentlessly. You're dealing with his regenerating gauge so you're never really safe from this move coming out and if there's an open frame in your pressure you're sure to see it. Its first attack is easily blocked if he's trying to punish a quick LP or LK but it also has a pillar of flame when he lands so you don't get much room to punish this attack. You won't see much Raging Demon but do your best not to get caught by it. Zangief cleans this fight up nicely if you can avoid Goshoryuken and Tatsumaki. If you time your grabs well you should never see Misogi.

Use Zangief method and keep your characters healthy for Akuma and you should make it through this with little frustration.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gems, any Attack Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems


Win condition: Defeat all of your opponents
Time: 99 seconds

You will have to fight all of the original default teams in the game, in a row, ending with the 2 bosses of the game, Ogre and Akuma. You will regenerate a decent amount of health after every fight that you win.

This mission isn't necessarily hard but it is a long one and if you get low on health against the wrong team it can be difficult to clean up your situation. This guide will not cover every match up because the majority of teams are not much to deal with but here are the standouts:

Guile and Abel will be your first opponents and while Abel isn't an issue, Guile can put you off to a bad start. Sonic Boom and Flash Kick are great tools for all ranges and pressure options so you need to play around him as much as you can. The best thing that could happen is that he switches to Abel early on and you move on relatively unscathed.

Balrog and Vega are about halfway into the mission and Balrog is the main problem. He has a good anti-air and he can close the gap quickly so you have to be careful putting the pressure on him. If you wait for him to do his lunging low punch move you can punish him hard and you'll only be better off if he decides to switch to Vega.

Chun-Li and Cammy's fight is when the mission seems to pick up in difficulty so try to take less risks if you've been playing recklessly up to this point. Chun-Li isn't too bad but she does have EX Spinning Bird Kick if you put too much pressure on her on wake up so keep an eye on her meter later into the fight. Cammy can be a nuisance just because she likes to stay off the ground and she's fast but if you play some good defense you'll be fine here.

M.Bison and Juri are fourth to last and M. Bison really doesn't deserve to be here. Jump in on him and don't give him an inch of distance and you'll come out of this fight with a Perfect. Juri can be a problem if you're throwing moves out without a plan. She has a counterattack option that is fairly slow but if you're mindlessly using a simple string over and over she could eat you alive. Pay attention to her movements and if you see her disappear stop attacking and wait for her. Once her counterattack is over you can go for a big punish.

Kazuya and Nina are next and this fight can end a run if you're not careful. Like in Mission 14, Kazuya is a problem. He has EWGF for any jump-in attempts or pressure you try to put on him and he loves to be in your face at all times by using Mist Step to get in. If you play defensive he will give you plenty of opportunities to punish him so maximize your damage in those moments. Nina is a non-factor so she's the preferred opponent.

Ken and Ryu are the last normal team before the bosses and they will make it apparent that they're the last step if you try to rush in too much. The both have Shoryuken to break up your pressure so keep your combo strings tight. Your main goal is to bait out Hadoken from a distance where you can jump-in to punish them before they can react. Keep a step or two away from them after a knockdown and you'll be able to pressure them safely.

Your final opponents are Akuma and Ogre and they can bring an end to your run very quickly. Most jump-ins are getting punished in this fight so keep them scarce and they both have options if you like to keep the distance. Akuma is the easier opponent here surprisingly because he will let your unsafe options go unpunished more often than Ogre so make the most of the opportunity. Bait out Gohadoken for a solid jump-in punish and watch his meter later into the fight so you can be prepared for Misogi or Raging Demon. Ogre still has Blazing Kick for those jump-ins, Ancient Power to stop your pressure, and Owl's Hunt to close the gap. If he gets the right hit, he'll take about 40% of your health so don't give him the chance to set you up in the corner or your 20 minutes of work will be for nothing. Both of them are helpless against Zangief.

Use Zangief method. None of the characters that you will encounter know how to deal with Zangief very well but characters like Rufus and Cammy will make it hard to get them locked down. Kazuya is a great choice because of his solid autopilot options since this is such a long mission but don't get complacent or you'll end up in an uncomfortable position before you realize it. Otherwise use the character you feel most familiar with since you have so many different matchups to deal with in a row.

Recommended characters: Zangief, Any
Recommended gems: Super Easy Input Assist gem, any Attack Boost gems, any Vitality Boost gems

If you can only get through 18 of the 20 missions and you're hitting a brick wall, DO NOT GIVE UP. Try new gems, new characters, and new strategies or come back after you've worked on some other trophies. The methods listed above worked for the guide author but there are thousands of different ways to play fighting games; find what's right for you to finish these missions.

Once you've completed your last mission, the trophy should pop and you'll be smooth sailing for the remainder of the game.

First Achievers

1 soongyu66
27th Oct 2012
6:24:20 AM
2 fortune_777
27th Oct 2012
1:45:41 PM
3 Ryoga
28th Oct 2012
6:18:28 AM
4 MaxXAraGami
28th Oct 2012
8:39:41 AM
5 kensyua
28th Oct 2012
1:54:59 PM
28th Oct 2012
3:11:45 PM
7 David_Bin
28th Oct 2012
3:22:33 PM
8 hadzuki
28th Oct 2012
3:55:30 PM
9 procyon0
28th Oct 2012
4:57:45 PM
10 daichanz
28th Oct 2012
5:04:05 PM
11 Playa_F
28th Oct 2012
5:05:49 PM
12 AongNoy
29th Oct 2012
1:35:29 AM
13 ahe4043712
29th Oct 2012
6:43:38 AM
14 noah123
29th Oct 2012
11:39:48 AM
15 Shiba-Neko6
29th Oct 2012
4:51:02 PM
16 nakodid79
29th Oct 2012
8:32:37 PM
17 wjz198012
30th Oct 2012
1:05:00 PM
18 apple-okeihan
30th Oct 2012
3:18:06 PM
19 nawojiaoxx
31st Oct 2012
12:44:56 AM
20 Gelo666
31st Oct 2012
3:37:22 AM
21 DJSeeker
31st Oct 2012
11:59:36 AM
22 luowei88888
31st Oct 2012
6:12:24 PM
31st Oct 2012
6:49:26 PM
24 wuww
1st Nov 2012
10:50:40 AM
25 ziboong
1st Nov 2012
4:32:10 PM
26 bonekiller
1st Nov 2012
4:46:24 PM
27 ShinYaiba4869
1st Nov 2012
9:50:07 PM
28 Tacoman824
2nd Nov 2012
3:44:30 AM
29 dna-dy
2nd Nov 2012
5:52:53 AM
30 comme_sarah
2nd Nov 2012
7:19:54 AM
31 AmaterasuOkami1
2nd Nov 2012
2:15:38 PM
32 Pyrena35
2nd Nov 2012
5:54:15 PM
33 Fukushuu
3rd Nov 2012
10:17:10 PM
4th Nov 2012
5:46:00 AM
35 kinchen1982
4th Nov 2012
10:29:31 AM
36 orochiogami
4th Nov 2012
3:36:57 PM
37 Megurine_Luka_xu
4th Nov 2012
4:50:41 PM
4th Nov 2012
6:34:52 PM
4th Nov 2012
8:29:09 PM
40 DarkShaDow-OAT
4th Nov 2012
9:25:11 PM
41 GeT_MuRkeD_SoN
4th Nov 2012
11:33:07 PM
42 Dakimeon
5th Nov 2012
1:37:18 AM
43 mrk_b05
5th Nov 2012
3:25:31 AM
44 delpiero_711
5th Nov 2012
9:34:01 AM
5th Nov 2012
11:03:44 AM
46 m_i_s_01
5th Nov 2012
1:23:37 PM
47 NHS5009
5th Nov 2012
2:17:15 PM
48 hikkisama
5th Nov 2012
4:10:52 PM
49 Makijune
5th Nov 2012
4:53:24 PM
50 loong621
5th Nov 2012
5:46:59 PM

Latest Achievers

1 trophynerd122
10th Jul 2024
11:36:23 AM
2 kimamana_Jonny
2nd Jul 2024
10:56:55 AM
3 kalipseaux
24th Jun 2024
3:19:03 AM
4 Bya-Kuchiki
22nd Jun 2024
11:12:35 AM
5 RuySon1
16th Jun 2024
2:12:22 AM
6 Schlabbes
12th Jun 2024
5:19:14 PM
7 kishtar__
6th Jun 2024
3:19:16 AM
8 IcyFir3902
31st May 2024
11:01:37 AM
30th May 2024
8:20:50 PM
10 LaynusSideral
29th May 2024
5:50:09 AM
11 CRUX19
28th May 2024
12:49:47 AM
12 SomarSaint
27th May 2024
8:58:54 PM
13 MrHitmanFan47
23rd May 2024
12:35:30 AM
14 First_Player23
28th Apr 2024
5:14:27 PM
15 Bob6605804
15th Apr 2024
10:32:53 PM
16 ReYdeJoTaS
31st Mar 2024
2:08:53 PM
17 iiNQTR
19th Mar 2024
5:42:33 PM
18 xIbanezz
15th Mar 2024
11:48:25 PM
19 Jwalfe
4th Mar 2024
10:53:19 PM
20 zmey9531
24th Feb 2024
4:01:47 PM
21 Hayate188
21st Feb 2024
1:53:11 AM
22 Sorubeid
19th Feb 2024
12:51:16 PM
23 Gumi-Red-Heat
19th Feb 2024
10:43:13 AM
24 Killwaffler
14th Feb 2024
11:12:03 PM
25 DaemonSpade07
10th Feb 2024
5:40:57 PM
26 newsoulxx
8th Feb 2024
7:03:15 AM
27 ShawAlfie700
28th Jan 2024
3:52:38 PM
28 Roachman_BR13
26th Jan 2024
9:35:14 AM
29 G-RIZ1992
23rd Jan 2024
6:49:42 PM
30 ArcadeGear
22nd Jan 2024
3:34:51 AM
31 ErisFloralia
15th Jan 2024
9:36:52 AM
32 N4DPK_
12th Jan 2024
9:56:49 PM
33 Siraphael11
10th Jan 2024
11:13:49 PM
34 YouCantWinMe
25th Dec 2023
11:34:52 AM
35 Trilobite1
22nd Dec 2023
5:32:54 AM
36 NoMoreUpdates
9th Dec 2023
10:36:35 AM
37 ArzorX
25th Nov 2023
3:37:01 AM
38 retr0_x0A1
22nd Nov 2023
12:34:20 AM
39 KotKun
15th Nov 2023
6:34:59 AM
40 A-Rice87
8th Nov 2023
1:22:27 PM
41 dampab
24th Oct 2023
9:23:37 PM
42 XxSavageDMxX
19th Sep 2023
7:32:10 AM
43 ducktendo
8th Sep 2023
7:38:46 PM
44 TenNorbert
28th Aug 2023
8:55:26 PM
45 Rade-SBU
23rd Jul 2023
2:58:00 PM
46 Beelzaboul
16th Jul 2023
2:24:42 AM
47 sssMABsss
14th Jul 2023
8:51:06 PM
48 Gt5AD-_
9th Jul 2023
9:13:36 AM
49 Juliozuffi
9th Jul 2023
12:57:52 AM
50 Alexgaara
28th Jun 2023
9:34:00 PM